New Scenarios for Policy Communication in the Digital Environment

5 Jun 2015 - 7 Jun 2015

Nuevos escenarios de la comunicación politica en el ambito digital 2015, International Conference, Havana

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba has announced the International Conference ‘New scenarios for policy communication in the digital environment, 2015’ to be held in the framework of the tenth anniversary of the World Summit for the Information Society.

Preceded by the experiences and recommendations emanating from the 1st and 2nd International Social Networking and Alternative Media Workshop held in Havana in 2011 and 2013, this international conference is expected to discuss the development of Information and communications technologies (ICT) and their impact on the system of international relationsl as well as in policy communication in the digital realm. The meeting will strive to coordinate positions and make recommendations on global and regional level cardinal issues, including the technological and cultural sovereignty of nations, cyber security, and Internet governance, among other topics.

Complete information in Spanish
