WSIS+10 Overall Review: Cross-community Dialogue and Civil Society coordination event

On Monday, March 2, in Paris, a group of civil society organisations including Global Partners Digital (GPD), Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Internet Democracy Project, KICTANet, Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi, and the Internet Rights and Principles (IRP) Coalition – in collaboration with the Internet Society (ISOC) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – will be holding a one-day event focused on the WSIS+10 Overall Review.

The event includes a two-hour cross-community dialogue, with representatives from the technical community, the business sector and governments, focused on Internet governance challenges for 2015, including the WSIS+10 Overall Review.

The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the review process and to facilitate coordination and strategy development for effective civil society engagement. The event will be held on the margins of UNESCO’s CONNECTing the Dots conference. A detailed agenda for the civil society sessions as well as information on speakers for the cross-community sessions will be shared closer to the date.

A rough agenda for the day is as follows:

09:00-12:00Civil society awareness raising and coordination session 1
13:00-14:00Cross-community session 1: Setting the scene for the WSIS process in 2015: what is at stake?
14:00-15:00Cross-community session 2: Sharing strategies and finding synergies
15:30-17:30Civil society awareness raising and coordination session 2

The event will be held at the ICC Headquarters, 33 Avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France.

For more information contact: More information about the WSIS review and why it matters is available in this briefing note (written by Deborah Brown and Lea Kaspar) and on the ITU WSIS website.
