Internet Society Community Forum


Internet Society CEO Kathy Brown will host a live discussion on 15 January, 14:30-15:30 UTC, via Connect or WebEx, to take a brief look back at highlights from 2014 and the key issues facing the Internet in 2015.

The Community Forum will cover Internet governance challenges, including the IANA transition; security and privacy issues; and Internet growth, access, and development. The community’s ideas for areas of action for the ISOC community will be sought, as the Internet Society works to ensure an open, resilient Internet for everyone, everywhere. 

The Community Forum promises to be informative, interactive and action-oriented. All members are invited to participate and share your ideas. Questions are to be submitted by Tuesday, 13 January. To submit your questions ahead of time and for more information on how to join, visit the event webpage.

All members are invited to participate and share their ideas.
