Competence Building for Cyberpeace

Geneva, Switzerland

Cyberspace has become an essential component of modern society, yet its merits are accompanied by threats. Join us on Wednesday, 9 November for a discussion on what is needed to maintain a peaceful cyberspace in our Geneva Peace Week event on competence building for cyberpeace. The session will be held between 13:00 and 15:00 CET (12:00 – 14:00 UTC), at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Building, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The defense from cyberattacks requires not only cutting-edge IT skills, but also a solid understanding of the legal and regulatory environment, international relations and diplomacy, and economic and institutional risks. Competences for cybersecurity are a prerequisite for peace, especially when it comes to protecting the critical infrastructure and enabling international cooperation in preventing and responding to cyber-incidents. 

DiploFoundation’s 2016 study Cybersecurity Competence Building Trends analysed the experiences from several OECD member states that have systematically advanced cyber competence building. The study underlined the importance of cross-professional collaboration and public-private partnerships.

This session will discuss cyber competence building trends, concrete efforts to advance cyberpeace, and challenges ahead for short- and long-term prospects. Join us for the discussion on what is needed to maintain a peaceful cyberspace, and learn about what can be done from a range of different perspectives.

Confirmed panellists:

  • Dr Daniel Stauffacher, President of the ICT4Peace Foundation
  • Ms Despoina Sareidaki, ICT Policy Analyst, Cybersecurity and Internet Policy, International Telecommunications Union
  • Mr David Rüfenacht, Analyst at MELANI and co-author of Cybersecurity Competence Building Trends

Moderator: Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Director of DiploFoundation, and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform

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