Digital Regulation Forum

28 Mar 2017 - 29 Mar 2017

London, UK

The Digital Regulation Forum will be held on 28-29 March 2017, in London, UK.

Under the overarching theme ‘Winners and loosers: Will the future EU Electronic Communications Code deliver the gigabit society?’, the event will be dedicated to high level discussions on key topics which will shape the current and future digital landscape in Europe. Specific issues to be discussed during the two-day forum include infrastructure developments and the deployment of 5G networks; digital policies in Europe, US, and other regions – which policies are te most conducive to investment and innovation?; the proposed EU Electronic Communications Code; regulation and competition in post mobile mergers in Europe; national legislative and regulatory regimes on net neutrality; consumer protection; the universal service; and new roaming rules.

The event will be attended by EU officials, national regulatory authorities in the field of electronic communications, private companies, and industry association, among others.

For more information, visit the event website.
