UNECE Initiative for Gender-Responsive Standards: First Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

The first meeting of the Initiative for gender-responsive standards, launched by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), will be held on 4 April 2017, at the International Trade Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Initiative for gender-responsive standards aims at challenging the perception that standards and technical regulations are ‘gender neutral’, and enhancing the contribution of standards in reaching sustainable development goald (SDG) 5 on ‘Empowering women and girls’. Concrete actions to be undertaken under the initiative include promoting the participation of women in standard-setting and processing related to the development and implementation of technical regulations; developing and sharing best practuces on how to take into account biological and cultural differences in standards development and implementation; developing gender indicators and criteria that can be used in standard development; and identifying and undertaking actions to ensure that standards contribute to gender equality.

The meeting on 4 April will de dedicated to sharing on experiences on issues related to gender and standards, as well as to discussions on the Initiative’s next steps and work plan.

For more information, visit the event webpage.
