Dessine-moi un faclab – UNIGE hackaton

13 Apr 2018

Geneva, Switzerland

The event, ‘Dessine-moi un FacLab’, is a hackathon that will be held on 13-14 April 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event is being organised through the collaboration of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Museomix.

The movement of FabLabs – technical prototyping platforms for innovation and invention that provide stimuli for local entrepreneurship – was started by Neil Gershendfeld at the end of the ninties at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and is well-developed today in urban and other areas. These systems were subsequently set up in libraries, universities, etc. In this vein, Dessine-moi a FacLab will address production in its widest sense, and will include the production of laws, public policies, economic models, and social and service innovations.

The hackathon will be structured as six dedicated, equipped spaces with varying objectives. In one of these spaces, namely the make/do space, there will be four special workshops:

  • digital skills for all
  • student aid
  • a digital third place
  • research and expert validation

The hackathon is open to, inter alia, all university bodies, policymakers, makers, citizens and neighbouring entities. For more information, visit the event website.
