Media Management in the Age of Big Data and High-tech

14 Jun 2018 - 15 Jun 2018

Warsaw, Poland

The conference ‘Media Management in the Age of Big Data and High-tech’ will be held on 14–15 June 2018 in Warsaw, Poland. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw, under the auspices of the European Media Management Association (emma). 

As an annual emma conference, ‘Media Management in the Age of Big Data and High-tech’ will gather media management scholars and practitioners to critically assess the growing use of computer-assistence in the management of media products/services, organisations, and the everyday life of audiences.The conference will explore how media entreprises are adapting to the age of machines, and may touch on several subthemes including, but not limited to:

  • The ways in which computer networks have changed the organisational structures and business economics of media firms
  • Cultural changes taking place in the information age, or the ‘age of high technologies and robots’
  • Changes to power structures in the age of big data, high technology and machine-related practices
  • Generation Z and the importance of their media habits

A call for papers is open until 30 April 2018 and registration will be available until 1 June 2018. For more information, visit the event website.
