18th Global Symposium for Regulators

9 Jul 2018 - 12 Jul 2018

Geneva, Switzerland

The 18th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR), organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will be held on 9–12 July 2018, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Under the overarching theme ‘New regulatory frontiers’, the symposium will feature discussions about the impact of digital transformation on consumers, businesses, and citizens, as well as on the expansion of regulatory frontiers beyond traditional telecommunications/information and communications technology. 

The symposium will include three thematic events:

  • Global Dialogue on AI, IoT and Cybersecurity – Policy and regulatory challenges and opportunities:
    Discussions will revolve around issues such as the current situation and the relation between artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity, and the potential impact at the global level, the potential use of AI to secure ICT infrastructures and services and the impact on the workforce and users, and privacy within the context of AI and the IoT.
  • Chief Regulatory Officials / Industry Advisory Group for Development Meeting
  • Regional Regulatory Associations Meeting

The GSR main sessions will focus on the following topics: emerging technologies for digital transformation; AI for development, regulation for IoT, AI and 5G; the need for algorithms regulation and the importance of strengthening transparency and accountability, digital identity across different platforms, and the protection of personal data in a smart data driven economy. 

For more information, visit the event website.
