Middle East DNS Forum 2015

9 Mar 2015 - 10 Mar 2015

Amman, Jordan

The Middle East DNS Forum will take place on 9-10 March 2015 in Amman, Jordan. Participants from ICANN, ISOC, registries, registrars, registrants, ccTLDs, new gTLD applicants, service providers, brand owners, and legal firms will attend the event in an aim to build bridges between interested parties in the region and world’s experts in the field, share experiences and best practices, inform the audience of what is taking place in the domain name industry at a global level, and of emerging business opportunities.

The forum is expected to be the building block for future annual forums. The end target of having such an annual forum is to spread the message around and introduce interested parties to the key players in the industry, thus leading to a stronger domain name industry in the region.

The forum is open to anyone interested in issues pertaining to the domain name industry and the business opportunities it can provide, and engage/network with key players and experts in the field. Target audience includes ccTLD and gTLD Registries and Registrars/Resellers, registrants, DNS experts, gTLD applicants, regional TLD organisations, brand owners, IT and Internet businesses, legal and IP firms, among others.

For more information, visit the event website.
