[Briefing #9] Internet governance in October 2014: Dance of the Titans

Geneva, Switzerland, and online

The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance takes place on the first Tuesday of every month. Every month, we look back at what happened and look ahead to what’s to come. If you are in Geneva, join us in situ; if you are somewhere else, join us online.

You receive hundreds of pieces of information on digital politics. We receive them, too.
We decode, contextualise, and analyse them.

Then we summarise them for you.

register buttonFor a ‘zoomed-out’ update of the major global IG and digital policies developments and IG-related events in October, and a discussion on what’s to come in November, join us for our next briefing on Tuesday, 4th November, at 13:00 CET (12:00 UTC/GMT). The webinar takes place online and in situ at 7 bis Avenue de la Paix, Geneva (WMO building, 2nd floor). To join, please fill in the registration form.

In our next Geneva Briefing, we will discuss, among other topics:

  • ICANN51 meeting in Los Angeles, CA, USA: the changes in Government Advisory Committee (GAC), updates on the IANA transition process, and more.
  • The  ITU Plenipotentiary meeting in Busan, Korea: ITU’s new leadership, major changes in the mandate that will impact IG developments, and more.
  • The  Trans-Pacific Partnership: The controversies of the recent leaks with regards to copyright, digital rights management, and liability.
  • Taxing the Internet: The case of Hungary, other examples, and open issues.
  • Forthcoming: Geneva Internet Conference, 18-19 November (with a pre-event on 17 November).

[Update] Last month’s Geneva Briefing focused on IG developments that took place throughout September. Read the digest: Internet Governance in September 2014: The resurrection of cyberspace.

The Geneva Briefings are part of the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) project. To keep up-to-date with GIP events, subscribe to our mailing list. For more info, e-mail us at gip@diplomacy.edu
