Internet Governance Forum 2014

2 Sep 2014 - 5 Sep 2014

Istanbul, Turkey

The Ninth Annual IGF Meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014. Pre-events were held on 1 September. The overarching theme for the IGF 2014 Annual meeting was Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance. The Chair’s Summary gives the traditional summary of the proceedings, but individual reports and commentary give more detail and analysis.

It should be noted that the Internet Ungovernance Forum took place at the same time in Istanbul, and those following IG issues might want to review that process as well.



IGF2014 Chair’s Summary

Dr Jovan Kurbalija’s speech at the High Level Leaders’ Meeting

Summary of Day 0 and 1 at the IGF

Summary of Day 2 at the 9th IGF

Summary of Day 4 at the 9th IGF

Summary of Day 3 at the 9th IGF


Session transcripts and recordings

Transcripts of IGF 2014 sessions are available.

For corrections in the transcripts, please contact the IGF Secretariat at

Video recordings of the IGF 2014 sessions are available.

IGF 2014 session reports are available.


Commentary and analysis

Maps, spaces, and phylogenetic trees: preliminary report

Data mining analysis results from IGF2014 are now available:

[Webinar] Outcomes of IGF 2014 (9 September)

Press release: GIP in full voice at the 9th IGF

GIP and Diplo activities and sessions at IGF 2014

Monde: La nouvelle frontière du Forum de la gouvernance Internet à Istanbul

Remote Participation links available now

Draft schedule (v0.2) for the 9th IGF Annual Meeting (some modifications may occur)

Planning your participation at the IGF2014

Calendar of IGF-related meetings



Workshop Evaluation Forms are available.

The IGF 2014 Evaluation Survey is available.


Background documents

UN E-government Survey

Report by the ICANN/Boston Consulting Group, ranking countries according to their national e-frictions/e-readiness  Greasing the Wheels of the Internet Economy: The Connected World

Report of the Council of Europe on the human rights aspects of ICANN’s activities Commentary on main findings from the Council of Europe Report

Invitation to the Ninth Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum

Responses to the Secretariat’s request for public input:  

See the Open Call to join IGF Best Practices Forums Preparatory Process


IGF 2014 preparatory process

All interested stakeholders were invited to join the the preparatory process for the 2014 Best Practice Forums.

Stakeholders were also invited to submit written contributions documenting best practices to:

Proposed Sub-themes were:

  • Policies enabling Access

  • Content Creation, Dissemination and Use

  • Internet as engine for growth & development

  • IGF & The Future of the Internet ecosystem

  • Enhancing Digital Trust

  • Internet and Human Right

  • Critical Internet Resources

  • Emerging Issues

IGF Workshops

A List of all workshop proposals and their respective status (accepted, merger, not retained) is available. Workshop organisers were able to consult the Resource Persons List if they needed to identify new panelists for their workshops.

More information about the meeting is available on the IGF website.


Other background information

To find out more about Diplo’s Internet language project, see here.
