Technical Standards: A New Realm of China’s International Influence?

11 May 2021


The French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) together with the European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS)is hosting an online roundtable on 11 May. The theme of the event is Technical Standards: A New Realm of China’s International Influence?.

The roundtable will explore the role of technical standardization in China’s national industrial strategy and discuss efforts to deepen international cooperation on standards development at the bilateral and multilateral levels. As its firms become more competitive, China is increasingly well-positioned to define the standards that will shape the industries of the future. Experts will address questions such as: Is China changing the terms and nature of this process of industrial innovation traditionally left to the hands of private actors through the intervention of the party-state apparatus? Can technical standard-setting be a space for constructive negotiation or will it increasingly be a realm of heightened competition and global fragmentation?

More information can be found on the official event webpage.
