Building Diplomatic Networks for a Safe, Secure Cyberspace | IGF 2023 Open Forum #140

11 Oct 2023 00:45h - 01:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Nathaniel Fick, Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State
  • Hideo Ishizuki, Ambassador for Cyber Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
  • Amb. Regine Grienberger, Ambassador for Cyber Foreign Policy and Cyber Security, Germany
  • Liesyl Franz, U.S. Department of State
  • Kathryn Fitrell, U.S. Department of State

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The analysis raises awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and provides several key points to support this notion. One of the main insights is the need to convince authorities and agencies about the significance of cybersecurity. It acknowledges that countries often confront complex and pressing issues which may cause cybersecurity to be overlooked. Therefore, there is a requirement to advocate for cybersecurity to be prioritized by governments and administrations.

Another crucial aspect discussed is capacity building. The analysis emphasizes the necessity of developing expertise at the national level in order to effectively address cybersecurity issues. Without this capacity building, countries will struggle to tackle the rapidly evolving challenges posed by cyber threats.

Partnerships with stakeholders are also stressed as vital factors in cybersecurity. The analysis highlights the importance of engaging with stakeholders such as the private sector, academia, and civil society. These collaborations are seen as crucial at both national and international levels. Governments need to recognize and appreciate the relevance of including stakeholders in the decision-making processes pertaining to cybersecurity.

The analysis also takes a positive stance towards governmental and international collaboration. It stresses the importance of partnerships with stakeholders and the necessity of prioritizing cybersecurity for governments and administrations. The supporting evidence for this stance includes communication about the significance of partnerships and the need to prioritize cybersecurity.

Additionally, the analysis advocates for capacity building as a means to effectively address cybersecurity challenges. It emphasizes the need for expertise at the national level and identifies capacity building as strategically important for combatting cybersecurity issues.

In conclusion, the analysis underscores the importance of cybersecurity and highlights the need to convince authorities and agencies about its significance. It emphasizes the necessity of capacity building and partnerships with stakeholders, and supports governmental and international collaboration. These insights provide a comprehensive perspective on the importance of cybersecurity, the strategies required to address it, and the key stakeholders who should be involved.


The discussion focused on multiple key topics related to digital policy and cybersecurity. The participants highlighted the significance of emerging technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping digital policy and diplomacy. They acknowledged the challenges faced by diplomats and policymakers in adapting policy and legal frameworks to handle these innovations. The emergence of new technologies and AI presents opportunities for enhancing digital policy and diplomacy, as well as addressing global challenges.

Public-private partnerships were identified as crucial in the field of cybersecurity. Cooperation with the private sector was seen as bridging the gap between technical expertise and technological resources. The involvement of the private sector in the implementation of policies was considered valuable. It was noted that public-private partnerships provide an opportunity for private sectors to contribute their knowledge and resources towards addressing cybersecurity threats effectively.

Participants stressed that cybersecurity is a transnational issue that cannot be handled by a single nation alone. International cooperation was identified as paramount in mitigating cyber threats. The interconnected nature of cyber threats necessitates collaboration and information sharing among nations. It was highlighted that effective cybersecurity measures require collective efforts and coordination.

The importance of multilateralism and multi-stakeholderism in tackling digital and cybersecurity issues was advocated. Participants expressed a need for a collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector. It was argued that engaging different stakeholders can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions to cybersecurity challenges.

The discussion also drew attention to the digital divide between the global north and south. Concerns were raised about the disparities in digital access, infrastructure, and skills between developed and developing nations. Participants emphasized the need for international cooperation to address this divide. They called for increased capacity building initiatives and the role of digital ambassadors in developing countries to enhance digital literacy and bridge the gap.

The introduction of new internet standards called zero trust, announced by the United States, was seen as a positive development in enhancing internet security. The concept of zero trust re-architects how the internet works, placing security at its core. It was highlighted that everyone owning their own IP address based on public-private key pairs can contribute to a more secure internet ecosystem.

The importance of reflecting the lessons learned from programs and initiatives in policies was emphasized. Participants encouraged ambassadors to apply their knowledge of internet security to their respective ministries and governments. They stressed the need for policy changes to incorporate the insights gained from addressing cybersecurity challenges.

Estonia was recognized as a small but influential country in the field of technology and cybersecurity. It was noted that Estonia’s national leadership, investment, and focus have resulted in the development of world-defining expertise in these areas. The relatively low capital expenditure required for technology development in Estonia was also mentioned.

The impact of online threats on development efforts, particularly in small island nations like Jamaica, was discussed. Participants acknowledged that online threats intersect with various developmental concerns. They emphasized the need to address online threats as they can undermine progress in areas such as industry, innovation, infrastructure, peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Participants also highlighted the importance of prioritizing issues wisely in countries with limited resources. They acknowledged that different priorities often compete with each other in small states. Effective decision-making and resource management were seen as key factors in maximizing the impact of limited resources.

Overall, the discussion shed light on the complex and interconnected nature of digital policy and cybersecurity issues. It emphasized the importance of collaboration, multilateralism, and multi-stakeholderism in addressing these challenges. The need for bridging the digital divide, enhancing international cooperation, and prioritizing resources wisely were key takeaways from the discussion.

Garima Vatla

During a series of discussions on cybersecurity and digital issues, the importance of the human component was highlighted. It was observed that this aspect is often overlooked in these conversations, despite its significance. Participants stressed the need to consider how individuals interact with and are impacted by technology. Empowering individuals with knowledge to understand these issues effectively emerged as a crucial factor.

Another key finding from the discussions was the nuanced nature of technology. While it presents numerous opportunities, it also poses significant threats in the form of cybersecurity issues. This highlights the need for a balanced approach in addressing these challenges and maximizing the benefits of technology.

One area that requires increased understanding and clarity is the definitions of cyber and digital diplomacy. Participants noted a lack of consensus and confusion surrounding the terminology and scope of these concepts. It is important to address this confusion to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in the field of cyber and digital diplomacy.

The discussions also emphasized the significance of integrating digital and cyber issues within the broader context of global policy. It was highlighted that these issues should not be viewed as separate entities but rather as integral parts of the overall global policy landscape. Recognizing and integrating these components into policy-making processes is essential for effectively addressing the challenges posed by digital and cyber issues on a global scale.

To summarize, the discussions underscored the importance of considering the human component in cybersecurity and digital issues. Empowering individuals with knowledge, clarifying definitions in the field of cyber and digital diplomacy, and integrating digital and cyber issues within global policy frameworks are crucial for effectively tackling the challenges and opportunities presented by technology in the digital age.

Hideo Ishizuki

Japan is taking significant steps to strengthen its cybersecurity measures. The National Police Agency has established a Cyber Affairs Bureau and a National Cyber Unit to address cyber threats effectively. The Ministry of Defense is also committed to increasing the number of personnel in cyber-specialised units to enhance their ability to respond to cyber attacks.

Efforts are being made to introduce active cyber defense to eliminate the possibility of severe cyber attacks. This proactive approach aims to detect and counter cyber threats before they can cause significant damage. Additionally, there is a focus on enhancing public-private collaboration and reforming the government structure for better coordination in dealing with cyber threats.

The increase in cyber threats has shifted responsibility towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are tasked with international cooperation for information gathering, analysis, and the formulation of international frameworks. The geopolitical competition, including incidents such as Russia’s war on Ukraine, has heightened the risks of cyberattacks against critical infrastructure.

To build up cybersecurity capacity, regional mechanisms and worldwide efforts led by organisations like the World Bank are proving to be effective. The ASEAN-Japan Capacity Building Centre, established five years ago in Bangkok, has trained over 1,000 individuals from ASEAN member states. Furthermore, the World Bank has set up a fund called the multi-donor capacity building trust fund and multi-donor cybersecurity trust fund to support global cybersecurity capacity building initiatives.

However, a common issue is a lack of resources dedicated to cybersecurity. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan suffers from a staff shortage in dealing with cybersecurity issues. Leadership does not adequately prioritize the importance of cybersecurity, which further affects resource allocation in this area.

To address this issue, it is crucial to highlight the importance of investment in cybersecurity. Efforts are being made to demonstrate the return on investment in cybersecurity measures. However, one challenge is that the impact of these efforts is not easily visible until a cyber attack occurs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plays a crucial role in collecting and disseminating threat information and incident cases from abroad. This information is essential for government agencies to protect themselves from threats effectively. The dissemination of this information within the government is vital to ensure a coordinated response to cyber threats.

International participation by law enforcement agencies in countermeasures is also crucial. Japan is actively involved in the United States’ counter-ransom initiative, which has more than 40 countries participating. Such international cooperation helps generate interest and investment in cybersecurity.

In conclusion, Japan is committed to strengthening its cybersecurity measures through the establishment of specialized bureaus, increasing personnel, introducing active defense measures, and enhancing public-private collaboration. While regional mechanisms and global efforts are proving to be effective, a lack of dedicated resources poses challenges. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs plays a significant role in collecting and disseminating threat information, and international cooperation in law enforcement agencies is essential for effective cybersecurity.

Nathaniel Fick

The extended summary focuses on the importance of technology and cybersecurity in building diplomatic networks and creating a safe cyberspace. It emphasizes that success in these areas requires the involvement of people, processes, and technology, with the human element being particularly significant. By building connections and strengthening diplomatic networks, countries can work together to address cybersecurity challenges effectively.

The need for a global network of trusted counterparts is emphasized as essential for responding to emergency situations. When a crisis occurs, being able to rely on a trusted counterpart to provide assistance and support is crucial. Developing a framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace can contribute to the creation of such networks.

Mainstreaming technology diplomacy globally is seen as of great importance. This entails building diplomatic networks to ensure a safe and secure cyberspace. Ambassadors Ishizuki Hideo and Regina Greenberger are lauded as pioneers in this field, showcasing the impact of technology diplomacy.

The significance of achieving basic connectivity for the unconnected is emphasized. With around 2.8 billion people still lacking access to basic connectivity, it is essential to prioritize efforts to bridge the digital divide. Without basic connectivity, individuals are unable to participate in the advantages offered by emerging technologies, further exacerbating inequalities.

Capacity building is discussed as a challenge for the State Department and not limited to developing nations. It is recognized that building capacity within organizations is applicable to everyone.

The positive stance towards the priority of achieving basic connectivity for the unconnected is reiterated. By ensuring universal access to basic connectivity, more individuals will have opportunities to benefit from emerging technologies.

The importance of collaboration and open-mindedness in decision making is highlighted. It is crucial to assume good intentions and be open to considering other points of view. The ability to hold opposing ideas simultaneously is deemed a mark of intelligence.

A fresh perspective is seen as beneficial, particularly amongst those new to government bureaucracy. Nathaniel Fick, who has been in government bureaucracy for little more than a year, is mentioned as an example.

The importance of building digital and cyber skills within countries, regardless of their size, is underlined. Estonia’s success in cybersecurity despite being a small country is commended, highlighting the notion that any country can develop world-defining expertise with focus and discipline.

Cybersecurity is regarded as a cost, with efforts focusing on avoiding negative consequences. The prioritization of cybersecurity by leaders is highlighted, with a call to emphasize the positive aspects and opportunities associated with the digital shift. The integration of digital and cyber issues into global policy matters is recommended.

The conclusion of the Jellix Fellows program is acknowledged, expressing gratitude towards Regina and Hideo for their contributions and partnership. Anticipation for ongoing collaboration with the fellows in the future is expressed, and the fellows are looked upon to set the tone for future classes.

In summary, the extended summary emphasizes the significance of technology, cybersecurity, collaboration, and the acquisition of digital and cyber skills in building diplomatic networks, ensuring a safe cyberspace, and addressing emergency situations effectively. It highlights observations such as the need for a global network of trusted counterparts, the role of pioneers in technology diplomacy, and the importance of open-mindedness and fresh perspectives.

Regine Grienberger

The discussion highlighted the significance of cyber diplomacy and its cross-cutting approach. It was argued that cyber diplomacy requires a holistic, governmental approach, involving coordination among different departments and ministries to address cybersecurity challenges. It was emphasized that foreign ministries, military, and various agencies are key players in cyber diplomacy.

Additionally, the role of career diplomats in cyber diplomacy was discussed, with an emphasis on their ability to bring a generalist approach and connect commonalities among security policies. The relevance of the diplomatic toolbox in cyber diplomacy was also highlighted.

The speakers stressed the need for an entrepreneurial spirit and confidence in cyber diplomacy, as it is a new concept that requires promotion and adaptability. Diplomats in this field may need to take risks and be comfortable with uncertainty.

The discussion also acknowledged the relevance of cybersecurity to national and international security, with the potential for cybersecurity concerns to turn into national security threats.

The interlinkage between digital transformation and cybersecurity was emphasized, with a suggestion to focus on opportunities rather than just risks. Both aspects were seen as interconnected and requiring attention.

Investment in cybersecurity capacity building was discussed, noting the indirect rewards of programs that assist law enforcement in tackling cybercrime in other countries. The need for international collaboration in addressing cyber threats was highlighted.

Lastly, the importance of increasing international competencies in dealing with cybersecurity across all government players was emphasized, pointing to the formulation and implementation of a national cybersecurity strategy.

Overall, the discussions provided insights into the nature of cyber diplomacy and the various factors that need to be considered for effective implementation. These insights are valuable for policymakers and stakeholders involved in cybersecurity and diplomacy efforts.


Collaboration between technology and policy discussions plays a critical role in bridging the gap, as highlighted by various speakers at the conference. They emphasized the necessity of collaboration in achieving SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). The dialogue from the United Nations Global Goals (UNGG), the Expert Working Group, and the Collaborative Research Initiative (CRI) all stressed the importance of collaboration.

To further facilitate these discussions, it has been suggested that specific bodies responsible for maintaining discussions be established. Noteworthy examples include the National Cyber Security Coordination Centre in Nigeria and the National Authority for Cyber Security in Albania. By having dedicated agencies, countries can ensure effective communication and cooperation between various stakeholders in the technology and policy realms.

Foreign programs, such as the GLX programme, have also been recognised as valuable resources in understanding the interplay between technology and policy entities. These programmes offer insights into the complex dynamics and interactions between different sectors, providing additional perspective on how to bridge the gap effectively.

Overall, the sentiment from the conference was positive regarding the importance of collaboration between technology and policy discussions. It is evident that it is crucial to work together to address the challenges highlighted by SDG 9 and SDG 17. By embracing collaboration and establishing dedicated bodies responsible for maintaining discussions, stakeholders can foster meaningful dialogue, overcome barriers, and collectively work towards achieving the goals outlined by the United Nations.

Maritza Ristiska

The GEL-X network is a highly regarded asset in the realm of cyberspace security. Comprising dedicated diplomats and experts from around the world, this network is pivotal in advancing international cooperation, building trust, and bolstering resilience to cyber threats. By facilitating collaboration among nations, the GEL-X network plays a crucial role in addressing the global challenge of cybersecurity.

One key argument in support of the network is its ability to enhance cooperation on a global scale. This is achieved through its experience within the OEWG on ICT and the UN Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime. By serving as a platform for the timely sharing of information related to cyber threats, the network promotes proactive and coordinated responses to emerging challenges in the cyber domain. This exchange of information is instrumental in enabling nations to stay abreast of evolving threats and develop effective countermeasures.

Moreover, the network’s impact lies not only in its ability to facilitate cooperation but also in its potential as a coordination hub during and after cyber incidents. During large-scale cyber attacks, the network enables swift communication and coordination among nations. This real-time collaboration is essential for mounting effective responses to mitigate the damage caused by cyber threats. Furthermore, the network provides technical forensic evidence, aiding in the attribution process during cyber incidents. This attribution capability is crucial in holding responsible parties accountable for their actions and deterring future cyber attacks.

Notably, the GEL-X network’s efforts align with the overarching goal of promoting responsible state behavior in cyberspace. By advancing international cooperation, sharing information, and enabling swift coordination, the network contributes to establishing a more secure and stable cyberspace environment. Responsible state behavior is critical in maintaining peace, justice, and strong institutions, as well as fostering continued innovation and infrastructure development.

In conclusion, the GEL-X network is an invaluable asset in cyberspace security. Its role in advancing international cooperation, enhancing coordination during cyber incidents, and promoting responsible state behavior makes it instrumental in addressing the challenges of cybersecurity. As the landscape of cyberspace continues to evolve, the GEL-X network’s contributions will play a pivotal role in securing the digital domain and safeguarding global interests.


The analysis delved into the importance of understanding cyber landscapes and cyber diplomacy from three different perspectives. Firstly, one perspective highlighted the crucial nature of comprehending a country’s cyber landscape. The argument presented was that in order to navigate the complexities and challenges of the ever-evolving cyber realm, it is imperative for countries to have a deep understanding of their own cyber landscape. This involves understanding the various agencies and entities involved, as well as recognising the role of foreign ministries in facilitating collaboration between public and private entities.

The second perspective explored the benefits of learning from the U.S. cyber diplomacy and cyberspace. It was noted that the U.S. State Department organizes a program that provides insight into U.S. cyberspace, thereby enhancing the participants’ ability to understand their own ecosystem. By studying the approaches and experiences of the United States in the realm of cyber diplomacy, countries can gain valuable knowledge and apply best practices to their own contexts.

The third perspective advocated for supporting collaboration and understanding in cyber diplomacy. The discussions stressed the importance of foreign ministries in fostering partnerships and collaboration between different stakeholders. The analysis emphasized the need to continue such collaboration and understanding in order to address the complex challenges of cyberspace effectively. By working together, countries can create a more secure and resilient cyber environment that promotes peace, justice, and strong institutions.

In conclusion, the analysis highlighted the significance of understanding cyber landscapes and cyber diplomacy from multiple angles. It emphasized the role of foreign ministries in fostering partnerships and collaboration, and the benefits of learning from the experiences of other countries, such as the United States. A comprehensive understanding of cyber landscapes and effective cyber diplomacy is crucial in today’s interconnected world to ensure the security and stability of cyberspace.

Christopher Tate

The United States has introduced new standards called zero trust to enhance internet security. These standards enable the re-architecting of the internet core, providing improved protection against cyber threats, and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. This proactive approach aims to mitigate potential risks and addresses the growing concern for internet security.

Connect Free has unveiled a revolutionary concept where individuals can own their IP addresses. This concept is based on a public-private key pair, ensuring a secure and unique identification for each user. Connect Free’s aim is to promote internet accessibility and reduce inequalities in terms of internet connectivity.

Recognizing the complexity of the internet, there is an acknowledgment of the challenges faced by diplomats. Christopher Tate, an IT expert, has apologized on behalf of the IT community for making diplomats’ jobs more difficult due to the intricate nature of the internet. This recognition highlights the need for collaboration between the technical and diplomatic sides.

However, there is a belief in the potential of productive collaboration between the technical and diplomatic realms in addressing internet security and accessibility. By bridging the gap between technical expertise and diplomatic efforts, effective strategies and solutions can be developed to tackle the complex issues related to internet security and accessibility.

In conclusion, the introduction of zero trust standards by the United States and the concept of individual IP address ownership by Connect Free are significant advancements in the field of internet security and accessibility. Despite the challenges posed by the complexity of the internet, there is optimism and appreciation for collaboration between the technical and diplomatic sides to overcome these challenges. This cooperation is crucial in ensuring a secure and inclusive internet for all.


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