Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia in the Digital Era | IGF 2023 Open Forum #169

12 Oct 2023 02:45h - 03:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Ms. Yukako Ban, Youth Peacebuilder in UNDPPA’s ‘Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia’ initiative
  • Ms. Manjiang He, Youth Peacebuilder in UNDPPA’s ‘Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia’ initiative
  • Ms. Oyundalai Odkhuu, Youth Peacebuilder in UNDPPA’s ‘Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia’ initiative
  • Mr. Jerry Kit Hoi Li, Youth Peacebuilder in UNDPPA’s ‘Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia’ initiative
  • Ms. Ijun Kim, Youth Peacebuilder and Consultant for UNDPPA’s ‘Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia’ initiative

Table of contents

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Session report


During a recent discussion, the importance of youth engagement in governance and politics was emphasised. Participants highlighted the need for young people to be aware of and involved in governance, as political decisions can have a significant impact on their lives. The argument put forward was that young people should strive for a better understanding of governance and actively advocate for more meaningful engagement in decision-making processes.

Another key point of discussion was the role of consistency and resilience in gaining influence and becoming opinion leaders. An example was shared about a CEO who started a company at a young age and, after 20 years of consistent hard work, became an influential leader in the industry. This highlighted the importance of persistence and unwavering dedication in achieving influence and becoming a respected voice in one’s field.

In terms of overcoming challenges and gaining acceptance, participants stressed the significance of collective dialogue and collaboration. It was emphasised that by engaging in conversation, working together, and accepting challenges, individuals and communities can effectively tackle obstacles and foster acceptance. This highlights the need for open and inclusive discussions where all voices are heard and valued.

The discussion also drew attention to the current trend of youth inclusion and the need to capitalise on this momentum through various initiatives. It was noted that there are already numerous programs and speaking engagement opportunities available that aim to involve and empower young people. It was suggested that further efforts should be made to maintain this momentum and create additional initiatives to sustain youth engagement and ensure their voices continue to be heard.

In summary, the discussion emphasised the importance of youth engagement in governance and politics, with a specific focus on understanding governance, advocating for meaningful involvement, maintaining consistency and resilience to gain influence, engaging in collective dialogue and collaboration, and leveraging the current trend of youth inclusion. These insights highlight the significance of empowering young people and recognising their role in shaping the future.

Yukako Ban

The analysis covers several topics related to the metaverse and its future implications. It begins by highlighting one of the main policy gaps for the metaverse: the lack of clear definitions and regulations. The metaverse is often described as the future of the internet, a network of virtual worlds blending the digital and physical realms. However, due to the absence of clear definitions and regulations, there is uncertainty about how it should be governed.

Moving on, the analysis discusses the potential benefits and risks associated with the metaverse. By 2026, a significant proportion of the population is expected to be engaged in the metaverse. To prevent issues such as hate speech, misinformation, and anonymity, better management and regulation are necessary. On the positive side, the metaverse has the potential for application in education and fostering intercultural dialogue. It can revolutionise the way we learn and interact globally, reducing the need for physical travel and potentially lowering CO2 emissions.

The analysis also emphasises the importance of considering Northeast Asia’s geopolitical tensions in relation to the metaverse. The unregulated metaverse could exacerbate existing conflicts and geopolitical tensions in the region. Given the region’s geopolitical importance and the anonymity between nations, specific consideration must be given to Northeast Asia when shaping metaverse policies.

Regarding education, the analysis suggests that there is a need to explore the metaverse’s educational utility, as it remains largely unexplored. Currently, there is a lack of developed educational content, highlighting the importance of further research and investment in this area.

In terms of age diversity, the analysis highlights the different perspectives that the younger generation, known as digital natives, have on digital technology’s involvement in reality. Their viewpoints should be taken into account in policymaking processes. Similarly, the perspective of age diversity, especially in regard to internet governance, is lacking. Both the voices of the youth and the older generation should be considered to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Notably, the analysis touches on the demographic changes happening worldwide, with many countries leaning towards ageing societies. As a result, youth voices tend to be undermined. It argues that youth should have more access to decision-making tables and be part of larger discussions, breaking away from age-based segregation.

The analysis also highlights the significance of cross-border cooperation in the Northeast Asia region. Countries like China, Japan, and Korea already have extensive economic cooperation. In today’s globalised world, no single country can manufacture a product independently. Academic programs promoting cooperation also exist among these nations.

Furthermore, the analysis emphasizes the role of technology, education, and capacity building in initiating cooperation. By focusing on these topics, peacebuilders can avoid political issues and foster citizen-level awareness and collaboration.

Cultural diversity and localization are also deemed crucial on a systemic level and in internet governance. While different cultures and values bring about diversity, fragmentation and division can arise. However, technology can help bridge language barriers and differences, promoting cooperation.

In conclusion, the analysis underscores the need for a comprehensive understanding and collaboration to navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with the metaverse and related issues. Clear definitions and regulations should be established. Age diversity should be considered in decision-making, and youth voices must be heard and included. Cross-border cooperation and dialogue among different generations are paramount. Additionally, technology, education, capacity building, and cultural diversity play significant roles in promoting collaboration. By addressing these aspects, we can work towards harnessing the full potential of the metaverse and achieving a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Linda Hjelle

In the meeting, Linda Hjelle, an Associate Political Affairs Officer at the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, was introduced. Linda provided insights into her involvement in various roles. Firstly, she mentioned being the program manager for a project related to UN projects and aligned with SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. This demonstrates her dedication to promoting global peace and strengthening institutions for achieving justice.

Additionally, Linda stated that she is moderating the online discussions during the meeting. As an online moderator, she addresses questions from the online audience, ensuring informative and interactive discussions. This highlights her active involvement in engaging with a wider community.

Linda’s introduction as an Associate Political Affairs Officer at the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs establishes her expertise in political affairs. Her role reflects her significant influence in shaping policies and strategies for peace and stability.

Overall, Linda’s active participation as a program manager, online moderator, and Associate Political Affairs Officer demonstrates her commitment to advancing UN initiatives. She works towards promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions while engaging with various stakeholders in meaningful discussions.

Ijun Kim

The “Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia” programme, organized and led by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, aims to promote peace and stability in Northeast Asia. The programme is in line with the Youth Peace and Security Agenda and seeks to engage young people in discussing and shaping the future of the region.

The programme brought together young people from China, Japan, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea to collectively discuss the future of Northeast Asia. This inclusive approach allowed for diverse perspectives to be shared and considered. The discussions were facilitated by UNESCO, which provided capacity building through a session known as the Futures Literacy Lab. This lab helped participants develop the skills to explore potential future scenarios and examine their implications.

One of the key proponents of foresight in the programme is Ijun Kim, who believes that foresight is a structured and systematic way of using ideas about the future to anticipate and better prepare for change. Kim emphasises the importance of wide participatory foresight tools, which engage a diverse group of people in discussions. The goal is to make the discussions interactive and to surface trends or signals that may not be immediately apparent.

As part of the programme, Kim proposed various policy avenues for realising the vision of a peaceful Northeast Asia. These include regional cooperation for education, focusing on cultural exchange to foster understanding and collaboration. Additionally, the establishment of a Northeast Asian Youth Parliament for climate change aims to involve young people in addressing environmental challenges. Furthermore, the promotion of digital literacy programmes through cross-sectoral partnerships is seen as essential for enabling young people to navigate the digital landscape effectively. The programme also emphasised the importance of consensus-based regulation and policy presentation.

The role of young people in governance and policy-making was also highlighted. It is crucial for young people to understand how governmental decisions can impact their daily lives. They are encouraged to advocate for more meaningful engagement and push for their voices to be heard in decision-making processes. Creating an intergenerational cooperation environment was identified as essential for fostering understanding and collaboration between different age groups.

The Internet Governance Forum was recognised for its contribution to shaping governance and peace-building. The involvement of young people in such forums was highly valued, and there was gratitude expressed for their active participation and contributions. Moreover, the integration of digital literacy and the concept of the metaverse into existing initiatives was supported, as it would facilitate the implementation of these initiatives and promote innovation and development.

In conclusion, the “Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia” programme, organized by the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, seeks to involve young people in shaping the future of the region. The programme emphasised the importance of foresight, inclusivity, and meaningful engagement in discussions and policy development. With the participation of young people, the programme aims to foster a peaceful and prosperous Northeast Asia.

Oyundalai Odkhuu

Upon analysing the provided information, several key points emerge regarding the development and governance of the metaverse in Northeast Asia. The main arguments put forward are as follows:

1. Developing Northeast Asian metaverse platforms: The analysis recognises the importance of Northeast Asian countries leveraging their world-class technological capacities to develop their own metaverse platforms. This is seen as a preventive measure against potential monopolies by Western countries. By creating their own metaverse platforms, Northeast Asian countries can maintain control over the digital space and ensure equitable access for their citizens.

2. Promoting the development of inclusive algorithms: The analysis emphasises the need for open and inclusive algorithms in the metaverse. It suggests that countries should collectively develop algorithms that facilitate cross-language information sharing, ensuring that diverse voices and perspectives are represented. The argument is rooted in SDG 10, which focuses on reducing inequalities.

3. Fostering regional collaboration and stakeholder dialogues: The analysis emphasises the importance of engaging a wide range of stakeholders in the development and governance of the metaverse. This includes marginalised communities, youth, individuals from different social classes, genders, sexualities, and disabilities. By fostering collaboration and dialogue, Northeast Asian countries can ensure that the metaverse reflects the needs and aspirations of all its users.

4. Discussing the regulation of the metaverse: The analysis highlights the absence of a single player in metaverse regulation. It suggests that a regional initiative, similar to the Internet Governance Forum, should be established to address this gap. By engaging in discussions around regulation, Northeast Asian countries can shape the metaverse’s governance framework and ensure that it aligns with SDG 16, promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions.

5. Engaging youth and promoting global connectivity: The analysis underlines the significance of youth engagement in internet governance. With 71% of the world’s youth using the internet, their involvement is crucial for shaping the metaverse’s future. In addition, the argument advocates for the internet as a tool that transcends borders, connecting people, businesses, and governments on a global scale.

6. Ensuring privacy in the internet: Privacy is identified as a key concern in internet governance. Decisions related to internet governance have far-reaching effects on various aspects of people’s lives. Therefore, it is crucial to establish mechanisms that safeguard individuals’ privacy rights in the metaverse.

7. Capacity building and skill enhancement: The analysis stresses the need for capacity building and skill enhancement in the metaverse. This involves promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity training for developers and users of the metaverse, as well as bridging skill gaps to facilitate effective cross-border cooperation.

8. Investment in the education sector: Considering the metaverse as a new sector, the analysis argues for investment in the education sector to enhance digital literacy and responsible usage. This investment aims to equip individuals with knowledge about the metaverse and its potential risks and benefits, targeting both the young and old.

9. Mechanisms for conflict resolution: The analysis puts forth the need for mechanisms to resolve conflicts during cross-border metaverse activities. It suggests adopting arbitration and mediation processes to address disputes that may arise in this context.

10. Establishing industry standards and a regulatory framework: The analysis contends that industry standards addressing privacy, data security, content moderation, and digital property rights are pivotal in the metaverse. It argues for the creation of a code of conduct or regulatory framework to ensure responsible and ethical practices within the metaverse, in line with SDG 16.

In summary, the analysis advocates for the development of Northeast Asian metaverse platforms, inclusive algorithms, collaboration and stakeholder dialogues, regulation discussions, youth engagement, privacy protection, capacity building, investment in education, conflict resolution mechanisms, and the establishment of industry standards. Northeast Asian countries are encouraged to seize the opportunity to shape the metaverse, ensuring equitable access, responsible usage, and meaningful participation for all.

Manjiang He

The analysis provides a comprehensive examination of various topics, including digital platforms, youth engagement, international cooperation, and the significance of respecting the local context. It begins by discussing the influence of digital platforms on daily life, noting their ability to enhance communication and cultural exchange. However, the analysis also acknowledges the negative aspects of digital platforms, such as the prevalence of hate speech, prejudice, and discrimination.

A key argument put forth is the importance of digital literacy in understanding and navigating the influence of digital platforms on daily life. It highlights the need for individuals to be equipped with the necessary skills to effectively engage with digital platforms and address the negative aspects associated with them. The analysis further emphasizes that social platforms often serve as breeding grounds for hate speech, prejudice, and discrimination. It also highlights the challenge faced by social platforms in swiftly responding to these issues due to technological limitations and differing priorities.

Moreover, the analysis explores the role of young people in internet governance and conflict resolution, pointing out their innovative approaches and willingness to explore different solutions. It emphasizes the importance of including young people’s perspectives in decision-making processes, highlighting that they are often seen as naive but possess fresh insights and ideas.

However, the analysis also identifies limited efforts to engage youth in decision-making processes in the Northeast Asia region. It highlights active youth engagement initiatives in other parts of the world, such as Africa and Bangladesh, and suggests that Northeast Asia is lagging behind in this regard.

Another argument put forth is the exclusion of young people in policymaking and decision-making processes. The analysis provides no supporting facts, but it asserts that young people are often left out of important discussions and their voices are not adequately heard. It argues that mechanisms should be established to channel young people’s voices into both the government and private sectors.

The analysis then delves into the challenges of international cooperation, particularly in regions with differing stages of development – economic, social, and cultural. It asserts that these differences pose obstacles to achieving effective collaboration.

Respecting the local context is also highlighted as a crucial factor in creating a more inclusive and open online digital space. The analysis suggests that societies have their own uniqueness, and integrating the local context into digital literacy programmes or the metaverse can yield beneficial outcomes.

Additionally, the analysis touches upon cross-border cooperation, skill gaps, and funding limitations in the implementation of digital literacy initiatives. It mentions that cross-border cooperation is already happening in certain regions like Mongolia, but no supporting facts are provided.

Ultimately, the analysis underscores the importance of stakeholder engagement in the decision-making process and advocates for the integration of digital literacy and metaverse elements into existing initiatives. It acknowledges the challenges posed by funding and sustainability concerns but suggests that these limitations can be addressed by reaching out to stakeholders and incorporating their recommendations into existing initiatives.

In conclusion, this in-depth analysis offers valuable insights into various topics related to digital platforms, youth engagement, international cooperation, and the significance of the local context. It underscores the need for digital literacy, young people’s perspectives in decision-making, and meaningful stakeholder engagement. It brings attention to the challenges faced in international cooperation and stresses the importance of respecting the local context for creating more inclusive digital spaces.

Jerry Li

The analysis emphasizes the importance of digital literacy and understanding modern technologies. It highlights that while digital literacy programs already exist, there is still a significant knowledge gap between these programs and those offered in schools. To address this gap, in-school and out-of-school digital literacy programs are seen as essential. In-school programs would cover the basics of accessing technologies, effective online engagement, and education on important concepts. Out-of-school programs would be offered in community centres, libraries, and public spaces to include a wider range of demographics. These programs would play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have the necessary skills to navigate the digital world.

The analysis also underscores the need for a proactive and inclusive approach to digital space governance. It argues for an approach that goes beyond a reactionary stance and involves more voices in shaping policies related to safe digital spaces online. By including a diverse range of perspectives, digital space governance can be more effective in addressing emerging issues such as disinformation, misinformation, and the metaverse.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the importance of youth involvement in internet governance. It asserts that the younger generation, being the inheritors of the problems and subjects for decisions made on their behalf, should have a voice in shaping internet governance policies. This inclusion of youth perspectives is seen as vital to ensuring inclusivity in the digital space.

The analysis also touches upon the topic of global governance of the internet. It suggests that while there was a consensus on global governance regarding certain aspects of the internet’s structure in its early stages, the content should be left to national policies sensitive to cultural differences. This approach recognises the importance of balancing global coordination with the need for cultural and national autonomy in shaping internet content.

The need for improved collaboration between public and private sectors in digital literacy programs is another key point highlighted in the analysis. It showcases examples of successful collaborations, such as the digital literacy program introduced by META in Hong Kong and the Women’s Foundation’s encouragement of women in Hong Kong to be part of STEM fields. These collaborations demonstrate the potential benefits of joining forces to enhance digital education and literacy efforts.

Additionally, cross-border regional collaboration and the inclusion of experts in policy development are advocated. Collaboration with existing cross-border regional collaboration groups, particularly in the education space, and research consortia is seen as a strategic way to leverage resources and expertise. This collaboration can help make policy proposals more informed and inclusive by sourcing a variety of voices and perspectives.

In conclusion, the analysis underscores the need for digital literacy programs, a proactive approach to digital space governance, youth involvement in internet governance, and improved collaboration among stakeholders. By addressing these aspects, it is believed that individuals will be better equipped to navigate the digital world, policies will be more inclusive and effective, and the potential of the internet as a tool for positive change can be maximised.


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