Socially, Economically, Environmentally Responsible Campuses | IGF 2023 Open Forum #159

10 Oct 2023 01:45h - 02:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Christy Mitchell, G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance (online)
  • Professor Hiroshi Esaki, Tokyo University (onsite)
  • Corey Glickman, Head of Sustainability -Infosys
  • Hirshi Esaki, Tokyo University
  • Christy Mitchell, G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Moderator – Hiroshi Esaki

The analysis covers a wide range of topics related to smart and sustainable solutions, the ethical use of technology, green designs, energy efficiency, the role of the younger generation in technological change, government-initiated smart cities, multi-stakeholder approaches, data ownership, and the future of education infrastructure. The overall sentiment of the analysis is positive, highlighting the potential benefits and necessary actions in each area.

One of the key arguments is the integration of smart and sustainable solutions in universities, which play a crucial role in shaping the minds of the next generation. The analysis emphasizes the need for universities to embrace the digital revolution and create campuses that are both state-of-the-art and environmentally friendly.

The importance of green designs and retrofitting existing structures to enhance energy efficiency is also highlighted. The panel stresses the significance of adopting net-zero footprint strategies and aligning with global standards, focusing on making existing buildings more energy-efficient rather than solely focusing on new construction.

Another area of focus is the G20 Global Smart Alliance, which aims to establish global norms for the ethical and responsible use of smart technologies in cities. The analysis expresses support for the alliance’s work and emphasizes the importance of setting global standards to ensure ethical use of technology for sustainable development.

The analysis also discusses the expansion efforts of the Global Smart City Alliance, which includes more than 36 pioneer cities globally. It highlights the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing among cities to address common challenges and promote sustainable development.

The role of the younger generation in driving technological change is also emphasized. The analysis recognizes the power and potential of younger people in shaping the future and emphasizes the importance of investing in their education and empowerment.

There is also mention of the view that government-initiated smart cities can be a mistake, arguing for a multi-stakeholder, agile approach involving academia, industry, and government support.

The importance of data ownership is discussed, with a focus on individuals having ownership of their own data. The analysis highlights the need for discussions on data privacy and usage to ensure ethical and responsible data practices.

In terms of the future of education infrastructure, the analysis expresses optimism and discusses the role of advancing technologies in shaping educational settings. It mentions the Smart Campus Blueprint as an initiative to integrate technology into educational environments.

Overall, the analysis provides valuable insights into the various topics discussed. It emphasizes the significance of integrating smart and sustainable solutions, establishing global norms for responsible technology use, expanding smart city alliances, retrofitting existing structures, empowering the younger generation, adopting multi-stakeholder approaches, prioritizing data ownership, and embracing technology in education. The analysis encourages individuals to actively contribute to these efforts by joining initiatives such as the G20 Global Smart Alliance Network.


During the discussion, Taro emphasised the significance of STEM education, encompassing the fields of science, technology, engineering, and medicine. He stressed the need to prioritise these disciplines in the education system as they play a crucial role in driving innovation, economic growth, and societal development.

Taro argued that STEM education offers students a comprehensive understanding of the world and equips them with the necessary skills to navigate challenges in the rapidly advancing technological landscape. By fostering an interest and aptitude for STEM subjects, students can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills highly sought after in today’s workforce.

Supporting his argument, Taro cited statistics highlighting the increasing demand for STEM professionals in the job market, as well as the higher salaries typically associated with careers in these fields. He also referred to studies demonstrating the positive impact of early exposure to STEM education on students’ academic performance, engagement, and career prospects.

Encouraging active participation, Taro invited the audience to pose relevant questions, creating an inclusive environment where different perspectives could be shared and discussed. This facilitated a deeper exploration of the topic and a more holistic conversation.

In summary, Taro’s emphasis on STEM education stems from the belief that it is crucial for preparing future generations to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world. Through a focus on science, technology, engineering, and medicine, students can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to innovation, solve complex problems, and drive societal progress. The audience was encouraged to engage in the conversation by asking thought-provoking questions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

Corey Glickman

The analysis focused on various aspects of sustainable urban development and energy efficiency in India and the United States. It highlighted the need for promoting equitable wellness and resilience in urban landscapes, acknowledging that smart monitors and controls in transport, buildings, environment, life, events, infrastructure, and utilities can enable communities to transform the urban landscape. The vision for a zero-carbon built environment includes the goal of achieving equitable wellness and resilience for all.

Decarbonization efforts were seen as requiring democratized action and support from all stakeholders to succeed. It was argued that enforced decarbonization standards at the government level without the involvement of the community, experts, learning institutions, and businesses can lead to failure. The transformation towards decarbonization takes place when there is participation from various stakeholders, ensuring that everyone’s needs and perspectives are considered.

The analysis expressed concern about the increase in building construction in India, which has led to a significant rise in building energy use. With India poised to become the fifth-largest economy in the world, the construction of new buildings at a rate of 8% annually has contributed to the escalating energy demands. However, it was also recognized that India has inherent advantages for building energy efficiency. These include a strong tradition of passively cooled buildings, a wide occupant tolerance to heat, a ready supply of local sustainable construction materials, inexpensive labor and craft costs, and careful use of resources.

Collaboration between the United States and India was emphasized, particularly in the field of building energy research and development. The U.S.-India joint center for building energy research and development, called CBERD, was highlighted as an example of such collaboration. It aims to develop building technologies that improve energy efficiency, comfort, and health safety. Through CBERD, significant collaborations between Indian and U.S. scientists have taken place, resulting in the development of nine new technologies, more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and fostering mutual respect.

One notable aspect of the collaboration between the United States and India is the development of tools and resources for energy-efficient building design. These tools and guides aim to provide best practices for designing low-energy buildings and are specifically suited to the cultural, climatic, and construction context of India. They serve as valuable resources for the public and contribute to the advancement of sustainable building practices in the country.

The analysis also discussed the importance of digital transformation and leadership alignment in sustainable city development. Partnerships between the University of Tokyo and Microsoft were highlighted as contributors to this transformation. The adoption of technologies like digital twins and IoT devices was noted since these technologies already exist and can be utilized in the process of digital transformation. Furthermore, it was emphasized that alignment between visionary leadership and the actual implementers of policies is crucial for successful implementation.

The analysis advocated for using existing policies as a starting point for building sustainable urban environments, suggesting that the Green Sustainability City Alliance is working on embodied carbon for existing buildings and sustainable procurement as initial policies. However, it acknowledged that issues can arise due to complexities in zoning and challenges from local and national governance.

Localization was presented as an important factor when implementing policies related to sustainable urban development. It was acknowledged that what works in one city may not necessarily translate to another, and additional actions may be required upstream or downstream for policies to make sense in different contexts.

The discussion highlighted the positive role that policy discussion and collaboration can play in accelerating progress towards sustainable urban development. It was noted that policy leaders often have open attitudes towards discussions and are willing to share their networks, facilitating collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

Finally, the analysis acknowledged the significant role that global IT companies, particularly Microsoft, and other hyperscalers, will play in shaping the future of smart buildings and campuses. These global IT companies are viewed as instrumental in establishing the digital backbone necessary for sustainability and efficiency. The analysis also identified a potential winning formula for smart city development, which involves collaboration between university-based academic research, major IT service providers, and policymakers. This combination has been observed to be effective, particularly when implementing projects that involve academic-led investigations in controlled city areas or airports, supported by major IT service providers and policymakers.

Overall, the analysis offered valuable insights into the various aspects and challenges of sustainable urban development and energy efficiency in India and the United States. It emphasized the need for holistic approaches, stakeholder involvement, collaboration, and the leveraging of existing resources to achieve sustainable and resilient urban environments.

Hiroshi Esaki

The analysis highlights the potential of digital technology in enhancing energy efficiency, particularly through the use of cloud computing. It suggests that adopting digital technologies can result in over 80% energy savings. A footprints analysis reveals that following the EP100 plan can increase renewable energy usage to 25-30%. Therefore, digital technology can improve energy efficiency by up to 50%.

The analysis also emphasizes the positive impact of cloud computing and sharing economy in reducing energy consumption. Migrating from on-premise computers to data centers can lead to a 30-40% energy cut, thanks to high-performance HVAC systems. Additionally, cloud computing can save 70-80% energy through sharing economy.

Digital twin technology is highlighted as a tool for optimizing energy usage in system operation. A 12-year-old implementation resulted in a 31% energy productivity improvement, and current digital twin technologies can further reduce energy use.

Redesigning physical systems using digital technologies can significantly reduce carbon footprint. Comparative cost analysis shows improved energy productivity when digital transportation replaces physical transportation.

Collaboration between academia and industry is essential for effective decarbonization strategies. An example is provided where Tokyo University achieved over 30% decrease in energy consumption through collaboration. Young students working with seniors are seen as crucial for the future.

Hands-on experience and technology usage are emphasized, not just as theoretical study tools. A visit to Microsoft’s Redmond headquarters illustrates the importance of a concrete touch in the system.

Criticism is raised towards the government-initiated ‘smart city’ approach, advocating for a multi-stakeholder action involving academia and industry.

The concept of democratization is discussed, particularly in relation to data privacy and ownership. It emphasizes the need for a multi-stakeholder discussion.

In conclusion, digital technology has transformative potential in improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption. Cloud computing, sharing economy, and digital twin technology are key drivers. Collaboration between academia and industry is crucial, and hands-on experience and technology usage are essential. The government-led ‘smart city’ approach is criticized, and democratization in data privacy and ownership is highlighted. Policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers can benefit from these insights for a sustainable future.

Masami Ishiyama

Microsoft is leading the way in sustainability by adopting a comprehensive approach. By 2030, they aim to achieve carbon negativity, water positivity, and zero waste. This ambitious goal demonstrates their commitment to reducing their environmental impact and addressing sustainability challenges across their entire company. Microsoft is actively involved in various sustainability initiatives, including the G20 Global Smart City Alliance project, showing their dedication to collaborating with other organizations to drive sustainable change on a global scale.

Data and technology play a crucial role in Microsoft’s sustainability strategy. They have developed innovative solutions that leverage data analytics and technology to optimize energy usage and reduce their environmental footprint. For example, their smart building solution, in partnership with Ionic and equipped with Power BI, Azure IoT, and Dynamics 365, has shown a 6-10% reduction in annual energy consumption. Microsoft also utilizes one of the world’s largest corporate real estate data stores to optimize operations and save money, highlighting the value of data in driving sustainability efforts. Their operational platforms, Data and BI, along with Azure Digital Twin, contribute to enhancing sustainability by providing efficient data management and processing capabilities.

Microsoft recognizes the importance of data ownership and privacy in the digital age. They are committed to safeguarding customer permissions and protecting their data against potential threats. By empowering customers to have control over their data, Microsoft ensures transparency and supports their data privacy concerns. This strong emphasis on data ownership aligns with the principles of industry innovation and strong institutions outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The implementation of effective smart campus strategies exemplifies Microsoft’s commitment to sustainability in both their internal operations and external collaborations. For instance, their partnership with Temple University has resulted in optimizing energy efficiency and reducing resource usage. Microsoft’s smart campus strategy involves streamlining processes, identifying clear Internet of Things (IoT) use cases, managing construction schedules, and maintaining accurate floor plans. By prioritizing energy optimization and resource management, Microsoft demonstrates their dedication to creating sustainable campuses and positively impacting the environment.

Furthermore, Microsoft provides software solutions, such as Azure Digital Twin, that have the potential to reduce electricity consumption. By utilizing this technology in buildings, energy efficiency can be improved, contributing to the goal of affordable and clean energy outlined in the SDGs.

Data ownership and governance concerns are major obstacles in today’s digital landscape. Microsoft recognizes the growing importance of generative AI and data and supports the need for clear data ownership and controls. They assert that data ownership belongs to the customer and that a multi-stakeholder decision-making process is crucial in addressing data ownership concerns. This stance aligns with the principles of peace, justice, and strong institutions highlighted in the SDGs.

Overall, Microsoft’s comprehensive sustainability approach is demonstrated through their goals of carbon negativity, water positivity, and zero waste by 2030. Their involvement in global sustainability initiatives, use of data and technology to optimize energy usage, commitment to data ownership and privacy, successful implementation of smart campus strategies, and software offerings for reducing electricity consumption all showcase their dedication to sustainability. Microsoft’s approach not only aligns with the SDGs but also highlights their commitment to responsible corporate citizenship and driving positive change.


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