Impact the Future – Compassion AI | IGF 2023 Town Hall #63

12 Oct 2023 02:00h - 03:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Robert Kroplewski, GAIA Foundation, Eastern European Group
  • David Hanson; Hanson Robotics Ltd.; Asia-Pacific Group
  • Marko Grobelnik; Artificial Intelligence Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute, Eastern European Group
  • Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem; University of Pretoria; African Group
  • Tom Eddington; Humanity Raising; USA
  • Marc Buckley, UN SDG Ambassador, USA
  • Robert Kroplewski; Global Artificial Intelligence Association; Eastern European Group
  • David Hanson; Hanson Robotics Ltd.; Asia-Pacific Group
  • Marko Grobelnik; Artificial Intelligence Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute, Eastern European Group
  • Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem; University of Pretoria; African Group
  • Edward Pyrek; iMind Institute; Eastern European Group
  • Damian Ciachorowski; GAIA Foundation; Eastern European Group
  • Tom Eddington; Humanity Raising, USA
  • Marc Buckley; SDG Advocate, USA
  • Robert Kroplewski, GAIA Foundation, Eastern European Group

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The analysis explores various aspects of AI development and its relationship with compassion. It underscores the significance of engaging in philosophical discussions and ethical considerations during the AI development process. The speakers argue that such discussions are essential to ensure that AI development aligns with ethical principles and human values.

One crucial aspect is the need to establish the limits of AI and what is considered compassionate for AI to undertake. Concerns are raised about whether AI actions are enhancing our humanity or pushing us further away from it. The speakers propose that AI that promotes human development and preserves our humanity can be deemed more compassionate.

The ethical complexity of employing AI for genetic manipulation in healthcare is also a topic of discussion. The speakers delve into the question of whether it is ethical to modify the genetics of animals, like sheep, to cure human diseases such as cancer. They argue that this issue challenges us to consider the bounds of AI’s compassion within the healthcare context.

Child safety in the era of AI is a pressing concern, with speakers highlighting the capability of generative AI to produce materials related to child sexual abuse. They stress the importance of including children’s voices in AI development to ensure their protection and well-being. Additionally, the significance of strong guardianship to prevent exploitation and abuse of children is emphasized.

The analysis also touches upon the necessity for appropriate incentives for for-profit corporations. It suggests that regulations and incentives are essential to promote responsible consumption and production.

Furthermore, there is a call to redefine intelligence by recognizing compassion as a fundamental aspect of it. The speakers argue that authentic intelligence should encompass compassion as a crucial characteristic.

The possibility of sentient machines is another area of discussion. The speakers mention the perspectives of David and Ray Kurzweil, who suggest the potential for machines to achieve sentience. This raises questions about the future development and implications of AI.

Overall, the analysis highlights the multifaceted nature of AI development and its impact on compassion. It acknowledges the importance of philosophical discussions, ethical considerations, and the inclusion of diverse stakeholders in shaping the future development of AI. Additionally, it raises crucial concerns about child safety, ethical boundaries, and the need for responsible practices in AI development. The discussion concludes with an optimistic outlook on the future of compassion in AI.

Robert Kroplewski

The discussion surrounding the ethical considerations and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) highlights a significant gap between theoretical ethics and practical implementation. The utilitarianism approach, which prioritises the greatest overall benefit, remains prevalent in the deployment of AI despite ethical concerns.

In response to these concerns, several policy recommendations and acts have been proposed by various organisations. The OECD, UNESCO, and the European Union have all put forth guidelines, recommendations, and acts aiming to promote responsible and trustworthy AI. These efforts reflect a growing recognition of the need to address the ethical implications of AI.

Furthermore, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that AI benefits both people and the planet. The OECD’s primary principle regarding AI is to ensure benefits for both humanity and the environment. To achieve this, there is a call to democratise AI, allowing the participation of all sectors, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and academics. This inclusive approach aims to avoid the concentration of AI power in a few dominant entities and to ensure that its benefits are widely distributed.

The development of AI is an ongoing process, and there is still much work to be done. It is believed that the Compassion AI approach can fill the remaining gaps in the ethical considerations of AI. Compassion AI refers to an approach that upholds human dignity, promotes well-being, avoids harm, and strives to benefit both people and the planet. This approach is seen as promising and necessary to address the multifaceted challenges of AI deployment.

Robert Kroplewski, in his advocacy for prioritising UNESCO ethical recommendations over the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda, highlights the need to have a strong impact on how ethical recommendations are prioritised. He proposes a call for action to produce an AI Compassion Bridge Charter and engage in a network for the implementation of a compassionate approach to AI. His viewpoint stresses the importance of understanding and appreciating compassion as a guiding principle in AI development.

Overall, the discussions and arguments on AI ethics and deployment reveal the complexity and ongoing nature of the AI development process. It is essential to bridge the gap between ethical considerations and practical implementation to ensure that AI benefits both people and the planet. The Compassion AI approach and prioritisation of ethical recommendations over the SDG agenda are put forth as potential solutions to address these challenges.

Marc Buckley

The analysis highlights the role of technology in historical transformations. Throughout history, technology has played a pivotal role in shifting from one age to another. Examples such as the steam engine, printing press, and computer demonstrate how transformative technologies have shaped human history. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology in the present era is seen as another transformational point in human history.

The argument put forward is that innovation is essential to guide humanity towards the right direction in this transformational period. The development of technology that can provide knowledge, wisdom, and training is necessary to avoid making significant errors. This argument acknowledges the importance of leveraging technological advancements to positively impact society.

Moving on to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is evident that they are a globally agreed-upon roadmap for the future. Proposed by 197 countries, the SDGs are seen as the first-ever global moonshot or earth shot. They aim to address pressing challenges and provide a plan for humanity’s protection and insurance. However, the analysis highlights that there is debate and controversy surrounding the SDGs due to a lack of collective intelligence. This points towards the need for better collaboration and cooperation on a global scale to effectively achieve the goals outlined in the SDGs.

The SDGs also represent a new economic model. They propose a budget of 90 Trillion US dollars by 2030, indicating substantial financial support and a clear path for achieving the targets. This economic model aligns with the goal of promoting decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) while also considering environmental sustainability.

Another argument raised is the importance of programming AI to uphold values of compassion and ethics. This notion suggests that AI should be capable of negotiating and resolving conflicts between AI systems or cultures, acting as intelligent beings rather than adding to divisions among humans. The positive impact of AI is emphasized when it is programmed to make wise decisions when confronted with situations that may harm life or humanity.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the potential of AI as a tool for positive change in transitioning from the Anthropocene to the Symbiocene. By instilling ethics and compassion in AI, there is a belief that a symbiotic relationship between all life beings on Earth can be achieved. Harnessing technology to make history and creating a harmonious coexistence between humans and AI is seen as a key pathway towards the Symbiocene.

In conclusion, technology has always played a significant role in historical transformations, and the emergence of AI and technology marks another pivotal point in human history. The Sustainable Development Goals provide a roadmap for the future but need greater collective intelligence to overcome challenges. The SDGs also introduce a new economic model with substantial financial support. AI can be a powerful tool for positive change when programmed with compassion and ethics, while also helping humanity transition to the Symbiocene. This analysis underscores the need for responsible and innovative approaches to harness the potential of technology for the betterment of society and the environment.

David Hanson

The discussions revolve around the multifaceted aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential implications. There is an overall positive sentiment towards AI, acknowledging its ability to potentially become sentient and its role in driving technological advancements.

One aspect of AI’s development highlighted in the discussions is the influence of the corporate sector. It is argued that advancements in AI technology are largely driven by corporations, which take risks and raise funds to propel AI technologies forward. This highlights the significant role that companies play in shaping the future of AI.

Compassion and appreciation for all life are emphasized as important values that should be integrated into AI development. It is highlighted that appreciation extends to life in all its diversity and the interdependence of humans on the web of life. Additionally, the concept of compassion is shared across many traditions, reinforcing the importance of incorporating these values into AI systems.

The broader picture of sustainable economics is brought into perspective, noting that corporate activities need to consider long-term implications for sustainable economic development. The discussions stress the need to look beyond the present and consider the economic impact on future generations. By taking a more holistic approach, corporations can contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

An interesting point raised in the discussions is the human ability to filter their sense of compassion. It is observed that humans possess the neural architecture of chimpanzees and can desensitize themselves to certain situations. This raises questions about the potential impact of this filtering ability on compassion and ethical decision-making.

Another noteworthy argument is the aim to enhance human caring through creations like AI robots. It is acknowledged that current AI models, like GPT-4, do not actually care. However, the aim is to develop AI that can assist and enhance human caring, potentially benefiting various domains such as healthcare and social services.

The need to democratise AI technologies and prioritise the greater good is emphasised. It is argued that technologies should be accessible to all and not be driven solely by the interests of a select few corporations or governments. The Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance (GAIA) is highlighted as an entity that aims to democratise AI access by encouraging collaboration and participation from individuals, corporations, governments, and NGOs.

Data is viewed as a commons, and the discussions advocate for individuals to have the ability to license in and benefit from their own data. Market dynamics and crowdsourcing are seen as potential mechanisms that can benefit a democracy of action. This approach is believed to empower individuals’ voices and provide access to valuable information.

Inclusive and transparent AI development is considered crucial. It is stressed that people from developing nations should be included in the development process, and leadership should involve individuals from indigenous communities and children. This reflects the importance of diverse perspectives in creating AI technologies that address the needs and aspirations of different populations.

Ethical considerations are highlighted throughout the discussions. Regulations are mentioned as a means to protect animal rights in research, and ethics review boards are acknowledged for weighing the costs and benefits of research involving animals. The use of technologies like simulations is proposed as a way to make smarter decisions without sacrificing ethics or causing animal suffering.

Notably, the discussions also recognise the potential for technologies to enhance human compassion. While specific evidence or arguments are not provided, this observation suggests that AI and related technologies have the potential to positively impact human emotions and empathy.

In conclusion, the discussions on AI and its implications focus on the need for inclusive and transparent development, incorporating compassion and appreciation for all life, sustainable economics, ethical considerations, and the democratization of AI technologies. The insights gained from these discussions highlight the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI, as well as the importance of considering diverse perspectives in its development.

Marko Grobelnik

Regulation of AI by international organisations began prior to the recent advancements in AI. However, the rapid development of AI, particularly with the emergence of Chat GPT, has caused confusion among regulators. This accelerated progress has posed challenges for policymakers as they try to keep up with new technologies and their potential implications.

The competition for market control in AI is intensifying, with Western companies such as Microsoft, AWS, Google, and Meta vying for dominance. This competition extends beyond companies and extends to a geopolitical level, with the United States, Europe, and China being the main players. The strategic positioning and control of AI technologies have become crucial in shaping global power dynamics.

To address the balance between the power of AI and public trust, an innovative approach suggests the establishment of a voluntary conduct between big tech companies and the government. This approach aims to ensure responsible and ethical use of AI, addressing concerns surrounding data privacy, bias, and algorithmic decision-making.

China is recognised as a rising power in the field of AI. While the country has made significant progress in AI development, it currently faces a challenge in terms of lacking the necessary hardware infrastructure.

The concept of developing compassionate AI is gaining traction. The current AI technology allows for AI systems to understand and mimic text to a certain degree, which opens avenues for the development of compassionate AI. Large language models like GPT-3 can reflect the knowledge fed into them and exhibit a form of “text understanding.” However, it is important to note that AI’s inferencing and reasoning capabilities are still limited.

Interestingly, proponents argue that elements like empathy, positive human values, and societal understanding can be ingrained into AI systems mathematically. By incorporating these elements and leveraging a reflective human knowledge base, AI has the potential to exhibit compassion, further expanding the horizons of AI applications.

Additionally, an additional layer of compassionate AI can be integrated into existing AI and IT systems to guide their decision-making. Some companies have already started implementing forms of compassionate AI by blocking negative queries, highlighting the potential for improving AI systems’ ethical decision-making.

The development of AI is currently dominated by a few big tech companies, giving them significant control over the direction and advancements in the field. This concentration of power raises important questions about accessibility, diversity, and fair competition.

Despite the existing limitations, there is optimism about the progress and future of AI. The past year has witnessed unexpected advancements in AI technology, pushing the boundaries and inspiring confidence in its continued growth and potential societal benefits.

In conclusion, the regulation of AI has a history preceding the recent AI progress, but it now faces challenges due to the accelerated development caused by technologies like Chat GPT. The competition for market control in AI is intensifying on a global scale. An innovative approach to strike a balance between AI power and public trust is advocated through voluntary conduct between big tech companies and governments. China is emerging as a major player in the field of AI, although it currently lacks necessary hardware. The concept of developing compassionate AI is gaining traction, with the potential to integrate empathy and positive human values into AI systems. The development of AI is currently concentrated in the hands of a few big tech companies. Despite limitations, optimism about the progress and future of AI persists due to witnessed advancements in recent times.

Edward Pyrek

During the discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact, the speakers focused on several key points. One area of importance was the concept of compassionate AI, which involves developing AI systems that possess empathy and understanding. The speakers argued that compassion should be considered a common thread across religions and cultures and can, therefore, serve as a foundation for the development of compassionate AI. They mentioned the creation of the Gaia Global Artificial Intelligence Alliance in 2020, which aims to concentrate on creating decentralised and compassionate AI. This alliance can potentially contribute to the development of AI systems that have a positive impact on society.

Another crucial aspect discussed was the need for collective action and interdisciplinary approaches in shaping the future of AI. The speakers stressed the significance of involving various fields, including technology, spirituality, psychology, arts, and more, to ensure a well-rounded approach toward AI-driven advancements. They highlighted the formation of the Virtual Florence group, consisting of experts from diverse disciplines, who work collaboratively to explore the potential of AI in creating a better future. The inclusion of AI in discussions regarding its future was highly emphasised.

The speakers also acknowledged the potential of AI in addressing global challenges such as climate change, combating illnesses, and reducing wars. However, they cautioned against the dangers posed by AI if it lacks ethics or compassion. The GPT-3 model, created by OpenAI, was referenced as an example of AI systems without ethics or compassion, which can potentially be dangerous. They mentioned Edward’s support for the AI Impact Summit in March 2024, which aims to address these challenges and encourage the development of AI with compassion and ethics.

Furthermore, the speakers emphasised the importance of asking the right questions when working with AI, suggesting that it may be more vital than seeking answers. By framing proper questions and exploring various possibilities, the speakers believed that AI can be utilised more effectively and ethically. They also argued that ethics and personal values should form the foundation of AI development, emphasising the need to prioritise these aspects when creating AI systems or any technology.

The potential of AI in understanding human nature and enhancing compassion was also a significant point of discussion. The speakers posited that AI can be leveraged to understand humans better, ultimately leading to the creation of “super compassion”. This understanding of human nature can contribute to various aspects of human well-being.

Overall, the speakers expressed both positive and negative sentiments about AI. While recognising its potential to address global challenges and enhance compassion, they also highlighted the risks that AI without ethics or compassion can bring. Through this discussion, it is evident that thoughtful and responsible development is crucial for ensuring the positive impact of AI on society.

One noteworthy observation from the discussion was the recognition that the future of AI is an arena where imagination is lacking. The speakers noted that imagining the future we want, with AI playing a beneficial role, is a challenge that needs to be overcome. This highlights the need for creative thinking and envisioning the possibilities of AI in a way that aligns with human values and aspirations.

In conclusion, the conversation on AI and its potential impact covered the importance of compassionate AI, the need for collective action and interdisciplinary approaches, the potential of AI in addressing global challenges, the significance of ethics and values in AI development, the value of asking the right questions, and the exploration of AI’s potential in understanding human nature better. By considering these insights, it becomes clear that responsible and ethical development of AI is vital for a future where AI can bring positive contributions to society.

Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is advancing rapidly and has the potential to significantly impact human agency and autonomy. AI can process and analyze vast amounts of data in ways that exceed human capabilities, leading to both positive and negative outcomes for individuals and society as a whole. Therefore, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that it benefits humanity.

The UNESCO recommendation on the ethics of AI is a significant development in this field. Its focus is on promoting technology that prioritizes humans and establishing a responsible framework for AI systems. The recommendation emphasizes the importance of global and intercultural dialogue in shaping ethical guidelines for AI. It aims to enable all stakeholders to share responsibility for the development and application of AI technology, aligning it with human values and societal well-being.

In November 2021, the recommendation was adopted by 193 member states, indicating a global consensus on the need for ethical guidelines in AI. This recognition highlights the importance of addressing the potential implications and consequences of AI technology on a global scale, particularly in relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Moreover, the recommendation underscores the translation and actualization of ethical entitlements, such as the right to privacy, to promote positive liberty through AI ethics. This approach places positive obligations on all AI actors, including developers, policymakers, and users, to respect and protect individual rights and well-being. By prioritizing ethical considerations and facilitating meaningful interaction between technology and society, this approach aims to promote individual flourishing and maintain the integrity of technological processes.

In conclusion, the rapidly advancing AI technology requires a comprehensive and ethical approach to ensure its alignment with the well-being of humanity. The UNESCO recommendation on the ethics of AI is a significant milestone in the promotion of responsible AI systems. By prioritizing human-centered technology and fostering global dialogue, the recommendation aims to ensure that AI technology works to the benefit of humanity, while promoting positive liberties and preserving the integrity of technological processes.

Tom Eddington

The analysis explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on businesses and the environment, with a focus on several key points. It begins by mentioning Amazon’s recent $4 billion acquisition in the field of AI, which raises concerns about companies prioritizing commercialization over ethical considerations. This suggests that businesses may be driven solely by profit and neglect the potential negative consequences of AI.

However, an alternative viewpoint is presented, arguing that businesses should be guided by an AI charter to ensure ethical decision-making. This aligns with the principle that businesses need a clear framework to address the ethical challenges posed by AI. An example is the Earth Charter, created in the 1990s, which provides guidance for decision-making with regard to environmental concerns.

Another positive aspect highlighted in the analysis is the potential of AI to address the problem of resource overshoot. It is noted that on August 22nd, World Overshoot Day marks the point when the planet’s resources are used up faster than they can regenerate. The analysis suggests that AI offers the potential to manage resources more efficiently and mitigate this issue.

Moreover, the analysis emphasizes the need to manage ourselves and our ethics as generative AI rapidly evolves. Nicholas Robinson at Pace University warns that generative AI is advancing faster than our ability to adapt and cope. This serves as a reminder that ethical considerations and responsible management are crucial as AI progresses.

Regarding AI business models, the analysis argues that compassion and decentralization should be incorporated into their creation. It mentions that the effects of centralization and decentralization have been observed in the power generation sector. By incorporating compassion and decentralization, AI business models can ensure a more human-centric and sustainable approach.

Furthermore, the intentional design of AI is essential. The analysis states that AI should not be allowed to evolve without intentional design and emphasizes the importance of enabling it to exhibit compassion. This reinforces the need to consider ethical aspects during the development of AI technologies.

In conclusion, the analysis highlights the necessity of ethical and responsible approaches to AI. It acknowledges the potential benefits of AI while emphasizing the importance of avoiding potential negative consequences and ensuring that AI is developed with intentional design and compassion. Additionally, it underscores the need for businesses to have clear guidance, such as an AI charter, to make ethical decisions in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.


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