Internet3: An Internet based on 21st Century Principals | IGF 2023 Launch / Award Event #179

9 Oct 2023 06:00h - 07:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Kristopher Tate, Founder, Internet3
  • Fukuno Taisuke, Internet3 Chief Evangelist, w3c member and founder
  • TBD, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
  • TBD, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
  • Hidekazu Hara, Onsite Moderator

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Hideshi Takatani

Hideshi Takatani, a traditional Japanese artist, has embraced digital technology since 1977, making him a unique figure in his field. Coming from a traditional Japanese background, Takatani combines the analog and digital in his artwork, showcasing his ability to seamlessly blend the two worlds.

Takatani expresses concern over Japan’s ongoing economic struggles since the 1990s, referring to this period as a “blank 30 years.” This highlights the severity of the situation and sheds light on the challenges faced by the Japanese economy. Through his firsthand experience, Takatani’s worries hold both weight and authenticity.

However, despite his concerns, Takatani remains hopeful for the future. He believes in the transformative power of Internet3, an emerging concept and technology. Embracing Internet3, Takatani sees it as the last consciousness of human beings, hinting at its potential to revolutionize various aspects of life. Internet3 is perceived by Takatani as a catalyst for change, capable of ushering in a new era marked by innovation and progress.

In summary, Hideshi Takatani is a traditional Japanese artist who has successfully integrated digital technology into his artistic practice. While expressing concern over Japan’s economic struggles, he remains optimistic about the transformative potential of Internet3. Takatani’s unique ability to blend tradition and technology makes him a significant figure in the art world.

Mitsuhiro Hishita

During the discussion, the speakers emphasised the need for innovation in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) business to achieve free and secure access to the internet. They specifically highlighted Internet3 as a solution that enables zero trust and ensures a high level of security by providing secure IP addresses for each IoT device.

Internet3 was mentioned as a service that plays a crucial role in the IoT ecosystem, offering a secure and reliable internet connection for IoT devices. It enables zero trust, a security concept that assumes no device, user, or network should be inherently trusted, and verifies the identity and integrity of each connected device. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and enhances security in IoT environments.

A positive sentiment was expressed towards the potential benefits of adopting Internet3 in the context of achieving sustainable development goals related to industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9). The speakers specifically supported the deployment of Internet3 in the Hokuriku region.

The Hokuriku region’s companies and local enterprises were identified as potential early beneficiaries of Internet3. The speakers proposed that these entities should be the first to adopt this innovative technology. This suggests that the speakers recognize the significance of Internet3 in supporting the growth and development of the IoT industry in the region.

The overall sentiment towards Internet3 and its potential impact on IoT business and secure internet access was positive throughout the discussion. The speakers’ endorsement of Internet3 and its deployment in the Hokuriku region reflects their confidence in the technology’s capability to address the challenges of IoT security and facilitate innovation.

In conclusion, the speakers highlighted the importance of innovation in IoT business to achieve free and secure access to the internet. They focused on Internet3 as a service that ensures zero trust and provides secure IP addresses for IoT devices. Additionally, they advocated for the deployment of Internet3 in the Hokuriku region, particularly in local companies and enterprises. The discussion’s positive sentiment and support for Internet3 signify the potential benefits it holds for advancing sustainable development goals related to industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Katsuhisa Sasaki

The analysis reveals that Katsuhisa Sasaki and Sabai City have expressed their support for different issues and initiatives. Katsuhisa Sasaki supports the implementation of Internet 3, emphasizing its benefits for the sustainability of Sabai City in the Hokuriku region. He believes that Internet 3 will play a crucial role in the development and progress of the city. This indicates that Sasaki recognizes the potential of Internet 3 to contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of Sabai City.

On the other hand, Sabai City emphasises the importance of gender equality as a major factor for a prosperous future. They believe that achieving gender equality is an essential element in creating a city where people can flourish and take on new challenges. This clearly highlights the commitment of Sabai City towards creating an inclusive and equal society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed and thrive.

Both speakers express positive sentiments towards their respective arguments. This indicates that they firmly believe in the potentials and benefits associated with implementing Internet 3 and promoting gender equality, respectively.

The analysis also reveals that the topics discussed by the speakers are aligned with specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Katsuhisa Sasaki’s support for Internet 3 relates to Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, indicating the potential for technological advancements and infrastructure development in the region. On the other hand, Sabai City’s focus on gender equality aligns with Goal 5: Gender Equality, demonstrating their commitment to creating an inclusive society and promoting equal opportunities for all.

Overall, the analysis uncovers differing but equally important viewpoints on significant issues. The support for implementing Internet 3 and fostering gender equality highlights the commitment of Katsuhisa Sasaki and Sabai City towards sustainable development and societal progress. Their positive sentiments further validate the significance and potential benefits of their respective arguments.

Kristopher Tate

Internet 3, introduced by Kristopher Tate, is positioned as a revolutionary reimagining of the Internet, offering trust from the device layer. Unlike its traditional counterpart, Internet 3 operates as a good rather than just a service. Its software requests the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to generate a public key corresponding to an IPv6 address, ensuring a high level of security and trust. All command and control as well as communication applications within Internet 3 are built on a foundation of trust.

One of Internet 3’s key features is its ability to provide 100% encryption and authentication. By establishing trust from the device layer, Internet 3 guarantees encrypted data transmission and proper authentication of communication entities. This heightened security makes Internet 3 suitable for both information technology and operational technology, offering protection against cyber-attacks and bolstering the security of critical infrastructure systems. Additionally, Internet 3’s useful applications for various markets have the potential to boost GDP and facilitate economic growth.

Internet 3 also promises integration with culture and society. Its support for remote work and promotion of work-life balance demonstrate its potential to enhance everyday work and family life. The collaboration between Internet3 and Mr. Hideshi Takenai from Shin-ten-no-ji temple signifies the connection between this technological innovation and cultural significance.

Moreover, Internet 3 embodies the concept of a universally accessible and owned Internet. By allowing users to have ownership over the Internet, Internet 3 aims to make it accessible to more places on Earth, bridging the digital divide and reducing inequalities. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, as well as Reduced Inequalities.

Despite technological advancements, there are still areas, including Japan, where the full potential of the Internet remains untapped. Kristopher Tate shares observations that people in Silicon Valley initially doubted Japan’s technology scene, and when he personally travelled to Japan at a young age, he noticed a lack of Internet usage. This serves as a reminder that although technology has evolved, global connectivity gaps still need to be addressed.

In conclusion, Internet 3, as presented by Kristopher Tate, offers a groundbreaking approach to the Internet, prioritising trust, security, and universal accessibility. It holds promise for integration with culture and society and has the potential to bridge the digital divide. Embracing cultural interpretations of freedom can further enhance global connectivity. Addressing disparities in Internet usage is essential to fully unlock the potential of technology worldwide.

Samantha Kawaguchi

The analysis explores two important topics: the potential of Internet 3 in bolstering sustainability in cities and the commendable initiative of Sabae City in promoting gender equality. Internet 3, a concept gaining prominence, is seen as a robust tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It can facilitate this by providing increased avenues for developers to innovate and develop new solutions. By offering more opportunities for collaboration and engagement, Internet 3 can effectively contribute to addressing various SDGs such as quality education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16), and partnerships for the goals (SDG 17). The sentiment towards Internet 3 is positive, as it is seen as a significant enabler for sustainable development.

Additionally, Internet 3 is recognized as a crucial factor in ensuring digital peace and secure access to the internet for all individuals. With the implementation of Internet 3, the safety and privacy concerns associated with the internet can be effectively addressed, enabling widespread and secure connectivity. This is essential for fostering an inclusive and equitable digital environment.

Shifting focus to Sabae City, its historical emphasis on women empowerment and gender equality is noteworthy. The city has a long-standing tradition of women actively participating in the workforce and effectively managing both their careers and family responsibilities. Many women engage in family-run businesses, which form a significant portion of the local industries, including the production of glasses, lacquerware, and textiles. This cultural norm of women being involved in business and family life contributes to a thriving community where gender equality is valued.

The city’s specific commitment to gender equality under the SDGs is also highlighted as a notable point. Sabae City has made substantial efforts to emphasize gender equality through various initiatives, promoting equal opportunities, eliminating gender biases, and empowering women in all spheres of life. The sentiment towards Sabae City’s approach to gender equality is positive, acknowledging the importance of women’s contribution to the local economy and the promotion of a fair and inclusive society.

In conclusion, the analysis showcases Internet 3 as a potential catalyst for sustainability in cities, with its ability to drive innovation, enhance collaboration, and ensure secure internet access. Furthermore, the analysis highlights Sabae City’s commendable efforts in promoting gender equality, leveraging its history of women empowerment and initiating specific SDGs-based projects. These findings underscore the significance of technological advancements and progressive social policies in shaping sustainable and equitable communities.


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