Talk with Metaverse residents – a new identity and diversity | IGF 2023

8 Oct 2023 09:00h - 10:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Virtual Girl Nem, Metaverse Culture Evangelist
  • Liudmila Bredikhina, University of Malta, Civil Society, WEOG
  • MAEMURA Akinori, JPNIC, Technical Community, Asia
  • MAEMURA Akinori, JPNIC

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Virtual Girl Nem

The Metaverse represents a transformative innovation within the realm of Virtual Reality, fostering environments conducive to the development of sustainable infrastructure and communities (SDG 9 and 11). It heralds a new norm of living; a universe consciously designed to enhance human existence. Statistics reveal a surge in daily user engagement, with a notable proportion of users spending more than three hours per session, indicative of widespread global adoption of this digital sphere.

Furthermore, the Metaverse significantly influences human communication mechanics, fostering unconventional social interactions that indirectly contribute to quality education and overall well-being (SDG 4 and 3). By eliminating traditional filters such as age, gender, and titles, the Metaverse cultivates relationships based on personalities over visuals, promoting a healthier form of digital sociability.

In the Metaverse, adopting a virtual identity effects a paradigm shift in personal representation, aiding in reducing socio-cultural inequalities and bolstering gender equity (SDG 10 and 5). Data suggests a trend, showing most users prefer avatars with feminine characteristics, hinting at an increased demand for feminine representation in digital culture.

Alongside this preference for feminine avatars, a reduction in the gender gap in virtual identities is apparent. This is primarily due to an increase in the availability of masculine avatars, offering users wider choices in customising their virtual selves. Changing avatar gender is gaining popularity for reasons beyond the available supply, encompassing fashion and the aspiration for more effective communication.

Consider the case of ‘Virtual Girl Nem’, who has spent between three to five years in the Metaverse. Her ability to switch seamlessly between the virtual and physical world by wearing VR goggles, exemplifies human adaptability to this new digital era. Nem’s experience showcases the evolution of human adaptability, as we navigate varied environments both professionally and personally.

Within the Metaverse, it has been identified that for success, effective user communication is vital—a challenge currently faced by numerous tech giants. The service sector should focus on establishing sound communication with users to garner positive results in the Metaverse. The Metaverse’s future invites considerable optimism, primarily due to its potential to offer myriad business opportunities and redefine human communication. Prioritising effective user service interactions is fundamental for the Metaverse to flourish successfully.

In summation, the Metaverse contributes to various Sustainable Development Goals by fostering innovation, promoting equality, and revolutionising communication dynamics. With a growing user base and evolving identities, the potential for the Metaverse is vast. However, to truly achieve its potential, an efficient communication approach, crucial to engaging users, is key to driving its progressive development.

Liudmila Bredikhina

The revie proves a testament to the transformative impact of the Metaverse, most notably underlining the pivotal role avatars possess as instruments of self-expression and communication. Equipped with these avatars, users transcend their physical world identities, thereby uniquely manifesting different aspects of their self-image, conforming or challenging prevailing gender norms. This premise supports SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure as the Metaverse serves as a creative conduit for its users.

Significant is the commonplace trend of gender swapping within the Metaverse. This potential proves avant-garde, administering individuals with a fresh platform to experience and embody alternate gender identities, which might be beyond their grasp in the physical realm. Disseminated statistics indicate that over 70% of both male and female Metaverse users adopt feminine persona. This remarkable progression promotes broader comprehension of gender, propelling the goals of SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Embedded within the insights is the revelation of the unfortunate ubiquity of harassment within the Metaverse, stressing that women and minorities predominantly suffer unwarranted behaviour. This distressing element poses a threat to SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, signalling urgent reforms needed to uphold user safety.

Responding to these safety anxieties, users have voiced fervent need for more secure and less restrictive experiences within the Metaverse. Their specifications embrace enhanced flexibility in self-defence mechanisms, rigorous moderation and an adjustable safety framework. They also emphasised trepidation regarding possible overarching restrictions curtailing their freedom within the Metaverse.

Interestingly, the analysis places heavy emphasis on the motivations of the involved companies, determining the success of the Metaverse. It elucidates that incorporating ethics at the heart of corporative goals assures optimal utilisation and effective marketisation within the Metaverse, whilst minimising exploitative practices.

Finally, there is substantial advocacy towards embedding rules within the Metaverse that champion diversity and ethical wellbeing, aligning with SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and SDG 5: Gender Equality. This insight insists on the significance of such directives to counteract the potential emergence of monopolies, maintaining ethical equilibrium. This sentiment certainly parallels the understanding that behind every avatar in the Metaverse reside genuine individuals deserving courteous treatment.

In conclusion, the Metaverse renders a creative space teeming with opportunities for self-expression, communication and exploration. However, it equally flags challenges, from harassment to monopolistic threats, all of which require staunch mitigation strategies to construct an ethical, diverse, and equitable virtual world.


The dialogue reveals multiple facets of the emerging Metaverse; a virtual realm which creates opportunities for personal expression, introduces unique challenges, and might potentially offer cognitive health benefits.

An intriguing insight is that individuals’ virtual identities within the Metaverse are frequently influenced by their cultural backgrounds. Crucially, this online platform provides a space for people to explore alternate gender identities, enabling them to challenge or uphold dominant gender norms. The Metaverse is thus a vehicle for users to express elements of their identities they might find hard to communicate in the physical world.

However, no digital universe is devoid of real-world problems. The discussion highlights a deeply troubling issue: harassment within the Metaverse. Alarmingly, women and minorities are particularly targeted for such experiences. More concerning is the notion that merely possessing a feminine avatar can invite more harassment, hinting at a concerning digital perpetuation of gender-based discrimination.

Complementing these insights, data from Japan demonstrates how economic stagnation and cultural expectations are spurring some men to assume feminine virtual avatars, as a means of escaping societal pressure. The Metaverse thus emerges as an instrument for challenging and navigating around pre-established socio-cultural norms.

Nonetheless, while grappling with the challenges the Metaverse presents, users are not necessarily advocating restrictive legislation. Most prefer superior moderating processes, improved reporting systems, and adaptable safety measures as opposed to stringent regulation that could potentially squash their virtual freedom and enjoyment.

Notwithstanding the challenges and inequalities, a positive aspect of this virtual experience comes to light. Adjusting between the Metaverse and physical reality is feasible. The transitional process is likened to mood shifts experienced when moving between formal and relaxed states.

Extending this concept, it is proposed that the cognitive effort needed to adapt to the Metaverse could serve a health-promoting role. The brain stimulation incurred from shifting realities might act as a form of anti-ageing training, supporting longevity and cognitive health.

In conclusion, this discourse presents a nuanced perspective of the Metaverse. It emphasises its potential as a platform for alternative identity performance and the troubling prevalence of harassment within it. There’s an urgent need for enhanced safety measures, albeit with a resistance to restrictive legislation. The evolving nature of the Metaverse continues to inspire questions and curiosity, particularly regarding the cognitive health benefits of engaging within this emerging virtual world.


The summary primarily probes into two predominant themes related to the virtual realm, with specific emphasis on the Metaverse.

One primary focal point is the possible fatigue and confusion triggered in the human brain due to exposure to virtual reality. This concern is rooted mainly in the proposal centred on Naem-san, who, despite existing within the virtual universe, may still be susceptible to physical exhaustion due to her organic essence remaining seeded in palpable reality. This sentiment is encapsulated by a palpable undercurrent of worry, with a spectator voicing apprehension over the possibility that the stark distinction between tangible and virtual realities could result in brain confusion, especially when both realities intermingle.

In contrast, the other focus orbits around curiosity and intrigue regarding commercial practices within the Metaverse. This curiosity hails from inquiries about the function of firms within this digital expanse and their strategic marketing operations. The sentiment resonates with neutrality, emerging from a quest to comprehend the mechanisms and dynamics of the Metaverse. The breadth of these inquiries broadens to encompass speculations about monetary exchanges within the Metaverse. This curiosity is solidified by the acknowledgment that the speakers have noted businesses inaugurating marketing ventures within the virtual dimension, and have voiced a keenness to discern more about the role and potential advantages for users and businesses alike.

The extensive dissection of these themes provides insight into human adaptability in relation to rising virtual environments such as the Metaverse. Moreover, the analysis underscores the escalating significance and potential of such digital spaces for commercial purposes, illustrating the importance of comprehending their dynamics and functionalities. Nevertheless, the analysis also highlights potential challenges, particularly concerning physical and mental well-being, hence presenting areas requiring further inquiry and research.


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