Smoke & Mirrors: Social Engineering and Sophisticated Phishing

1 Nov 2023 11:35h - 11:55h UTC

Event report


  • Lucy Hedges


  • Joy Chik

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Session report

Joy Chick

Phishing and social engineering attacks are prevalent across various industries, including healthcare, government, and finance, due to people’s busy schedules and lack of attention. These attacks have become the easiest way for criminals to obtain sensitive information and credentials. The increasing volume, scope, and sophistication of social engineering attacks are a concern, as attackers continue to evolve their strategies.

It is important to note that cyber attacks can happen to anyone, regardless of their level of technical knowledge. Therefore, individuals must remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their information online.

The use of emerging technologies like Gen AI and machine learning by cyber criminals has enhanced phishing attacks. These technologies allow for automated and personalized campaigns that are difficult to detect and deceive people. This underscores the need for individuals to stay informed about the latest cyber threats and adopt robust security measures.

However, AI and Gen AI can also be used to enhance cybersecurity efforts. Companies like Microsoft employ AI to evaluate the security of user identities, devices, networks, and data. This technology can detect anomalies and breaches by analyzing vast amounts of information, while Gen AI automates these processes and reduces the burden on cybersecurity specialists.

To effectively combat social engineering attacks, individuals are advised to use phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) and remain cautious of potential threats. However, it is important to recognise that MFA is not foolproof, as attackers have found tactics, such as SIM jacking and creating fake websites, to bypass these security measures. Maintaining a high level of vigilance is therefore essential.

The inconvenience of managing multiple passwords poses another challenge. Remembering different passwords for various accounts can be difficult and can lead to security risks. Password management solutions are necessary, and individuals should avoid reusing passwords and credentials across multiple accounts.

Responsibility for online protection should not solely rest on users. Collaboration among industries, authorities, and society as a whole is crucial for implementing effective cybersecurity measures. Biometrics and device-based authentication methods, such as Fast Identity Online (FIDO), are increasingly being adopted to securely verify users’ identities.

A zero-trust approach to identity verification and security is essential. This approach involves continuously verifying identities, granting minimal privileges, and assuming that breaches can occur, focusing on prompt detection and remediation.

In the era of cloud services, protecting workload identities is crucial. As more customers transition to the cloud, safeguarding non-human identities becomes increasingly important. Streamlining and decentralising verifiable credentials are necessary to ensure robust protection.

AI has the potential to revolutionise the security industry by identifying anomalies, detecting breaches, and taking real-time action. It simplifies the work of cybersecurity professionals by reducing reliance on multiple tools and logs.

Overall, security is a collaborative effort that requires the active participation of various stakeholders. By staying informed, adopting robust security measures, and fostering cooperation among industry players and societies, we can effectively combat the growing threat of cyber attacks and safeguard our digital ecosystem.


In a recent discussion on the topics of smoke and mirrors, social engineering, and sophisticated phishing, Joy Chick, the President of Identity and Network Access at Microsoft, and Lucy Hedges, a technology journalist and TV presenter, explored the intricacies of cyber attacks and the necessary steps to protect against them. The discussion provided insights into the deceptive tactics employed by cyber criminals, including the use of smoke and mirrors to create illusions and misdirect attention. These tactics often result in successful social engineering attempts, where attackers manipulate individuals into revealing sensitive information or compromising security.

Both speakers stressed the critical importance of educating people about the various tactics employed in cyber attacks. By raising awareness and promoting digital literacy, individuals can become more vigilant and better equipped to identify and defend against deceptive strategies. Chick emphasised the need for organisations and individuals to invest in comprehensive cybersecurity training covering topics such as phishing awareness, safe browsing habits, and password hygiene.

Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the increasing sophistication of phishing techniques, noting that attackers are constantly evolving their methods to outsmart security measures. Traditional approaches to identifying phishing emails, like checking for spelling errors or suspicious links, are no longer sufficient. Cyber criminals have become adept at crafting highly convincing and targeted emails that are nearly indistinguishable from genuine communications. This necessitates the implementation of advanced security measures that go beyond traditional email filters and firewalls.

In conclusion, the discussion underscored that smoke and mirrors, social engineering, and sophisticated phishing are persistent threats that require continuous improvement in cybersecurity practices. Education and awareness are key to mitigating these risks, and organisations should prioritize implementing robust security measures to counter the evolving tactics employed by cyber criminals. By staying informed and proactive, individuals and businesses can enhance their defenses and safeguard their sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

Lucy Hedges

Social engineering and sophisticated phishing attacks are emerging as increasingly concerning threats to our digital society. These attacks exploit human vulnerabilities and security gaps and are executed by highly skilled perpetrators. It is worth noting that emerging technologies, such as Gen AI, are accelerating the innovation curve in these attacks.

To effectively defend against these threats, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of how social engineering and phishing attacks work and how they are evolving. These attacks are becoming more sophisticated, necessitating individuals and organizations to stay informed and updated on the latest tactics employed by cybercriminals. Without this knowledge, countering these threats becomes increasingly difficult.

In this context, Lucy Hedges implicitly praises Joy Chick, highlighting her authority in the security landscape and her exceptional leadership role in managing Microsoft’s Identity and Network Security Solutions. With oversight of the largest user base in the world, encompassing both consumers and commercial entities, Joy Chick’s leadership underscores the importance of expertise in combating security threats.

Lucy Hedges emphasizes the evolution of social engineering attacks over time, noting their increased intricacy and sophistication. It is crucial to recognize that cyber attacks can happen to anyone, regardless of their technological knowledge or industry of work. This serves as a reminder that no one is immune to such threats and that everyone must take precautions to protect themselves and their data.

In conclusion, the escalating threats of social engineering and sophisticated phishing attacks present a significant risk to our digital society. The evolving nature of these attacks calls for continuous education, awareness, and the adoption of advanced security measures. Strong leadership, exemplified by Joy Chick, plays a pivotal role in navigating and mitigating these risks. Cybersecurity is a collective effort that demands vigilance from individuals and organizations alike.


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