Behavior Unmasked: The Effects of Anonymity on Online Activity

2 Nov 2023 11:00h - 11:30h UTC

Event report


  • Will Ripley


  • Prof. Mary Aiken

Table of contents

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Session report

Will Ripley

**Will Ripley**, a renowned speaker and expert in cyber psychology, is scheduled to participate in a highly anticipated discussion on the subject. One of the main objectives of Ripley’s participation is to understand the unique aspects of cyber psychology and how people’s interaction with digital devices affects it.

Ripley points out the negative consequences of excessive phone use and highlights the addictive nature of smartphones, particularly due to the release of dopamine. He personally spends around six to eight hours on his phone, which exemplifies the pervasive influence of digital devices in our lives. To mitigate these issues, Ripley advocates for reducing screen time as a means to improve both mental and physical health.

Another significant aspect of the discussion revolves around the concept of online anonymity. Ripley questions the practicality of achieving absolute online anonymity as he argues that a fake profile could ultimately be traced back to the user’s IP address. He also highlights the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) in the context of online anonymity, further emphasizing the challenges in maintaining complete anonymity in the digital realm.

Furthermore, Ripley acknowledges the broad definition of cybercrime. He believes that minor actions could potentially fall under this definition, and he questions the subjective nature of the term. This perspective highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding and approach to defining and addressing cybercrime.

Digital piracy and its impact on societal norms and values are also discussed by Ripley. He points out that many individuals unknowingly commit digital piracy by downloading and sharing multimedia content without proper payment. This prevalent behavior is seen as a significant concern that needs to be adequately addressed.

Ripley also brings attention to the middle ground in online behavior, where concepts such as freedom of speech and anonymity reside. He argues that this gray area needs careful consideration as it is often the source of disagreements and controversies. Finding the balance between allowing freedom of expression and regulating harmful content is a complex challenge in the digital age.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another topic of interest in the discussion. Ripley suggests that the potential risks associated with AI are being considered, as evidenced by the UK hosting an AI summit. However, he also notes the difficulty in achieving consensus on global regulation due to geopolitical tensions and conflicting national interests.

The burden of monitoring and regulating online content is placed on social media companies, which Ripley questions the fairness of. He argues that these companies are not only expected to act as providers of platforms but also as virtual policemen and traffic cops. The responsibility placed on these companies raises concerns about the regulation of online content and the potential for censorship.

The discussion also addresses the importance of online safety technologies, or safety tech, in protecting individuals’ well-being in the digital world. Cybersecurity is recognized as a means to protect data, systems, networks, and devices, but the focus on human online safety is often overlooked. Ripley points out the growing sectors of safety tech in the UK, Europe, and the US, highlighting the increasing recognition of the significance of protecting individuals online.

In conclusion, the discussion involving Will Ripley highlights various pressing issues related to cyber psychology, excessive phone use, online anonymity, cybercrime, digital piracy, online behavior, AI risks, social media content regulation, and the importance of online safety technologies. Ripley’s insights shed light on the complexities involved in navigating the digital landscape and the need for a balanced and well-regulated approach to ensure a safer and more ethical online environment.

Prof. Mary Aiken

The analysis explores various arguments and stances on the topic of cyber psychology and online behavior. Professor Mary Aiken sees cyber psychology as the future and believes it is crucial in understanding the impact of technology on human behavior. Despite her conviction, she encounters skepticism from those who dismiss cyber psychology as ‘cyber hocus-pocus’. This highlights the challenges faced in introducing a relatively new field of study to the academic community.

The study of cyber psychology delves into various aspects of online behavior. One such aspect is the time loss effect, where engaging in online activities can result in an unintended loss of time. For example, checking emails for a few minutes can quickly turn into hours spent online. This phenomenon raises concerns about productivity and time management in the digital age.

Another significant area of study within cyber psychology is the concept of online disinhibition, which refers to the tendency for individuals to exhibit different behaviors online compared to in-person interactions. The perceived anonymity and sense of detachment in online environments can lead to a loss of inhibitions, allowing people to engage in actions they may not typically do in the offline world.

Related to online disinhibition is the issue of online anonymity. Unlike in the real world, the internet allows individuals to remain anonymous, which can lead to more extreme behavioral changes. While some argue that online anonymity offers freedom of expression, others note the potential for negative consequences such as cybercrime and cyberbullying.

The influence of online platforms on individual behavior is also explored. People tend to conceptualize themselves differently in online spaces, where they seek validation through likes, comments, and engagement. This can lead to significant changes in behavior as individuals adapt to the online environment. Professor Aiken strongly believes in the significant influence of online platforms on individual behavior, emphasizing the need to understand and manage this impact.

Attention retention in the online world is another crucial aspect discussed in the analysis. Devices and online platforms are designed to capture users’ attention, creating an attention economy that rewards systems for captivating users for longer durations. This has implications for mental health and well-being, as individuals may become addicted to online engagement and struggle to disconnect from the digital world.

The analysis also highlights the socio-political aspects of cyberspace, focusing on the need for regulations and responsible behavior. Anonymity on the internet is questioned, with some arguing that it should not be considered a fundamental right but rather a privilege that comes with responsibility. The potential for harm in cyberspace, including cybercrimes like cyberbullying, harassment, and money laundering, prompts discussions on how to protect vulnerable individuals, particularly children, and establish regulations to hold social media companies accountable for the content on their platforms.

In conclusion, the analysis presents a multifaceted exploration of cyber psychology and online behavior. It acknowledges both the potential benefits and risks associated with increasing reliance on technology and online platforms. A better understanding of cyber psychology can help mitigate the negative consequences of online behavior and ensure a safer, more ethical digital landscape. However, it is clear that further research, regulations, and education are needed to address the complexities and challenges posed by cyberspace.


The analysis explores various topics, beginning with the effects of violent video games on behavior. One speaker takes an inquiring stance, seeking to understand the factors that influence the behavior of individuals exposed to violent video games. This suggests a neutral sentiment towards the topic. The speaker mentions engaging with the professor’s material on YouTube and recognizing the interconnectedness of the real world and cyberspace. The main argument is to gain a comprehensive understanding of how violent video games impact behavior.

The analysis also discusses the global regulation of AI, the digital economy, and social media markets. Ongoing initiatives to globalize regulation are mentioned, indicating a neutral sentiment. However, another speaker takes a positive stance, emphasizing the importance and benefits of globalizing regulation in these areas. Unfortunately, there are no supporting facts provided for this argument. Nonetheless, the main point is to advocate for globalized regulation to ensure fair and effective governance in AI, the digital economy, and social media.

In addition, the creation of a safer internet is addressed. A scientist speaker is actively working towards this goal, with a positive sentiment. However, specific details or evidence regarding the scientist’s methods or initiatives are not mentioned. Nevertheless, the argument is clear: advocating for a safer online environment.

The analysis also explores using data from online trolls for research, with a neutral sentiment. A speaker mentions the abundance of data provided by trolling and their utilization of it for research. However, specific details about the research or the insights derived from the data are not provided.

Lastly, a speaker holds a strong and confident stance against online trolls, encouraging their ongoing activity as it provides valuable data. This suggests a positive sentiment towards the speaker’s approach, considering the benefits derived from gathering troll data. The related topics discussed include internet safety and online abuse, aligning with SDG 5 for Gender Equality and SDG 16 for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Overall, the analysis covers a wide range of topics and perspectives. It provides insights into the impacts of violent video games, the importance of globalized regulation, efforts towards creating a safer internet, and utilizing data from online trolls for research purposes. However, some arguments lack specific supporting evidence, limiting the depth of analysis in certain areas.


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