G7 Leaders’ Summit 2021

11 Jun 2021 - 13 Jun 2021

Cornwall, UK

The G7 Leaders’ Summit in 2021 is presided over by the United Kingdom and will take place between 11 and 13 June in Cornwall.

The Summit aims to unite leading democracies to help the world build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic and create a greener, more prosperous future. Besides welcoming G7 leaders to the UK for the Leaders’ Summit, the UK will host seven ministerial meetings throughout the year between a variety of Government Ministers from the G7, both virtually and in different locations across the country. The ministerial summits will cover economic, environmental, health, trade, technology, development, and foreign policy issues.

The Finance, Trade, and Digital and Technology Ministers’ meeting is expected to be reaching an agreement on a minimum rate of at least 15% corporate taxation of multinationals, clearing the way for a global deal later in the year.

Further information on the Summit can be found on the official webpage.
