Launch of the eTrade Readiness Assessment of Mauritania (UNCTAD)

6 Dec 2023 13:00h - 14:00h UTC

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Full session report

Faicel Belaid

Mauritania has displayed a clear political will to advance e-commerce and digital trade, providing a promising foundation for development in these areas. The presence of favorable conditions, driven by political motivation, indicates a strong commitment to transforming the digital landscape of the country. This positive sentiment is supported by the assessment report, which highlights the underdeveloped state of e-commerce and digital trade in Mauritania but also emphasizes the potential for growth and improvement.

However, several key areas need to be addressed to facilitate the progress of e-commerce in Mauritania. One of the main challenges is the need for improved coordination between institutions. Strengthening institutional coordination plays a critical role in ensuring the effective implementation of policies and strategies related to e-commerce. It enables different stakeholders to work together towards common goals, leading to a more cohesive and efficient digital trade ecosystem.

Another aspect that requires attention is the development of a nationwide e-commerce strategy. This strategy should encompass various elements, such as setting clear goals and objectives, identifying priority areas for intervention, and outlining specific actions to be taken. Implementing a comprehensive e-commerce strategy will provide a roadmap for progress, guiding stakeholders in their efforts to boost the digital trade sector.

In addition, it is crucial to enhance official statistics on e-commerce in Mauritania. The compilation of accurate and reliable data is paramount for monitoring progress, identifying trends, and informing evidence-based decision making. The National Statistics Office should take the lead in improving data collection methods and reporting mechanisms to provide a solid foundation for evidence-based policymaking.

Infrastructure is also a significant consideration in the advancement of e-commerce. The penetration rates of both landlines and fiber-optic networks in Mauritania are currently insufficient to support widespread digital trade activities. Therefore, there is a pressing need to invest in improving the infrastructure of landlines and internet services, ensuring reliable and accessible connectivity across the country. This will enable businesses and individuals to engage in e-commerce more effectively and efficiently.

Efforts to digitalize customs clearance processes and invest in digitalization for different aspects of trade operations are in progress. Implementing a digital customs clearance program and embracing electronic logistics systems will enhance the quality of e-services and facilitate foreign trade operations. These initiatives will streamline processes, increase efficiency, and reduce the time and cost associated with trade activities.

To create an enabling environment for e-commerce, the legal and regulatory framework must be updated. The current 2018-2022 law on e-commerce needs revision and updates to accommodate e-transactions and ensure robust data protection. Strengthening the legal framework will provide clarity and legal certainty for businesses and consumers, fostering trust and confidence in the e-commerce ecosystem.

Furthermore, the diversification and expansion of the financial system are essential to support the growth of the e-commerce industry in Mauritania. Currently, the range of financial products available is limited, hindering the development of e-commerce startups and businesses. To address this, the establishment of diversified financial vehicles, such as venture capital, would provide much-needed support. Additionally, operational credit guarantee funds for small and medium-sized businesses would enhance access to financing, enabling them to seize e-commerce opportunities and contribute to the overall economic growth of the country.

In conclusion, while Mauritania’s political will to advance e-commerce and digital trade is commendable, there are critical areas that require attention and improvement. Strengthening coordination between institutions, developing a nationwide e-commerce strategy, and enhancing official statistics on e-commerce are necessary steps towards creating a conducive environment for digital trade. Moreover, investing in infrastructure, updating the legal and regulatory framework, and diversifying the financial system are all crucial aspects for supporting the growth and success of the e-commerce industry in Mauritania.

Masahiko Metoki

The experts in the field have strongly emphasized the need for an effective addressing system to be prioritised in order to improve the overall efficiency of government services. This is because the Universal Postal Union (UPU) possesses extensive knowledge and experience with modern addressing systems, which can greatly contribute to enhancing the efficiency of government services as a whole. The implementation of an effective addressing system is considered essential to ensure that government services operate smoothly and efficiently.

Furthermore, the importance of collaboration and coordination with other ministries, especially in relation to customs procedures, has been highlighted. Internal coordination within ministries is essential for improving service efficiency, and streamlining customs processes can significantly facilitate both domestic and international trade. The experts argue that initiatives should be taken to foster collaboration and coordination with other ministries, specifically in the context of customs procedures, in order to further enhance trade facilitation.

Improving financial services and collaborating with other financial institutions have also been identified as key areas of focus. Collaborating with other financial institutions is deemed crucial in order to provide financial services, particularly for underserved communities and rural areas. By improving access to financial services in these areas, it is believed that it can contribute to reducing poverty and promote economic growth, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of eradicating poverty (SDG 1) and promoting decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).

Investing in training and capacity building has also been highlighted as essential for the improvement of postal services. Reactivating training centres and organising programmes are seen as important steps towards capacity building, which can lead to enhancements in service quality. By investing in training and capacity building, postal services can better meet the needs of the public and provide improved service delivery.

In addition to these points, the experts have emphasised the need for a regulatory framework in the postal services sector. Clear guidelines on pricing, quality standards, and consumer protection are necessary to ensure efficient service provision. The UPU has been acknowledged as having the capacity to cooperate in these areas, highlighting the importance of its role in establishing a regulatory framework for postal services.

In conclusion, the experts have identified several key priorities and arguments for the improvement of postal services and government service efficiency. These include implementing an effective addressing system, fostering collaboration and coordination with other ministries, improving financial services and collaborating with other financial institutions, investing in training and capacity building, and establishing a regulatory framework for postal services. By addressing these priorities, it is believed that postal services can be enhanced, resulting in improved overall service delivery and public satisfaction.

Hamza Ould Bakar

The Mauritanian government, specifically the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Modernisation of the Administration, has shown ambition and commitment towards integrating the digital economy and electronic commerce into the country’s development. They have taken bold measures in this regard.

To comprehensively analyse the challenges and opportunities in the field of e-commerce, the E-Trade Readiness Assessment was conducted by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) with the financial support of GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation). This assessment aims to provide strategic recommendations for Mauritania to thrive in the ever-evolving environment of e-commerce.

Hamza Ould Bakar, a prominent figure, actively supports and encourages the implementation of the strategic recommendations formulated by the E-Trade Readiness Assessment. He emphasises the importance of engagement by technical and financial partners to effectively implement these recommendations. GIZ Mauritania, on its part, is dedicated to collaborating with UNCTAD to contribute to the implementation of the E-Trade Readiness Assessment Recommendations.

Overall, the Mauritanian government’s commitment to integrating the digital economy and electronic commerce, along with the support from influential individuals like Hamza Ould Bakar, indicates their recognition of the significant potential these sectors hold for the country’s growth and development. By embracing these technologies and incorporating strategic recommendations, Mauritania can position itself to seize the opportunities presented by the digital economy.

Mohamed Hmeimed

Fintech companies play a critical role in fostering financial inclusion, particularly in Africa. These companies have always sought to increase financial access on the African continent. However, there is a need to simplify and expand fintech services to reach a larger audience. This is essential to ensure that a wider range of individuals can benefit from the convenience and innovation offered by fintech solutions. Furthermore, there is a need for greater simplification and democratization of financial services to make them accessible to a broader public. Historically, efforts to democratize financial services have been inadequate. By widening the availability of financial services, a larger number of people can participate in and benefit from the financial system. However, regulatory frameworks and resource deployment can pose challenges for fintech development and scaling. In Mauritania, for example, government regulations sometimes hinder the full potential of fintech development. Overcoming these barriers requires proper resource deployment and the development of appropriate infrastructures. Despite these challenges, there has been a notable increase in the audience base for fintech services, indicating growth and acceptance. For instance, in Mauritania, the number of fintech users has grown from around 10,000 to approximately 200,000. This significant increase demonstrates the growing popularity and adoption of e-service financial solutions. In conclusion, fintech companies play a crucial role in driving financial inclusion, and it is necessary to simplify and make their services accessible to a wider audience. Efforts to democratize financial services and overcome regulatory and resource challenges are also essential for fintech development. The substantial increase in the audience base indicates the growth and acceptance of fintech solutions, underscoring their potential to transform the financial landscape.

Shamika N. Sirimanne

Shamika N. Sirimanne, the moderator for the E-Trade Readiness Assessment of Mauritania, expresses pleasure at being part of the session. The assessment is being organized by ANGTAR in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Modernization of Mauritania. This initiative is supported by GIZ, with financial contributions on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The Minister for Digital Transformation plays a crucial role in driving the digital transformation journey in Mauritania. Shamika N. Sirimanne holds the Minister in high regard and appreciates his dynamism in pushing forward the digital agenda.

The session involves the presentation of the main findings from the E-Trade Readiness Assessment, which marks the launch and the beginning of the implementation process. This underlines the importance of the session, as it sets the stage for the practical steps needed to foster e-trade readiness in Mauritania. Additionally, the Minister for Digital Transformation is already spearheading the implementation phase, exemplifying the commitment towards achieving the goals set forth.

Shamika N. Sirimanne commends the participation and contributions of ANGTAR, UPU (Universal Postal Union), and GIZ. UPU has been a staunch supporter of the E-Trade for All partnership and has taken significant collaborative actions. Their involvement highlights the significance of partnerships and cooperative efforts in realizing SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

The discussions also emphasize the inclusive nature of digital transformation efforts, with a particular focus on youth-centered development. It is mentioned that steps and investments in infrastructure and payment systems are being made to support the implementation of digital transformation in Mauritania.

Shamika N. Sirimanne acknowledges the relentless efforts in digital transformation by Mauritania. This recognition reinforces the importance of sustainable development and the need for continuous improvement in e-commerce and digital transformation practices.

Furthermore, Shamika N. Sirimanne supports the collaboration between Mauritania and other nations, highlighting the significance of international cooperation and public-private partnerships. The acknowledgement of collaboration between Mauritania and other entities underscores the collective effort required in realizing SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

In addition to the main points, it is worth noting that Shamika N. Sirimanne also expresses appreciation for the efforts of specific individuals involved in this collaboration. Specifically, Mr. Machia and Ms. Bakar are mentioned as key contributors to this partnership. Their dedication and contributions serve as an inspiration for others working towards the same objectives.

Overall, the expanded summary highlights the positive sentiment expressed by Shamika N. Sirimanne regarding the E-Trade Readiness Assessment in Mauritania. The emphasis on collaboration, inclusivity, and partnership underscores the crucial role of collective action in achieving sustainable development and fostering digital transformation.

H.E. Mohamed Abdallahi Louly

Mauritania is demonstrating a strong commitment to digital transformation and e-commerce, with significant investments aimed at improving the lives of its citizens. The government is prioritising the development of inclusive, reliable, and high-performance digital infrastructures to foster economic growth and sustainable development.

One of the key investments in digital transformation is the expansion of the fiber-optic network across the country. Mauritania has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to this endeavor, ensuring that fast and reliable internet connectivity reaches more areas. This investment will enable individuals, businesses, and institutions to access digital services and participate in the digital economy.

In parallel, the government has also earmarked funds for e-commerce development. Specifically, $3 million has been allocated to support the growth of e-commerce in Mauritania. This investment aims to create an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation in digital business ventures. Additionally, $4.5 million has been set aside for the implementation of efficient e-payment systems, streamlining financial transactions and facilitating online commerce.

Recognising the importance of nurturing the ecosystem for e-commerce startups, the government has launched training and coaching programs. These initiatives aim to equip aspiring digital entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the e-commerce sector. By fostering a supportive environment for startups, Mauritania seeks to capitalise on the growing potential of the digital economy, while also creating job opportunities and contributing to economic growth.

Furthermore, Mauritania highlights the need for international cooperation and investment in digital transformation and e-commerce. In this regard, the country is actively seeking more investors to participate in the development of e-commerce infrastructure. By inviting foreign investment, Mauritania hopes to leverage external expertise and resources to accelerate the growth of the digital sector. This emphasis on international cooperation is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals), which underscore the significance of global collaboration for inclusive and sustainable development.

In conclusion, Mauritania’s strategic investments in digital transformation and e-commerce demonstrate a proactive approach towards enhancing the lives of its citizens and promoting economic development. The expansion of the fiber-optic network, allocation of funds for e-commerce development, support for startups, and emphasis on international cooperation all contribute to creating an enabling environment for the digital economy to flourish. These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to harnessing the potential of technology and digital innovation to build a more inclusive and prosperous future for Mauritania.

Pedro Manuel Moreno

The E-Trade Readiness Assessment of Mauritania is hailed as a significant milestone in UNCTAD’s ongoing efforts to promote digital trade readiness worldwide. This assessment, which is the 36th conducted by UNCTAD since 2017, demonstrates their dedication to advancing e-trade readiness on a global scale. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the unprecedented growth of online trade has underscored the importance of assessing and improving e-trade readiness, particularly in countries like Mauritania. The positive sentiment surrounding this assessment reflects its recognition and relevance in the current global economic climate.

One notable aspect of the E-Trade for All initiative is its collaborative approach. In the case of Mauritania’s assessment, UNCTAD worked closely with the government, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and the US Institute for Trade and Logistics (USITRAL). This collaborative effort demonstrates the commitment and dedication of multiple stakeholders towards enhancing e-trade readiness in Mauritania.

The involvement of the UPU is particularly noteworthy as they support the implementation of a national addressing system in Mauritania, which aims to enhance the country’s logistics and delivery services, thus facilitating e-commerce and trade.

Additionally, the ITC’s contribution of support to Mauritanian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) underscores the importance of prioritising and strengthening the capabilities of SMEs in the digital economy. This aligns with SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

The assessment also shed light on the challenges that Mauritania faces in achieving e-trade readiness. These challenges include the need to improve financial inclusion, enhance SME capabilities, establish a robust national addressing system, facilitate access to finance for e-commerce SMEs, and digitalise foreign trade procedures. Addressing these challenges is crucial for creating an environment that enables businesses to fully harness the potential of e-trade.

The donors who supported the E-Trade Readiness Assessment of Mauritania were also acknowledged and appreciated. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), provided financial and technical support. The involvement of multiple donors, including the UPU, ITC, and USITRAL, further highlights the importance of partnerships in achieving the SDGs, specifically SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

In conclusion, the E-Trade Readiness Assessment of Mauritania represents a significant step in UNCTAD’s efforts to promote digital trade readiness globally. The collaborative approach, involvement of various stakeholders, acknowledgement of challenges, and support from donors emphasise the importance of addressing these issues to leverage opportunities in the digital economy. The assessment offers valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing e-trade readiness, thus contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.


Faicel Belaid

Speech speed

122 words per minute

Speech length

2130 words

Speech time

1049 secs


H.E. Mohamed Abdallahi Louly

Speech speed

116 words per minute

Speech length

778 words

Speech time

401 secs


Hamza Ould Bakar

Speech speed

123 words per minute

Speech length

504 words

Speech time

245 secs


Masahiko Metoki

Speech speed

120 words per minute

Speech length

586 words

Speech time

292 secs


Mohamed Hmeimed

Speech speed

104 words per minute

Speech length

935 words

Speech time

540 secs


Pedro Manuel Moreno

Speech speed

152 words per minute

Speech length

870 words

Speech time

344 secs


Shamika N. Sirimanne

Speech speed

138 words per minute

Speech length

1537 words

Speech time

666 secs