The postal sector: a key partner for sustainable and digital development – discussion around the State of the Postal Sector report (UPU) UPU TradePost Forum

6 Dec 2023 17:00h - 18:00h UTC

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Full session report

Jose Anson

A robust postal system plays a pivotal role in promoting economic development by facilitating trade and increasing e-commerce penetration. Countries with well-established postal systems demonstrate higher levels of trade facilitation and enjoy increased e-commerce activities. Furthermore, investing in postal infrastructure and fostering innovation within the sector contributes to both economic prosperity and social inclusion.

However, there exist significant disparities in postal development across the world, resulting in economic disadvantages and missed opportunities for inclusive growth. While 49 out of 172 countries analysed in the report exhibit a positive growth trajectory for postal development, there are notable differences between nations. This disparity in postal development hinders economic progress and perpetuates inequalities.

In response to the changing landscape of communication and delivery services, the postal sector must adapt and innovate. Traditional letter volumes are decreasing, leading to a decline in associated postal income. In contrast, parcels, logistics, and digital services are emerging as new frontiers in the industry. To thrive in this evolving environment, postal services must emphasise the need for innovation and adaptability.

To meet these challenges, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a hyper-collaborative approach is recommended. By leveraging generative AI and embracing hyper-collaboration, most operational inefficiencies within the postal sector can be eliminated, and pricing can be optimised. Furthermore, adopting an ecosystemic business model approach will ensure that postal services remain relevant and competitive in the modern marketplace.

In addition to innovation, ensuring postal reliability and reducing postage prices are essential factors for a resilient postal ecosystem. Unfortunately, there has been a decline in end-to-end reliability in international logistics and postal exchanges when compared to the pre-pandemic period. This decrease in reliability has negatively impacted international postal traffic. Furthermore, the doubling of shipping rates for international postal services has exacerbated the situation, causing a significant decrease in such services.

In conclusion, a robust postal system is vital for economic development, trade facilitation, and e-commerce penetration. However, disparities in postal development worldwide pose economic disadvantages and hinder inclusive growth. To navigate the changing landscape, the postal sector must embrace innovation, adopting AI and a hyper-collaborative approach. Ensuring postal reliability and reducing postage prices are also critical to maintain a resilient postal system. Efforts towards addressing these challenges will contribute to a more equitable, adaptable, and future-ready postal ecosystem.


The State of the Postal Sector Report highlights the crucial role of the postal sector in economic development and resilience. It emphasizes that better postal systems contribute to an increase of nearly 7% in GDP. Additionally, it states that countries with higher levels of postal services have experienced greater post-pandemic economic recovery. This highlights the economic importance of developing and maintaining efficient postal systems.

However, the report also highlights the disparities in postal development between nations. These disparities can lead to economic disadvantages for countries with underdeveloped postal systems. It suggests that addressing these disparities is essential to ensure fair and equal opportunities for economic growth.

The report argues that investing in postal infrastructure and innovation is crucial for economic prosperity and social inclusion. It explains that the postal sector plays an essential role in driving a wide range of economic activities. By investing in postal infrastructure and innovation, countries can enhance their economic growth potential and promote social inclusion.

Moreover, the report emphasizes the potential of adopting a hyper-collaborative approach involving artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. It suggests that this approach can greatly improve the efficiency and sustainability of the postal sector. By leveraging AI and data analytics, postal services can optimize pricing, design predictable services, and monetize decarbonization efforts. This highlights the need for technological advancements and collaborations to enhance the postal sector’s capabilities.

Furthermore, the report advocates for better governance of international postal and logistics data to facilitate cross-border e-commerce. It states that improved data governance can eliminate operational inefficiencies, optimize pricing, and ensure more predictable postal services. This highlights the importance of international cooperation and partnerships to streamline and enhance cross-border e-commerce.

In conclusion, the report emphasizes the significance of investing in the postal sector for overall economic prosperity and social inclusion. It highlights the positive impact of efficient postal systems on GDP growth and post-pandemic economic recovery. By addressing disparities in postal development, investing in infrastructure and innovation, and adopting a hyper-collaborative approach involving AI and data analytics, countries can enhance their postal sector’s efficiency, sustainability, and contribution to economic development. Additionally, better governance of international postal and logistics data can facilitate cross-border e-commerce and further boost the sector’s growth.


The analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the postal sector, highlighting several key points and arguments. One of the main points raised is the need to inform policymakers about the current state of the sector. Currently, policymakers only receive updates during council sessions, indicating a lack of regular communication and awareness about the postal sector. It is argued that there is a need to pass on the message to decision-makers to ensure they are well-informed and can make informed decisions regarding the sector. Another important aspect highlighted in the analysis is the role of data in stimulating economic growth in the postal sector. Unlike other sectors, the postal sector has real-time data, which can be utilized to demonstrate the advantages of investing in postal infrastructure. However, the usage of data is currently limited due to competitive fears among operators. It is suggested that if operators share strategic data, it can help in the development of the sector. Technological solutions, such as algorithms, can be utilized to protect the competitiveness of operators while allowing for the sharing of valuable data. The importance of investment in postal infrastructure is another key argument put forward in the analysis. It is stated that investing in postal infrastructure can stimulate economic growth and also help in reducing inequalities between different regions. This highlights the potential impact that sufficient investment can have on the overall development of the postal sector. Additionally, the analysis also emphasizes the insufficiency of advocacy efforts in the postal sector. It is suggested that current advocacy work does not go far enough, despite the significant impact that post offices have on people’s lives and their potential to stimulate economic development. It is argued that more robust advocacy efforts are needed to raise awareness and garner support for the postal sector. In conclusion, the analysis sheds light on various aspects of the postal sector. Policymakers need to be better informed about the state of the sector, and data plays a crucial role in stimulating economic growth. Furthermore, there is a need for sharing strategic data among operators, while ensuring competitiveness is protected. Investment in postal infrastructure is essential for the sector’s growth, and advocacy efforts need to be strengthened. These findings provide valuable insights into the current state of the postal sector and offer recommendations for its development and improvement.



Speech speed

117 words per minute

Speech length

837 words

Speech time

428 secs


Jose Anson

Speech speed

146 words per minute

Speech length

6239 words

Speech time

2562 secs



Speech speed

156 words per minute

Speech length

1367 words

Speech time

527 secs