Embracing the future of e-commerce and AI now (WEF)

8 Dec 2023 10:00h - 11:30h UTC

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Full session report

Sopheakdey Moeun

The implementation of advanced technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI), in Cambodia’s customs system is highly beneficial. AI has the capability to predict potential Harmonised System (HS) codes for declared items, making the processing and release of goods more efficient. Additionally, AI can assist in detecting fraudulent activities, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of customs operations.

To ensure seamless system integration, strong collaboration and cooperation between the customs and postal units are crucial. This collaboration is achieved through the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between customs and post for electronic data exchange. This electronic data exchange enables efficient information sharing, leading to faster and more accurate customs procedures.

In the context of cross-border e-commerce transactions, AI proves to be invaluable. It can significantly simplify the customs clearance process by predicting HS codes for products, reducing complexity and the time taken for clearance. Furthermore, AI can analyse captured images of products, providing clarity on formalities and preparations needed before clearance. Sopheakdey Moeun, an advocate of AI implementation, highlights the importance of using AI to facilitate and simplify customs processes for cross-border e-commerce transactions. This benefits businesses and contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8).

Another key argument is the need for fair competition in the market and the importance of keeping administrative costs for customs clearance reasonable. Logistic costs sometimes surpass product costs, posing challenges for market competition. Hiring third-party individuals for customs clearance adds to the total cost, making it difficult for businesses to compete. By utilising AI in customs procedures, administrative costs can be reduced, promoting fair competition and reducing inequalities (SDG 10) while facilitating economic growth (SDG 8).

However, it is important to consider the limitations of AI. Concerns arise regarding the accuracy and cost of implementing AI systems. Lucas mentions that it is not possible to rely entirely on AI, highlighting the need for human supervision to improve the process and accuracy of AI. Some AI solutions may also be costly, and the return on investment must be carefully evaluated.

In conclusion, the implementation of advanced technology, particularly AI, in Cambodia’s customs system brings numerous benefits. It simplifies customs procedures, improves efficiency, detects fraud, reduces administrative costs, promotes fair competition, and contributes to achieving SDGs. However, concerns regarding the accuracy and cost of AI should be addressed, recognizing the need for ongoing development and human supervision to ensure optimal results.

Birame Sock

The speakers engaged in a comprehensive discussion on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and e-commerce, with a particular focus on the need for AI to adapt to local languages and the importance of data accessibility in the public sector. They argued that for AI to be truly inclusive and accessible to all users, it should support local languages rather than expecting local users to learn new languages or adapt to AI technologies designed for other regions. As an example, it was observed that in African nations like Senegal, most applications are in French or English, rather than in local languages like Wolof. This presents a major barrier for citizens who do not understand or have access to AI technologies due to the language barrier. Therefore, the consensus was that AI technology should be more inclusive of local languages, facilitating greater accessibility and adoption among local users.

The discussion also underscored the critical role of data accessibility for successful AI implementation, with the public sector identified as a key source of valuable data. Lack of data was acknowledged as a major challenge in AI implementations, and it was argued that the public sector possesses abundant data that can be effectively harnessed for AI. Thus, it was posited that the public sector should make their data available for AI purposes, as access to relevant and diverse data sets is crucial for AI systems to deliver accurate and insightful outcomes.

Furthermore, the speakers emphasized the responsibility of both technology providers and the public sector in using AI responsibly. Technology providers were viewed as having the responsibility to implement AI in ways that are relevant, sensible, and beneficial to e-commerce environments. Meanwhile, the public sector was tasked with ensuring that the use of AI in e-commerce has a broad reach, providing accessibility to previously underserved stakeholders such as MSMEs (micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises). It was argued that MSMEs do not necessarily need to comprehend artificial intelligence or technology intricacies, as AI is seen as a tool that technology providers can leverage to find better solutions for these businesses.

Regarding e-commerce, it was noted that the traditional definition needs to be broadened beyond website-based shopping. E-commerce was described as encompassing various technologies and associated services, including logistics, payments, and mechanisms such as product discovery on platforms like TikTok, communication via WhatsApp, and payments through mobile money. It was suggested that the future of e-commerce would involve the integrated use of multiple technologies and services to enhance consumer experiences and meet evolving demands.

The importance of the DEAR concept (Digital, Efficiency, Affordability & Accessibility, and Rewarding) in AI implementation for e-commerce was emphasized. This concept seeks to ensure that AI technologies used in e-commerce are characterized by digital and discovery, efficiency, affordability, and rewarding outcomes for both businesses and consumers. By adhering to the DEAR principles, AI can help drive hyper-personalization of the shopping experience, tailoring it to individual consumers’ preferences and needs.

Furthermore, the discussion highlighted challenges with data relevancy on existing e-commerce platforms, as data often fails to reflect local needs or addresses. It was revealed that African manufacturing countries were not listed in drop-down menus on certain platforms, which limited their ability to engage in global e-commerce. To address this issue, collaborative efforts with government entities, such as working directly with the Ministry of Commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic, were presented as a strategy to build local e-commerce platforms that cater to local demands and preferences.

Additionally, the speakers acknowledged the need to facilitate the development of text-to-speech and speech-to-text solutions, particularly within local languages and dialects. Currently, there exists a gap in the development of dictionaries within these solutions, hindering technology accessibility for individuals who do not speak widely used languages. By investing in the development of these solutions, technology can become more accessible to a broader population, thereby reducing inequalities and promoting inclusivity.

In conclusion, the discussion highlighted the importance of adapting AI to local languages to ensure accessibility for all users. It stressed the significance of data accessibility in the public sector and called for a responsible approach to AI implementation by technology providers and government entities. Furthermore, the need to redefine e-commerce beyond traditional models and embrace the integrated use of various technologies and services was emphasized. The DEAR concept was presented as a framework for guiding AI implementation in e-commerce, focusing on digitalization, efficiency, affordability, accessibility, and rewarding outcomes. Challenges with data relevancy on existing e-commerce platforms were identified, underscoring the need for tailored solutions that address local needs and preferences. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of inclusivity, accessibility, and responsible use of AI in shaping the future of e-commerce.

Ines Knäpper

The analysis highlights the transformative impact of emerging technologies on global trade. Specifically, blockchain, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and the Internet of Things are identified as key drivers of significant disruption in the industry. These technologies are reshaping the flow of trade at an unprecedented pace.

The speakers argue that international trade needs to become more efficient, inclusive, and equal in order to benefit all stakeholders. While multinational companies have traditionally dominated global trade, the speakers advocate for empowering micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They believe that innovations should enable SMEs to harness the potential of emerging technologies and compete on a level playing field with larger companies. Furthermore, it is emphasised that developing countries should have access to the opportunities presented by these technologies, ensuring that they are not left behind.

The integration of AI-based business models is viewed as vital for SMEs’ integration into the global digital economy. AI is seen as playing a significant role in advancing e-commerce, from chatbots and customer relations to smart logistics. Highlighting the potential of AI to streamline operations and enhance productivity, the speakers emphasise the need for SMEs to adapt and adopt AI-driven strategies to remain competitive in the global marketplace.

Public-private collaboration is recognised as crucial in preparing for a future dominated by technology in trade. The speakers argue that close cooperation between the public and private sectors is necessary to navigate the challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by emerging technologies. By working together, governments and businesses can create an enabling environment and establish policies that foster innovation, encourage investment, and support the adoption of emerging technologies in trade.

In conclusion, the analysis emphasises the transformative power of emerging technologies in shaping global trade. The speakers call for international trade to become more efficient, inclusive, and equal, benefiting both multinational companies and SMEs in developing countries. The integration of AI-based business models into the global digital economy is seen as crucial for SMEs’ integration and competitiveness. Additionally, public-private collaboration is recognised as vital in preparing for a technology-dominated future in trade. Through collaboration and strategic planning, stakeholders can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by emerging technologies in the realm of global trade.

Khushi Jaiswal

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of e-commerce has created opportunities for both local sellers and big players in the market. AI can assist in logistical support, customer reviews management, pricing models, and inventory management, streamlining operations and improving customer experience. The use of translation services breaks language barriers, enabling businesses to sell products to different parts of the country and tap into new markets.

AI provides personalised product recommendations, optimises order processing and fulfillment, and assists in supply chain optimisation and demand forecasting. However, MSMEs face challenges in fully harnessing the potential of e-commerce and AI implementation. These challenges include data-related issues, a scarcity of technical expertise, high implementation and maintenance costs, and data security and compliance concerns.

For effective AI implementation, MSMEs need to address the challenges they face. This involves improving data quality, upskilling and training in AI, finding ways to make AI more affordable, and ensuring data security and compliance. Embracing AI and adapting to its emergence is necessary for businesses to remain competitive.

Overall, the integration of AI and e-commerce offers promising opportunities for businesses. AI can enhance various aspects of e-commerce, expand market reach, improve customer experience, and increase operational efficiency. Overcoming challenges, embracing AI, and adapting to its emergence is crucial for businesses to thrive in the digital era.


During the analysis, several related topics in the context of AI adoption and its impact on various sectors were discussed.

The first speaker, Sokka from Cambodia, expressed a strong interest in adopting more AI in the customs department. He has been working closely with customs for the past four or five years and leads a global infrastructure facilitation project. This indicates that Sokka has substantial knowledge and experience in the field, making his opinion valuable.

The second speaker highlighted the importance of public sectors being mindful whilst adopting AI. Sokka sought advice for public sectors in Cambodia regarding AI adoption and inquired about the precautions they should take. This suggests that Sokka recognises the potential risks and challenges associated with AI implementation in the public sector and wishes to ensure a smooth and successful adoption process.

Moving on to the third speaker, they focused on how AI will become a new trend and transform the business environment. It was emphasised that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to adapt in order to remain competitive. This implies that the speaker believes AI adoption to be a critical factor for SMEs in maintaining their relevance in the evolving business landscape.

The fourth speaker provided a practical approach for SMEs to get started with AI. They suggested that SMEs should consider using existing tools, as developing their own AI systems can be costly. This implies that the adoption of AI is not limited to large corporations and that even smaller businesses can take advantage of AI technologies through accessible and cost-effective options.

Finally, there was a discussion about the need for examples of effective and cost-effective AI tool utilisation specifically for SMEs. It was emphasised that cost is a critical factor for SMEs in adopting AI, and utilising existing tools can increase their competitiveness. This indicates that a practical and financially viable approach to AI adoption is crucial for SMEs to fully embrace this transformative technology.

In conclusion, the analysis highlighted the interest in adopting more AI in the customs department, the precautions public sectors should take while implementing AI, the importance of SMEs adapting to the new AI trend, the use of existing tools for SMEs to begin their AI journey, and the significance of cost-effective AI tool utilisation for SMEs. It is evident that AI adoption is becoming increasingly crucial across sectors and that careful planning and consideration are necessary to ensure successful and beneficial implementation.

Luca Graf

This analysis covers a range of topics related to AI, logistics, and e-commerce. Luca Graf, a key figure in the discussion, believes that AI has the potential to enhance logistics in the e-commerce industry, leading to improvements in productivity and speed. One of the notable achievements mentioned is the implementation of an application that translates HS codes from one country to another using an AI model. This application has proven effective, with 95% of articles automatically translated by the system, while only 5% require manual intervention. The successful implementation of the application demonstrates the practicality and benefits of incorporating AI into logistics processes.

However, not all attempts to use AI in logistics have been successful. Graf’s company attempted to leverage AI for return logistics, with the aim of automating the process of checking returned items. The AI was intended to categorise items based on their condition (A for resale, B for refurbishment). However, this initiative did not yield the desired results, leading to the realisation that AI should handle normal decisions while humans handle the edge cases. This experience highlights the need for careful consideration and evaluation when implementing AI in specific logistical tasks.

The analysis also emphasizes the crucial success factors for e-commerce, namely product market fit, reaching the market, and fulfilling delivery. Graf highlights the importance of having the right product available and connecting with consumers through proper marketing. Additionally, fulfilling promised delivery plays a significant role in ensuring customer satisfaction. These factors collectively contribute to the overall success and growth of an e-commerce venture.

Regarding the adoption of AI in logistics and e-commerce, it is suggested that small and medium-sized enterprises look for available AI solutions on the market rather than attempting to develop the technology independently. It is noted that building technology independently requires substantial financial investment and specialised knowledge. Instead, SMEs can benefit from the wide array of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and open-source applications already available.

The importance of logistics in e-commerce is underscored, with successful e-commerce players heavily investing in this aspect of their operations. Delays in delivery are highlighted as potential deterrents to customer satisfaction and retention. In the context of cross-border e-commerce, the analysis suggests that the big opportunity lies in developing a robust fulfilment network for warehousing and distribution. This concept aligns with the need to deliver goods in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience.

Various sectors within e-commerce and logistics can benefit from AI systems, as demonstrated by the examples provided. Marketplaces can leverage AI for product recommendations, while logistics companies can utilise AI for planning, forecasting, optimising loads, and implementing steered robots, among other applications. The ability of AI to enhance work efficiency and perform tasks that are challenging or impossible for humans, such as complex calculations or working in extreme temperatures, further underscores its value in these sectors. This analysis suggests that AI is a more suitable solution than humans for certain tasks, particularly those that are repetitive and require speed, reliability, and efficiency.

The adoption of AI is also seen as a means to improve processes, increase service productivity, and expedite decision-making. AI can aid in automation and enable better decision-making, resulting in increased efficiency and streamlined operations. It is important to assess different AI applications to ensure their suitability and effectiveness in addressing specific needs and challenges. Testing should be conducted to evaluate the potential of AI to improve existing situations.

AI is regarded as a disruptive technology that offers opportunities for efficiencies, better customer experiences, and sustainability. It is emphasised that AI should be made accessible to users, enabling them to benefit from its capabilities and potential. The analysis further mentions the importance of incorporating AI into different aspects of business operations, such as marketing, customer service, and product planning. AI technology can facilitate content creation, translation, and numerous other services, with platforms like Shopify providing AI-based solutions through their app shops.

In addition to the main points discussed, some notable observations and insights can be gleaned from the analysis. For instance, the potential of AI in supporting customs processes is mentioned, with suggestions to reduce complexity in customs codes and employ technology to simplify tariff understanding for consumers. Harmonising customs practices globally is also proposed as a strategy to enhance global trade. These insights shed light on the broader implications and opportunities associated with integrating AI into various sectors and industries.

In conclusion, this analysis highlights the significant role that AI can play in enhancing logistics, e-commerce, and related processes. The potential benefits include improvements in productivity, speed, and customer satisfaction. However, successful AI implementation requires careful consideration, evaluation, and alignment with specific needs and challenges. Overall, AI is viewed as a transformative technology that can drive efficiencies, improve customer experiences, and support sustainable growth in the logistics and e-commerce industries.



Speech speed

160 words per minute

Speech length

495 words

Speech time

186 secs


Birame Sock

Speech speed

175 words per minute

Speech length

2516 words

Speech time

860 secs


Ines Knäpper

Speech speed

147 words per minute

Speech length

1658 words

Speech time

678 secs


Khushi Jaiswal

Speech speed

155 words per minute

Speech length

3064 words

Speech time

1186 secs


Luca Graf

Speech speed

149 words per minute

Speech length

2758 words

Speech time

1113 secs


Sopheakdey Moeun

Speech speed

175 words per minute

Speech length

2766 words

Speech time

950 secs