Handover of Chairship and the Appointment of Chair of WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event

27 May 2024 10:25h - 10:30h

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Full session report

Emilija Stojmenova Duh chairs WSIS Forum 2023, highlighting digital technology’s role in global challenges, as Albert Rösti prepares for WSIS 2024 with a focus on inclusivity and cooperation

At the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2023, Emilija Stojmenova Duh, representing Slovenia, expressed her honour in chairing the event and highlighted the significant discussions and partnerships that emerged from it. She emphasised the role of digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, in addressing global challenges and the potential for AI to revolutionise problem-solving. However, she also acknowledged the persistent digital divides and the increasing threats to online safety and cybersecurity. Stojmenova Duh underscored the importance of international cooperation in telecommunications and recalled the success of the Global Forum on Ethics in Artificial Intelligence hosted by Slovenia. She reiterated Slovenia’s commitment to the ITU and the UN system and expressed her best wishes to the incoming chair.

Albert Rösti, upon being appointed the chair of the WSIS 2024, expressed gratitude and outlined Switzerland’s dedication to the WSIS process and to fostering inclusive dialogue and cooperation. He stressed Switzerland’s commitment to leveraging digital technology for all, addressing digital divides, and promoting digital literacy and human rights. Rösti announced the intention to prepare a chair summary to complement the high-level event’s outcome document, aiming for an objective summary of discussions. He thanked the ITU, UNESCO, UNDP, UNCTAD, and other partners for their support in organising the forum and emphasised the need for continued relevance of the WSIS and updated collaboration to meet current and future digital cooperation challenges.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, in response, congratulated Rösti on his chairmanship and expressed eagerness to collaborate during the important week ahead. The session concluded with an invitation for attendees to remain seated for the subsequent proceedings.

The extended summary encapsulates the key messages delivered by the speakers, reflecting the forum’s spirit of collaboration, the recognition of digital technology’s transformative power, and the commitment to inclusive and sustainable development through international cooperation.

Session transcript

Emilija Stojmenova Duh:
Distinguished Secretary General, Excellencies and Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is an immense honor and privilege for both myself and my country, Slovenia, to have chaired the Forum of the World Summit on Information Society 2023. As Chair, I had the unique opportunity to witness firsthand the inspiring and thought-provoking discussions, the sharing of exceptional experiences and insights, and most importantly, the creation of new partnerships and collaborations. This truly captures the essence of the WSIS Forum. The Forum stands as a shining example of successful digital collaboration across UN entities, governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, and the technical community worldwide. Today, we confront unprecedented challenges and changes in the world’s economic, environmental, and social systems. Yet, it is through digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, that we are empowered to devise innovative solutions to address these challenges. AI holds the potential to revolutionize our approach to problem solving, offering new avenues for development, efficiency, and progress. Despite our advancements, unequal access to digital technologies and services persists, with gender, age, and geographical digital divides still prevailing. Online safety, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly, is increasingly at risk. Moreover, cyber security threats and cyber crime are on the rise. This information, in particular, possesses a significant threat on our societies. It undermines trust, spreads falsehoods, and can destabilize communities. However, if we shift our perspective, these challenges transform into opportunities for remarkable success. I firmly believe that initiatives like WSIS, the Global Digital Compact, and the Summit of the Future are instrumental in achieving our sustainable development goals. I am committed to continuing my work within the WSIS process. Slovenia has been and will remain an active and proud member of the International Telecommunication Union and the entire UN system. I would like to once more remind you on the amazing success of the Global Forum on Ethics in Artificial Intelligence we have organized in Slovenia in February this year, where we had more than 600 participants worldwide from more than 67 countries. We are dedicated to contributing as much as possible to the promotion of international cooperation in the development of telecommunications technologies and access to networks and services. As Nelson Mandela once said, it always seems impossible until it’s done. I extend my best wishes to the new chair, Mr. Albert Rossi, for much success and fulfillment in chairing the WSIS. Thank you.

Albert Rösti:
Thank you so much, Excellency. So, ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment where we confirm our chair for WSIS 2024. Sorry. And it is my great pleasure to invite His Excellency back to the podium when he now becomes the chair of the WSIS 2024. Excellency, congratulations and back to you. Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Secretary General, Your Excellency from Slovenia. Thank you for your kind words. Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it’s with a great honor and gratitude that I stand before you today as the newly appointed chair of the WSIS plus 20 forum high-level event on behalf of the Swiss Confederation. This prestigious role not only reflects Switzerland’s commitment to the WSIS process since the first summit in 2003, it also underscores our dedication to fostering meaningful and inclusive multilateral and multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation. Switzerland is committed to leveraging the power of digital for the benefit of all, whether it’s bringing the digital divides, promoting digital literacy or advancing human rights as well as cybersecurity. Switzerland stands ready to collaborate with partners worldwide to address the complex issues at the intersection of technology and society. Together, we must ensure that the digital promises are accessible to all, leaving no one behind. This means empowering marginalized communities, promoting digital rights and harnessing the potential of emerging technologies in the implementation of the strategic digital goals. The council working group on WSIS and SDGs invited the chair of the WSIS plus 20 forum high-level event to prepare a chair summary to complement the outcome document of this high-level event. Rest assured that we will do our best to summarize the discussions as objectively as possible. We intend to produce the factual summary, not a negotiated document. That will be present at the end of the week. In closing, I would like to again express my sincere gratitude to the ITU, Excellency Secretary General, UNESCO, UNDP, UNCTAD and all other partners for their invaluable support in organizing this forum. Let us demonstrate the continued relevance of WSIS and further update our collaboration in a veritable WSIS plus in order to render it fit for purpose to address the present and future challenges of digital cooperation. Thank you and all the best.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin:
Thank you so much, Your Excellency, and congratulations on your chairmanship. We look forward to working with you throughout this very important week. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I would ask you to stay seated because we’re going to move straight into


Albert Rösti

Speech speed

131 words per minute

Speech length

403 words

Speech time

185 secs


Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Speech speed

173 words per minute

Speech length

46 words

Speech time

16 secs


Emilija Stojmenova Duh

Speech speed

124 words per minute

Speech length

430 words

Speech time

208 secs