Financial Stability Board

Acronym: FSB
Established: 2009
Address: Secretariat to the Financial Stability Board, Bank for International Settlements, Centralbahnplatz 2 CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Stakeholder group: International and regional organisation
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. It was established after the G20 London summit in April 2009 as a successor to the Financial Stability Forum. The FSB includes senior policymakers from finance ministries, central banks, and G20 countries ‘ supervisory and regulatory bodies, as well as four other main economic centres – Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain, and Switzerland.
It also involves global bodies, including standard-setters and regional bodies, such as the European Central Bank and the European Commission. The FSB monitors and reports to the G20 on the implementation and impacts of agreed economic reforms. The G20 promotes the policy agenda of the FSB on a regular basis and promotes the implementation of agreed international standards.
The FSB is a member-driven organisation and decisions are taken by consensus. The FSB is governed by its Charter, Articles of Association and Procedural Guidelines.
Charter of the FSB
Articles of Association of the FSB
FSB Procedural Guidelines