133rd IPU Assembly

17 Oct 2015 - 21 Oct 2015

[Update] The Democracy in the Digital Era and the Threat to Privacy and Individual Freedoms resolution was unanimously adopted by the 133rd IPU Assembly in Geneva, 21 October 2015. 

Of particular interest: operational paragraph 3 underscores that legislation regarding surveillance must be based, inter alia, on the principles of necessity and proportionality. Paragraph 4 calls for removing limitations on freedom of expression (as does  paragraph 17), and specifically mentions upholding the principle of net neutrality.  Paragraph 7 implicitly urges an end to current mass surveillance practices.

Event information
​The Inter-Parliamentary Union will hold its 133rd Assembly and related meetings in Geneva from 17 – 21 October.

The Governing Council will convene on 18 and 21 October. It will consider and take decisions on a host of matters relating to the functioning and activities of the IPU. The Assembly, in turn, will adopt resolutions on the emergency item chosen for the Assembly, as well as on the subject item considered by the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights.

Agenda of the Assembly

Item 1 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 133rd Assembly
Item 2 Consideration of requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda
Item 3 General debate on the theme The moral and economic imperative for fairer, smarter and more humane migration
Item 4 Democracy in the digital era and the threat to privacy and individual freedoms
(Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights)
Item 5 Reports of the Standing Committees on Peace and International Security; Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade; and on United Nations Affairs
Item 6 Approval of the subject item for the Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights at the 135th IPU Assembly and appointment of the Rapporteurs

Source and more information
