African School on Internet Governance

11 Oct 2016

Durban, South Africa

The 4th African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) will take place on 11-15 October 2016, in Durban, South Africa.

AfriSIG is an initiative launched by the Association for Progressive Communications and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Planning and Coordinating Agency, with the aim to give Africans from multiple sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain knowledge and confidence to enable them to participate effectively in Internet governance processed and debates at the national, regional, and global levels. The school is also intended to strengthen African perspectives and voices in gloval Internet governance processes, and to achieve more inclusive and transparent Internet governance on the continent.

AfriSIG will bring together a diverse group of professionals from government, business, academia, and civil society who are interested in Internet policy and development. The practical and theoretical courses included in the school’s programme will allow participants to better understand Internet governance from a public interest perspective, will offer them a grasp of Internet policy processes and institutions, and will empower them to engage more effectively in national, regional, and international processes and networks. 

For more information, visit the school website.
