Asia Pacific Regional IGF Event

3 Aug 2014 - 6 Aug 2014

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) has been held annually since 2010. The Forum serves as a platform for aggregating IGF related discussions and collaborations at the regional level, and ultimately advances the development of Internet governance in the Asia Pacific. APrIGF 2014 will be co-hosted by Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) and National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI).

The APrIGF Multi-stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) now calls for your participation in developing the Forum agenda in an open process by submitting workshop proposals or topics of interest based on the themes of APrIGF 2014.

Workshop proposals could be proposed based on the overarching theme of APrIGF 2014 “Internet to Equinet” with the sub-themes listed as below.


  • Principles and Roadmap for Internet Governance
  • Enhanced Cooperation & the Multi-stakeholder model
  • Globalisation of ICANN and the IANA function
  • Regional perspectives and differences in Internet Governance
  • Cross-border issues in the Asia Pacific region
  • Interaction of self-regulation and cybercrime
  • Issues for Small Island Developing States
  • Supporting linguistic diversity
  • Internet access: Last mile and Mobile
  • Internet access for remote communities: the First Mile
  • Internet’s role in disaster response and management
  • Consumer Protection for users of global Internet services
  • Reconciliation & sharing of best practices in the Justice Sector
  • Internet business in the Asia Pacific region
  • Virtual goods and virtual currencies
  • Policies supporting IPv6 adoption
  • Internet for socio-economic development
  • Others

Please contact sec[at] for more information.

Send your workshop proposals of not more than 500 words to proposals[at]

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