Belgrade Security Forum

30 Sep 2014 - 2 Oct 2014

The conference will host panel debates on various topics related to global and European security challenges, particularly within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War. Among other issues, renowned participants will examine to what extent the IWW anniversary can be considered as a closure/new beginning of the historical and integrative discourse in the Western Balkans and Europe, and discuss about dilemmas of the enlargement in the line with the 10th anniversary of the Big-Bang Enlargement. Particular attention will be given to the recommendations issued by the International Commission on the Balkans in 2005 and the broader (dis)integrative context and policies in the Western Balkans and Mediterranean area. As was our aim for the last three years, most of these panels will try to examine the transformation of the Balkans from a security problem to a security partner and bring forward the opportunities and lessons learned from this process.

A prestigious regional security event, Belgrade Security Forum will this year again include a session on cybersecurity: “The Essential Need to Cooperate: Multi-stakeholders, National and/or Regional Cooperation for Cyber Security in the Western Balkans”. 

This time the session will focus on the needs and models for regional cooperation in fields of Internet governance and cybersecurity, touching upon the importance of a multistakeholder approach shaping digital policies.

The session is organised by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control and Armed Forces (DCAF) with programme contributions from Diplo, and Diplo’s Vladimir Radunovic will moderate the session.

The detailed agenda is available here.

Twitter account of the Forum is: @BelSecForum; Hashtag is: #BelSecForum

Facebook page:

You can download for free Android application “Belgrade Security Forum” from Google Play or via QRC Reader. It contains agenda, speakers and logistical information.
