Bosnia and Herzegovina IGF 2017

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The third annual meeting of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Internet Governance Forum (BHIGF) will be held on 11–12 December 2017, in Sarajevo. 

The event will be held under the theme ‘The network effect: from infrastructure to children’. Sessions will focus on the sharing of perspectives of different Internet governance stakeholders, expose the findings of relevant researches at national, regional, and global level. The emphasis will be put on strategic aspects of Internet infrastructures, the importance of equal and affordable access to technologies and information as a pre-condition for a meaningful access of all citizens to the knowledge society, as well as children and online content regulation, intermediary responsibility, safety online, Internet economy and, human rights implications in the Bosnia and Herzegovina landscape.

Day 0 of the BHIGF, on the theme ‘Internet governance compase, or what you need to know to navigate the Internet governance landscape’ will be dedicated to students. The aim of this pre-event is to introduce students to the BHIGF, this years’ topics, and Internet governance in general.

For more information, visit the event website.
