CEPS Ideas Lab 2017 – Reconstructing the Union

23 Feb 2017 - 24 Feb 2017

Brussels, Belgium

The 2017 edition of the CEPS Ideas Lab will be held on 23–24 February 2017, in Brussels, Belgium. The event is organised by CEPS, a think thank and forum for debate on EU affairs. 

CEPS Ideas Lab 2017 will be held under the theme ‘Reconstructing the Union’, offering participants an opportunity to exchange views on one of the most critical issues facing the European Union today. It will feature over 100 speakers, 2 plenaries, 33 sessions, 4 special evening sessions, and 4 breakfast sessions. Among the speakers are high-level European policy-makers, including Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta; Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs; Liz Kendall, MP, House of Commons; Philippe Lamberts, MEP; Nadia Calviño, Director General, DG Budget, European Commission; Jos Delbeke, Director General, DG CLIMA, European Commission; Ian Borg, Secretary of State for the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU; and Iliyana Tsanova, Deputy Managing Director, EFSI.

The programme of the event is built around 11 tracks: digital economy and innovation, better regulation and sustainable development, energy and climate, trade and single market, finance economy, social Europe, rights and security, institutions, Europe in the world, and Brexit. Within these tracks, sessions will focus on issues such as: culture and content in the Digital Single Market, trust and privacy in the Internet of Things, open science and open innovation, ethics of algorithms, banks in the digital era, and trade policies.

For more information, visit the event webpage

