COVID-19: Health under Threat. A Cyber perspective

18 May 2021


The Permanent Missions of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Switzerland to the United Nations Office and the other international organizations in Geneva will be hosting an online discussion on 18 May under the theme of ‘COVID-19, Health under Threat: A Cyber Perspective’.

The event will focus oncybersecurity and healthcare, connecting the dots between the recognition of the healthcare sector as critical infrastructure protected under the norms of responsible State behavior in cyberspace in the report of the UN Open Ended Working Group, as well as the numerous cyber attacks against hospitals, medical research facilities and international health institutions.The discussion will be guided by lessons from cyber incidents in the context of the pandemic and potential sustainable solutions to ensure the adequate protection of the healthcare sector from malicious cyber activities.

Interested participants are requested to fill in the registration form until Monday, 17 May at 12:00 CET.
