CSTD 2015-2016 Inter-sessional Panel

11 Jan 2016 - 13 Jan 2016


The CSTD 2015-2016 Inter-sessional Panel will take place on 11-13 January 2016 in Budapest, Hungary. 

The Panel will address the following two priority themes:

  • Theme 1: Smart Cities and Infrastructure

  • Theme 2: Foresight for Digital Development

In addition, the Panel will examine issues related to the follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

Further, the Panel will discuss how CSTD could substantively contribute to the 2016 session of ECOSOC on ‘Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: moving from commitments to results’.

Findings and recommendations of the Panel are expected to be considered at length at the 19th session of the CSTD, to be held in May 2016.

Source and more information.
