CWG-Internet: Developmental Aspects of the Internet

14 Oct 2016 - 11 Jan 2017


The International Telecommunication Union Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) has launched an open consultation on the topic ‘Developmental aspects of the Internet’. Stakeholders are invited to submit comment on the following aspects:

1. What are the developmental aspects of the Internet (for example, economic, social, regulatory and technical aspects), especially for developing countries?
2. How can governments and other stakeholders promote the developmental aspects of the Internet?
3. What are the challenges and opportunities?

At the end of the online open consultation process, a physical open consultation will be organised. During this meeting, scheduled to be held on 3 February 2017, respondents to the online consultation will have the opportunity to present their views and engage in discussions with other participants.

To contribute to the consultation, visit the dedicated webpage.