Cybersecurity: A Strategic View

Geneva, Switzerland

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Cybersecurity: A Strategic View

View the event recording here, and read the event report here
[Update] Presentation: The Finnish Approach – Ari Knuuti (Director, Codenomicon)
[Update] Presentation: The importance of public-private partnershipTimo Kotilainen (Chairman, Finnish Information Security Cluster)
[Update] Presentation: Finnish Cyber Security Strategy – Arto Räty (Chairman, Security Committee of Finland)
[Update] Press release: Cybersecurity at the top of agendas for 2015
[Update] Media coverage: Cybersécurité et diplomatie, L’Agefi, 16 January 2015
[Update] Photo gallery
[New] Welcome 2015 – a year of cyber(in)security

The Geneva Internet Platform, in co-operation with the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN, DCAF, the GCSP, DiploFoundation, ICT4Peace, and other partners, is organising a series of events throughout 2015, entitled Geneva Cybersecurity Days. The series will bring together representatives of states; international organisations; experts; the corporate, academic, and technical sectors; and civil society, to discuss various challenges at national, regional, and global level related to cybersecurity. The Geneva Cybersecurity Days should increase awareness and further develop a global response to cybersecurity challenges along the lines of the Geneva Message on Strengthening Internet Governance.

The first Geneva Cybersecurity Day will take place on 15 January.

Venue: DiploFoundation, 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix, Geneva (2nd floor)


9.00‒9.15      Opening remarks

  • Ambassador P. Kairamo, Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN
  • Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Head, Geneva Internet Platform & Director, DiploFoundation

9.15‒10.15   Cybersecurity challenges

  • Ambassador Theodor Winkler, Director, DCAF
  • Tomas Lamanauskas, ITU
  • Michele Coduri, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland
  • Vladimir Radunović, Director Cybersecurity Programme, DiploFoundation

10.15‒10.30    Coffee break

10.30‒12.00    Finnish approach to cybersecurity


  • Arto Räty, Chairman of the Security Committee of Finland: A comprehensive approach to cybersecurity ‒ a Finnish model


  • Ambassador Marja Rislakki, Cyber ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland: Introducing the role of a cyberambassador – the Finnish experience
  • Timo Kotilainen, Chairman of the Finnish Information Security Cluster: The importance of public-private partnership
  • Ari Knuuti, Director, Codenomicon: Private sector involvement in cybersecurity

12.00 – 12.30      Lunch refreshments


The event capacity has been filled, registration is no longer possible. Thank you for your understanding.

About Geneva Cybersecurity Days

Cyberspace has become an essential component of modern society. Critical societal infrastructure, the financial sector, governmental services, the security sector, schools, and hospitals are increasingly and irreversibly dependent on interconnectivity and the global network, as are our citizens. The merits of the open Internet are accompanied by risks. With the increasing digitalisation of society, including emerging e-government services and databases, interconnecting critical infrastructure and industry, and enhanced online banking and financial services, the stakes are growing sky-high.

Such risks need to be approached comprehensively and systematically through the cooperation of all the stakeholders. Most countries don’t have institutional mechanisms ‒ operational or legislative ‒ for cybersecurity (such as risk assessment, information sharing, prevention, and quick incident response, capacity building). Geneva, being a hub for political discussions about Internet and digital policies, is a good place to discuss a comprehensive approach to better global cybersecurity.

Tentative timeline – Geneva Cybersecurity Days

15 January 2015: Cybersecurity: A Strategic View

Thematic coverage: cybersecurity challenges | a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity: the Finnish model

March, 2015: Cybersecurity and Human Rights

Thematic coverage: ‘either/or’ vs ‘and’: (How) Can we have both? | overcoming policy silos: connecting the two professional communities

May, 2015: Cybersecurity Mapping and Evidence-based Policy

Thematic coverage: What we (don’t) know we (don’t) know about cybersecurity | Who knows what and who does what

October, 2015: Cybersecurity and Parliamentary Control

Thematic coverage: Strategic and legislative approaches to cybersecurity | The role of parliaments in cybersecurity


Dr Tereza Horejsova, Coordinator, Geneva Internet Platform,, 0041 22 907 36 33

Background information

New Welcome 2015 – a year of cyber(in)security
