Digital policy in 2019: A mid-year review

2 Jul 2019

Geneva, Switzerland

The first six months of this year were dominated by the tech rivalry between the USA and China, and the Huawei controversy. This came amid growing concerns over the spread of misinformation and other harmful content, new data breaches, and the continuing growth of tech companies. Digital policy continues to mirror societal developments, including fast-shifting geopolitics, and unremitting uncertainties.

Technological innovation is creating new possibilities. Artificial intelligence developments are moving at a fast pace, and the applications of blockchain are increasing. Solutions for an improved digital architecture – which maximise the benefits of technology and minimise its harm – are in sight.

What were the main trends in digital policy in the first six months, and how are they expected to impact developments in the next six months?

Join us in Geneva, on Tuesday, 2nd July, from 12.30 to 14.00, for a timely review of digital policy developments, as we look back to look ahead.

Note: The event will not be livestreamed.
