Forum on Internet of Things: Empowering the New Urban Agenda

[Update] The Forum on Internet of Things, which took place on the first day of the meeting of Study Group 20 (IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities – SC&C), tackled the complex and fragmented architecture, the importance of standardisation and interoperability, and the ITU’s role in standard-setting, the need for IoT technology to be also applicable to developing countries, and the role of IoT in relation to urbanisation and smart sustainable cities. Speakers’ presentations and audio recordings are available.

The ITU will organize a Forum on Internet of Things: Empowering the New Urban Agenda on 19 October 2015 in Geneva Switzerland.

The Internet of Things (IoT) involves the interlinking of networks, devices and data that have thus far never been linked. It is the collective power of these utterly disparate elements that lies at the heart of the power of IoT and the smart city.  As the quintessence the next big leap in the IoT evolution will be the coherence of efforts on all levels towards innovation. International standardization through public-private cooperation is therefore more indispensable than ever before to ensure that things, devices and processes speak the same language across multiple environments.  

This forum will discuss the role that Internet of Things (IoT) plays in relation to converging technologies for building smart sustainable cities with integrated ecosystems.

Target Audience
This forum will bring together smart city stakeholders, managers and engineers working with IoT applications, service providers planning on delivering IoT solutions, and policy and standards makers. It will assemble IoT experts from industry, government and academia.

Source and more information
