Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium

Geneva, Switzerland

The Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium is organised by the School of Law of the University of Geneva in collaboration with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, the CRIDES Center for Economic Law and Society at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), the Digital Asia Hub, the Geneva Internet Platform and the Institute for Technology and Society of Rio. The colloquium will be held in the framework of the 3rd edition of the Geneva Internet L@w Summer School. The summer school offers a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss cutting-edge Internet law and policy issues in today’s society with academics, practitioners, representatives of global policy makers, international organisations and leading institutions.

The Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium provides researchers working in Internet law the opportunity to:

  • present their work-in-progress to a panel of experienced Internet law experts,
  • engage with one another in an informal setting,
  • have in-depth discussions and exchanges, and
  • receive helpful feedback and advice.

Applicants should be researchers with an established direction of research relevant to Internet law, whose research would benefit from feedback provided by senior colleagues and peers. The colloquium committee will select a limited number of participants who will be allocated time during the colloquium to provide a short presentation of their work, to be followed by a group discussion.

For more information about the application process, see the ‘Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium’ web page.

See more related info here.

