Growing the EU Silver Economy

Brussels, Belgium

On 8 March 2017, a workshop on ‘Growing the EU Silver Economy’ will be held, at the European Commission premises, in Brussels, Belgium.

Thw workshop is organised in the framework of a study on the EU Silver Economy, requested by the European Commission and to be published this spring. The workshop programme will include:

  • A preview of key results of the study, including a macroeconomic analysis of the European Silver Economy;
  • Presentation of 10 Silver Economy cases that provide opportunities for economic growth;
  • Discussion of policy recommendations to stimulate an emerging Silver Economy in Europe.

The aim of the workshop is to support a European-level ‘system innovation’ for tackling the societal challenge linked to an ageing population while unlocking new jobs and economic growth. It is intended to bring together EU, national and regional policy makers, industry leaders, health and social care professionals, gerontologists, sociologists, and other academics, pension and investment fund managers, representatives of voluntary organisations, and the older adults in Europe.

For more information, visit the event webage.
