ICANN CCWG-Accountability: Draft Recommendations on Guidelines for Standards of Conduct Presumed to be in Good Faith Associated with Exercising Removal of Individual Directors of the ICANN Board

7 Mar 2017 - 24 Apr 2017


The Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) is seeking community input on a set of draft recommendations on Guidelines for standards of conduct presumed to be in good faith associated with exercising removal of individual directors of the ICANN Board (Guidelines for Good Faith). The draft recommendations were developed by the CCWG-Accountability as part of its Work Stream 2 (WS2), and as required by its Work Strea 1 final report.

The draft Guidelines are meant to provide a framework of reference for ICANN’s supporting organisations and advisory committees in developing their individual detailed processes for removing individual voting director of the ICANN Board, which would allow them to meet the good faith requirements for indemnity in such cases. 

Following the public comment period, the inputs will be analysed by the CCWG-Accountability WS2 who will consider amending its recommendations in light of the comments received and will publish a report on the results of the public consultation. If significant changes are required as a result of the public consultation the CCWG-Accountability WS2 may opt to have a second public consultation on the amended recommendations. If there are no significant changes required, the CCWG-Accountability WS2 will forward the final recommendations to its Chartering Organizations for approval and then to the ICANN Board for consideration and adoption.

To contribute to this consultation, visit the dedicated webpage
