Agents of inclusion: Community networks & media meet-up | IGF 2023

8 Oct 2023 05:00h - 07:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Erick Huerta, REDES A.C., Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean States
  • Elektra Wagenrad, Freifunk, Civil Society, Western European and other States
  • Michelle Nogales, Muy Waso, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean States
  • Eric Nitschke, Wakoma, Private Sector, Western European and other States
  • Débora Prado, APC, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean States
  • James Gondwe, CYD Malawi, Civil Society, African States
  • Kemly Camacho, Sulá Batsú, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean States
  • Mwendwa Kivuva, KictaNet, Civil Society, African States
  • Nils Brock, DW Akademie, Civil Society, Western European and other States
  • Daniela Bello, REDES A.C., Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean States

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Nils Brock

The creation and development of substantial and impactful internet connectivity, digital content, and inclusive technologies necessitate robust collaboration and collective efforts. Exemplary of such endeavours are community networks operating worldwide. These networks have made significant strides in delivering crucial internet access and digital content to areas often overlooked or underserviced. This effort is particularly commendable in regions where traditional profit-oriented access models aren’t viable, providing an innovative and necessary solution to the digital divide.

Furthermore, the role of community media in this collective movement is worth acknowledging. These entities have shown an active dedication to innovating digital formats. Such innovation is specifically aimed at fostering increased participation and stronger integration with local communities. The function of digital formats in these endeavours thus spotlights the potential for technological advancements to foster bonds within local communities, challenging the stereotypical view of digitisation leading to disconnection.

Joining the discussion around augmented connectivity and digital content, thought leader Nils Brock expresses support for the work of community networks, media outlets, social enterprises and cooperatives. His endorsement puts these entities at the vanguard of innovation in this domain, shifting the focus from large corporations as the sole contributors to technological advancement. He underscores the need for community-focused initiatives, highlighting their contributions to connectivity and digital content at a panel discussion.

This collective narrative is deeply aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 9 and SDG 17, that pertain to ‘Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure’ and ‘Partnership for the Goals’ respectively. The progression of these SDGs is intricately linked with the support and development of community networks, media outlets, social enterprises and cooperatives, projecting their impact towards wider, global targets aimed at enhancing lives worldwide.

In conclusion, the burgeoning global narrative around connectivity, digital content, and inclusive technologies underscores the importance of collective efforts. Progress at a community level is spearheading industry innovation and widening the reach of vital technologies instrumental in global development.

Amudhan Manivasagam

Vakoma is a significant company substantially improving connectivity, particularly in the global south. Their principal strategy involves the use of open hardware, software and portable network equipment. Aiming to empower local communities, they scrupulously adhere to the principle of universal access by creating open tools that cater for the construction of tailored networks. This unique approach aids in the creation of a more connected world, supporting SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities distinctly.

Their innovative endeavour is prominently manifested in their groundbreaking product – the Nimble device. This apparatus integrates open-source hardware, firmware and software, and is designed to be modular and portable. Pairing seamlessly with open firmware projects, including OpenWRT, the Nimble device enables communities to utilise any available hardware to build and deploy networks, reinforcing the wider goal of promoting an open-source ecosystem and supporting SDG 9.

Supplementing Vakoma’s suite of solutions is ‘Local’, a software platform intended to augment the value of the network post-construction. It amalgamates a variety of open-source applications which can be deployed offline. Notably, ‘Local’ can be implemented on practically any hardware and, can incorporate specific hardware for targeted applications. This flexibility aligns closely with SDG 9 and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Customisation sits at the heart of Vakoma’s products and strategies, fostering adaptability. The Nimble device can be adapted according to specific designs, with these modifications readily available for download, print, modification and sharing. Moreover, one can run ‘Local’ on almost any hardware, enabling users to handpick applications that best suit their needs. Such flexibility is instrumental in community networks and is an integral part of SDG 9.

Vakoma expands its impact via forming alliances with other ecosystem projects; their collaboration with Colmina is a testament to that. This alliance led to the Nimble device’s customisation, adding an audio interface, consequently enabling in-field content creation, particularly handy in volatile situations. This successful collaboration aligns perfectly with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

In summary, Vakoma’s endeavours are positively received owing to their commitment towards enhancing connectivity via open hardware and software, fostering an open-source ecosystem, and enabling customisation. Their collaborations are undoubtedly praiseworthy. Their efforts strongly support several sustainable development goals, propelling innovation, fostering sustainable communities and partnerships, thereby indicating their broad impact and a strong potential for continued positive transformation.

Erick Huerta

The emergence of larger operators within the telecommunications sector poses a significant risk to the sustainability of smaller, community-run mobile networks. This harm manifests as these community networks are compelled to shift to less populated communities to maintain their existence. This disruptive shift is largely due to the aggressive entry of larger operators into previously untapped markets, thus displacing these smaller networks. As a result, this inflicts a negative impact on the sustainability of these community networks, as their once secure areas become saturated with larger competitors.

To counteract this undesirable encroachment by major operators, local communities have sought to pivot their operations towards becoming mobile virtual network operators. This innovative approach allows these communities not only to continue providing necessary and valued services but also contributes to broader community objectives of local content creation and locally focussed product exchange. Furthermore, adopting the mobile virtual operator model equips these communities with the opportunity to partake in an array of innovative projects. Notably, it leads to the establishment of local information centres which delivers access to education and promotes local product exchange, thus reinforcing their local economies in a sustainable manner.

In the realm of network-based discussions, it’s essential to understand that the complexity of a network is directly related to the number of layers it must address. More layers equate to enhanced network sophistication but also increased management and administrative challenges. Additionally, small or subsistence economies demonstrate resilience and effectiveness attributable to their collective effort. This insight underlines the fact that the strength of a network or economy can often be found in its unity and collective response to changes.

Yet, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations that networks face. No single network can cater to every demand or challenge that arises. Recognising this, the key to efficient network operations lies in the delegation of responsibilities according to individual specialisations. Each member or element within the network holds different skillsets and experience levels, and leveraging this diversity effectively plays a crucial role in ensuring its smooth operation. This principle of efficient delegation and utilisation of specialisations allows for a balanced and effective network ecosystem, one that can withstand disruptions and foster growth.

James Gondwe

James Gondwe and his organisation, the Centre for Youth and Development, have significantly contributed to the sectors of education and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) connectivity within Malawi. A key focus of their work involves the implementation of community networks. These networks are viewed as pivotal solutions to enhance connectivity within society, aligning with the ambitions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 regarding Quality Education and SDG 9 concerning Industry Innovation, and Infrastructure.

Under Gondwe’s insightful leadership, the organisation has embarked on strategic policy engagement and advocacy initiatives. These are directed towards regulators and prominent figures, such as the Minister of Information in Malawi. Gondwe’s team has fruitfully leveraged partnerships with international organisations, which include the Association for Progressive Communications and the World Association for Christian Communications. These alliances exemplify the ethos of SDG 17, emphasising the significance of partnerships in achieving global goals.

A noteworthy achievement has been the firm establishment of a policy and regulatory framework specifically designed to facilitate the growth and sustainability of community networks. This framework was not solely a product of theoretical projection but moreover, supported by real-world and successful implementations of such schemes from various regions, including Zenzeleni, PamojaNet, and Kenya. This point highlights the efficacy of community networks in action, reinforcing the argument for their adoption in Malawi while aligning with SDGs 9 and 11 pertaining to Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities and Communities, respectively.

Furthermore, the analysis underscores the invaluable role of advocacy and policy engagement in creating a conducive environment for the development and expansion of community networks. Successful advocacy efforts were realised through strategic collaborations with esteemed institutions such as Mizzou University, the University of Malawi, and the ICT Association of Malawi. Engagements with regulators and government officials were accomplished by leveraging various platforms like ICT expos and national Internet Governance Forum (IGF) events.

In conclusion, the report encapsulates the irrefutable importance of a collaborative approach in facilitating digital inclusion. It exemplifies how grassroots initiatives, policy changes, visionary leadership, strategic alliances, and advocacy can collectively enable the fruition of community networks, thereby advancing ICT connectivity and education in regions such as Malawi.

Sarbani Banerjee Belur

This session offers a holistic discussion that covers an extensive range of topics within the context of sustainability, digital innovation, and infrastructure development. A crucial theme is the adoption of a hybrid model for the session, facilitating participants’ interaction in both online and on-site venues. This strategy endeavours to create maximum exchange of ideas and perspectives, thereby promoting an inclusive environment regardless of physical attendance. Not only does this resonate with the increasing trend towards remote connectivity, but it also aligns with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

A fascinating aspect of this session is the planned series of compact lightning talks lasting five to seven minutes each, succeeded by Q&A sessions. These are thoughtfully devised to balance expert insights and public contributions. They permit a diverse set of perspectives, women empowerment, indigenous knowledge protection, and literacy programmes. All these elements foster collaboration and partnership, key to SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

One of the esteemed speakers is Elisa Heppner. With an array of experience in project and programme management across the private, government, and non-profit sectors, Elisa’s contribution is set to bring substantial insight to the session. Her background in facilitating education and literacy programmes using advanced EdTech in Asia and the Pacific further enriches her input. This seamlessly links to SDG 4: Quality Education.

The session will also delve into varied connectivity initiatives within the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on the financial mechanisms required for ensuring connectivity diversity, crucial for a fully digitised future.

The session intrigue is enhanced by the promotion of a podcast through keychains, demonstrating a blending of traditional and digital marketing strategies. These keychains can be collected from the APC booth or an in-room contact, providing all attendees with direct access to the podcast.

Additionally, the discussion highlights the sociocultural benefits of community networks, with a particular focus on those initiated and maintained by women. These grassroots initiatives empower women within their community, encouraging an environment of inclusivity and equality that aligns with SDG 5: Gender Equality.

Moreover, local-led offline networks, like community radios, are lauded as significant platforms preserving and circulating indigenous knowledge. This is especially beneficial in protecting enriching cultural art forms and endangered languages within tribal communities, linking to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Furthermore, such community-led offline radios offer women a platform for self-expression. They epitomise the potential for such initiatives to contribute substantially towards gender equality, underscoring SDG 5: Gender Equality.

In essence, this interconnected and multi-dimensional session robustly explores various aspects of digital infrastructure, participation, socioeconomic initiatives, education, and gender equality, weaving together multiple SDGs into coherent and comprehensive discourse.

Ellisha Heppner

The APNIC Foundation, renowned for its commitment to fostering an open, secure, and accessible internet, is making a positive impact on digital inclusion through an array of projects. The foundation is currently overseeing 68 unique initiatives, with 21 targeted at infrastructure development, 23 focusing on knowledge enhancement, and 24 being explicitly inclusion-oriented. Highlighting this broad-based impact, these efforts are taking shape in 56 diverse economies across the Asia Pacific region.

Elisa Heppner, the grants management lead for the APNIC Foundation, is instrumental in driving these ventures. She emphasises the importance of context-specific solutions for sustained connectivity. In line with this, the Foundation supports innovative schemes such as MeSoul’s peer-to-peer solar microgrids, SatSoul’s transportable towers, and Palau National Communication’s hybrid energy solutions. These ingenious initiatives not only underscore the vital role of connectivity in remote locations, but also highlight the necessity of clean, affordable energy sources in preserving these critical connections. These initiatives, thus, lend support to both SDG 7 and SDG 9.

Furthermore, the Foundation recognises the profound potential of Internet connectivity to catalyse social impact and environmental protection positively. APNIC backs projects including Simile, centred on mitigating climate change and promoting effective water management, aligning with SDG 13 and SDG 6. The endeavour to safeguard linguistic heritage and enhance education is seen through the support extended to the Myanmar Book Aid, thereby aligning with SDG 4. Similarly, aid for the Devao Medical School facilitates connecting healthcare facilities, contributing towards SDG 3, centred on good health and wellbeing.

In totality, this evidence underscores the APNIC Foundation’s positive stance in striving towards sustainable and inclusive internet connectivity. The broad implications of these initiatives carry the potential to fuel social, economic, and environmental advancement across the Asia Pacific region. Their partnerships with numerous projects stress the importance of multifaceted solutions to magnify the impact of each SDG, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to holistic development.

Michelle Nogales

Michelle Nogales, the co-founder of Muy Hueso, is spearheading a media revolution in Bolivia. Muy Hueso, established in 2018, proudly stands as Bolivia’s first feminist digital native media. It disrupts traditional media narratives and pioneers a fresh, progressive approach towards Bolivian media. Nogales and her team strive for social equality through a resolute emphasis on feminism, digital media, and diversity.

Emphasising the power and value of co-creation, Nogales’ revolutionary approach to content production invites community engagement and participation. This approach has given birth to diverse digital media formats that genuinely represent and resonate with their community. An exemplar of this approach’s impact is the community collaboration on a special article tackling gynaecological violence, which reached around 300 community members. Another notable outcome is a co-created book combining traditional Bolivian mythological narratives with the creative contributions of young artists and illustrators.

Nogales places immense importance on promoting media literacy and making information accessible. Determined to provide data in a simple and understandable format, she insists on verifying and qualifying information for greater insight and understanding. Her initiatives, such as creating gamified training experiences, further highlight her commitment to enhancing media literacy.

Nogales actively challenges Bolivia’s significant and escalating digital divide. Muy Hueso intends to bridge this gap, pushing for a more inclusive and accessible digital landscape. Nogales strongly supports democratising online access and endorses independent journalism. She has initiated sharing digital tool knowledge with rural and remote communities, enabling them to express their needs and problems.

Nogales’ mission extends to reducing the inequality in technology usage across the genders in South America. She seeks to empower women and ensure gender diversity by improving their access to technology. Coupled with her commitment to fostering a robust and gender-inclusive Bolivian media ecosystem, her work greatly contributes towards achieving gender equality.

In conclusion, Nogales’ vision of diversifying the internet resonates powerfully through her work. She strives for inclusivity through Muy Hueso, highlighting the significance of reflecting diverse community needs in online content. Endeavours like the ‘Colmena’ project, which delivers experiences from diverse communities in audio formats, demonstrate her commitment to enhancing internet diversity. Ultimately, Nogales’ multifaceted approach sustains her aim of creating an equitable and relevant digital sphere.

Debora Prado

Debora Prado, an active contributor to the Local Networks Initiative, is making strides in the field of community connectivity and digital communication through her recent launch of a new podcast titled ‘Routing for Communities.’ This innovative podcast, aimed at tracing and promoting community connectivity worldwide, is a pioneering project spearheaded by influential entities such as the Association for Progressive Communications and Rizomatica.

The primary focus of the podcast is to highlight community-centric connectivity initiatives that have emerged from grassroots movements. These narratives underline the potential power and influence that localised networks can hold, essential in cultivating sustainable innovation and infrastructural development (SDG 9), while fostering partnerships for these goals (SDG 17).

Moreover, the podcast adopts a comprehensive approach to social and environmental justice, examining it through the prism of evolving digital communication and connectivity. As part of this multi-layered conversation, Debora Prado underscores the elements of inequality that permeate society, showcasing issues of race, gender, and class inequalities that demand global attention for reduced disparities (SDG 10) and gender equality (SDG 5).

The podcast stands out for its captivating insights on the deployment of digital tools by indigenous communities for the safeguarding of their indigenous languages and cultures. This inventive use of technology enables a vibrant conduit for the global community to engage in their lush cultural heritage, thereby promoting climate action (SDG 13).

In conclusion, ‘Routing for Communities’ emerges as a hopeful advocate for positive change and transformation in communication, manifesting the principles enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals. The podcast represents a substantial leap in elevating awareness of and addressing issues at the core of justice, equality, and sustainable development.

Kemly Camacho

In her advocacy for female empowerment and gender equality, Kemli Camacho has highlighted the crucial role of tailored communication strategies in bolstering women-led organisations, particularly within indigenous communities. These strategies have achieved significant success within the Association of Cabecar Women, where she has been instrumental in developing communication strategies for six years. Embracing modern technology, she has identified the innovative use of walkie-talkie networks as pivotal in enhancing interactions, not only empowering the women of the community but also providing a reliable avenue to manage crisis situations and facilitate decision-making.

Further noting the considerable transformation fostered by the integration of social technology, the essential use of these tools for addressing vital community matters and decision making have positioned women as central figures within their communities.

Additionally, Kemli’s commendable work extends to the realm of education and cultural preservation. She has facilitated the creation of the Quebec Women University, a significant platform for imparting the wisdom of the indigenous Cabecar women across areas including agriculture, construction, health practices, spirituality, and handicraft. This valuable knowledge is diligently collected in varied formats such as audio, videos, and drawings, with younger women and boys engaging in meaningful interactions with older women.

Motivated by the initial success in Halabata, plans are in place for further expansion of the project to additional Cabecar communities. Children, recognised as vital for fostering ongoing growth and development, are being integrated into the project’s new phase.

Turning to the communication techniques of the Cabecar, or Kavekar, community, it’s evident that they depend heavily on audio and visual methodologies rather than written forms. The platform Okama Sway, based entirely on audio and visuals, has effectively been integrated to supplement their communication. Drawing, a vital aspect of their interaction, remains a central focus.

A key conclusion drawn from Camacho’s observations is the paramount importance of respecting and integrating the unique cultural practices of indigenous communities. Platforms like Okama Sway, by accepting these diverse communication methods, exemplify how honouring such cultural practices can promote community engagement and foster a more inclusive society. Therefore, in a world increasingly championing diversity and inclusion, embracing these unique communication techniques and preserving indigenous wisdom represents an essential stride towards achieving sustainable, equitable communities.

Elektra Wagenrad

Elektra Wagenrad, a renowned innovator, environmentalist, and application engineer, has made significant contributions to sustainable technology through her work on wireless mesh technology and solar-powered systems for community networks. Wagenrad, with her experience in a multitude of regions including Germany, Bangladesh, India, Chile, Tanzania, and South Africa, has globally recognised influence and reach.

Wagenrad’s remarkable achievement revolves around the improvement and development of the Freifunk open MPPT; this open-source software and hardware solar controller embraces a user-friendly approach, enabling users to build and programme them. Over three generations, this technology has evolved, gaining potency and adaptability. The latest version can deliver an impressive peak of up to 400 watts from the solar power system. Such advancements in energy efficiency position these solar controllers as an apt choice to power mesh networks. They have been utilised effectively for projects like India’s Nimble project.

Moreover, Wagenrad expanded the applicability of her solar controllers beyond their conventional use. New prototype controllers have been created for irrigation and environmental monitoring purposes, demonstrating the multipurpose nature of this technology.

Wagenrad’s commitment to devising adaptable, practical solutions, matched with her extensive on-field work, sets a powerful precedent for others to follow. Importantly, this cutting-edge technology aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 9, advocating Affordable and Clean Energy and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure respectively. Wagenrad’s endeavours provide an invaluable example of harnessing renewable energy and tech innovation to meet critical community needs, encouraging sustainable living and steering us towards an environmentally responsible future.


The dialogue encompassed critical topics like network regulation, content moderation, and the spread of disinformation. These themes shed light on the multifaceted dimensions associated with network use and demonstrated the potential for network misuse. The conversation delineated an understood layered structure, incorporating network, technical, administration and regulatory components, each with its specific responsibility.

Concerns were raised regarding the potential misuse of networks as the user base grows. This worry represents an emerging problem in the digital sphere, given the ease of network usage and access. Although it highlighted potential issues, the discussion also proposed possible solutions, particularly in relation to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, which encourages peace, justice, and strong institutions.

The conversation also underscored the digital literacy issue. There’s an ongoing concern about the exclusion of certain demographics, especially those lacking basic literacy skills. This digital divide continues to proliferate substantial disparities in network engagement, aligning with SDGs 4 and 10, promoting quality education and reduced inequalities, respectively.

The discourse raised questions about the quality and cost-effectiveness of internet provision within community networks. An in-depth exploration into this topic could provide a more comprehensive understanding of internet availability and accessibility to target communities, potentially providing practical solutions to the digital divide. This subject aligns with the principles of SDGs 1 and 9, which advocate for poverty eradication and the promotion of industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

In summary, the conversation gave a well-rounded overview of the challenges and potential solutions tied to network use. Each of these issues is interlinked with the overarching objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals, lending a sense of urgency and wider importance to the discourse.

Risper Arose

Tandanet is deploying digital technology to confront and eradicate digital inequalities prevalent in marginalised communities. As a potent catalyst for change, it offers a host of resources, including affordable internet access, essential in today’s digitally interconnected world for socio-economic progress. In addition, Tandanet underpins the enhancement of digital literacy, providing the necessary skills and knowledge for communities to navigate the digital world effectively.

A crucial element of this is the development of digital platforms, all of which are designed and created with close communal collaboration. This not only tailors the service to the specific needs of the community but also encourages community investment and participation in the endeavour.

Their impact has been felt across Kibera, with Tandanet connecting 60 centres in nine out of thirteen Kibera’s villages, casting a broad net of digital sustainability. With future plans to include all villages, Tandanet displays a commitment to extensive digital inclusivity. Additionally, it provides network training, necessary for community members to optimise their engagement with the digital space. Alongside this is the provision of affordable internet services, integral to ensuring accessibility for all community members.

Similarly, Colmena serves as a valuable hub through which locally relevant content is created and shared post-connectivity. It lends a voice to communities, enriching the digital experience with local relevance. By promoting uninterrupted, safe, and secure access to information, Colmena reinforces local collective ownership at a ‘last mile’ level – a crucial facet in encouraging communal digital stewardship.

Colmena also contributes at a macro level by espousing the concept of a resilient, decentralised infrastructure, an important aspect in a world threatened by digital breakdowns and cyber-attacks.

Collectively, Tandanet and Colmena not only create individual impacts, but also align their efforts with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals 9 and 11: building inclusive, sustainable industrialisation, fostering innovation, and making human settlements safe and resilient. Their efforts underscore the importance of digital opportunities in marginalised communities, laying a foundation for a more digitally inclusive and equitable future.

Carlos Baca

In an exhaustive discussion, Carlos Baca emphasised the critical importance of cultivating an atmosphere of respect, active listening, and constructive disagreement during meetings. These principles have a direct correlation with SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, illustrating their pivotal role in shaping a peaceful, equitable, and stable environment conducive to substantial discourse.

Baca delved into several related topics, including respect, collaboration, diversity, consent, photography protocol, awareness of language diversity, and the skill of managing disagreements constructively. These elements are indispensable as they create the foundation for a meeting which values each participant’s opinion, thus fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.

Baca proactively broached the topic of consent when taking photographs or making audiovisual recordings, thereby upholding the principles of respect and privacy. He encouraged consideration of language diversity, highlighting its significance in a multicultural framework and endorsing inclusivity.

Furthermore, he passionately advocated for collaboration among participants. Showing respect and a positive approach towards their colleagues, he referenced the need for constructive disagreement – the capability to express varying views in a manner that can lead to innovative solutions and a deeper understanding, rather than animosity or conflict. The sentiment behind these actions was overwhelmingly positive, exemplifying Baca’s commitment to creating a supportive and harmonious environment.

By constructing these guidelines, Baca has not only provided a roadmap for conducting effective meetings but has also subtly embedded a culture of mutual respect, positive collaboration, and openness to diversity. These principles, while implemented in meetings, have broader implications for general human interaction and embody the principles behind SDG 16.

Mwendwa Kivuva

In the sphere of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Kenya’s Community Networks are significantly benefitting from a cost-effective licensing framework, thanks to a unique collaboration with various organisations. This positive development involves a modest licensing fee of only $50, an initiative driven by the Kenyan ICT Action Network and supported by the Kenyan regulator’s innovative enforcement of licensing for wireless service providers. This practicable approach to licensing provides a robust foundation for innovative infrastructural platforms, contributing strategically to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.

However, community networks within Kenya face palpable challenges, particularly evident in the Madari Valley, where a stable power supply is scarce. Most of this locale lacks an established power grid, making power fluctuations common due to the pressing issue of illegal connections. Another significant barrier is the surge in equipment vandalism, with numerous cases of rampant theft adversely affecting the functionality and sustainability of infrastructural facilities.

Financially, these networks also grapple with the hefty costs of backhaul, a challenge that could potentially impede their growth and viability. With securing a 100 Mbps backhaul cost amounting to about $1000 per month, a proactive proposal suggesting that these costs should be borne by the government has emerged, as they have access to free backhaul. This effective model of cooperation resonates with SDG 9, presenting a more economically viable method for strengthening community networks.

Despite these impediments, community networks have shown resilience through strategic lobbying efforts. A potent association comprising approximately 15 members has formed in Kenya, and through proactive lobbying, is making strides in influencing government decisions. This testifies to the effectiveness of partnerships and collaborative efforts, contributing directly to SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. These concerted actions underscore the community networks’ dedication towards overcoming challenges, helping to foster a progressive future within the sphere of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.




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