Book presentation: “Youth Atlas (Second edition)” | IGF 2023 Launch / Award Event #61

12 Oct 2023 05:15h - 06:15h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Juliana Novaes, University of Leeds, Academia, GRULAC
  • Pyrate Ruby Passell, junior high school student, civil society, APAC
  • Vint Cerf, Google/IGF leadership panel, Private sector, WEOG
  • Anja Gengo, IGF secretariat, International Organisation, WEOG
  • Esther Mwema, Digital Grassroot, Civil Society, AFRICA
  • Veronica Piccolo, ISOC Youth Standing Group, Technical Community, WEOG
  • Mohammad Ali Jauar, ISOC Youth Standing Group, Technical Community, APAC

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


Upon analysing the statements presented by the speakers, several key points emerge regarding internet governance and youth engagement. Firstly, mentorship is highlighted as a crucial factor for newcomers in the field. A speaker mentions being mentored by a veteran from Brazil, named Davi, who had a significant impact on their career and understanding of internet governance. The role of mentorship in shaping one’s understanding and participation in internet governance is cited as a crucial factor.

Additionally, there is an advocacy for improved communication strategies to engage more people, particularly youths, in internet governance. The speaker acknowledges the relevance of studying communications in relation to internet governance. They also praise the Youth Atlas initiative as an example of successful attempts to engage youths from diverse backgrounds in internet governance.

Furthermore, the significant participation of young people at recent events is emphasised. Youth involvement, especially at the Latin American Caribbean IGF, was notable, as large numbers of sessions were proposed by youths and their voices were heard, demonstrating their active involvement in the field.

In terms of inclusion, the importance of including more voices from indigenous people, people with disabilities, and other minorities is stressed. The need for diversity and representation within the field of internet governance is emphasised, indicating the desire for a more inclusive and equitable environment.

Moreover, the speakers highlight the significance of speaking out, even in the face of adversity. They encourage individuals to persevere, even if they are nervous or make mistakes in English pronunciation, emphasising the importance of having the confidence to voice opinions and engage in discussions.

The value of youth participation in the tech space is also recognised. The speaker, who was once a newcomer but has now become a veteran with numerous connections in the tech industry, explores youth involvement in the policy network concerning internet fragmentation, which was presented in the main session.

The aspect of learning and development in the tech space is emphasised, with the speaker emphasising that support is readily available and there is always a learning curve present. The journey of development is acknowledged, with appreciation extended to everyone involved in the process.

Moreover, youth participation programs at internet governance events are considered valuable. The speaker’s own career trajectory serves as an example, highlighting the positive impact of such programs on career development and networking opportunities.

Persistence and dedication are identified as essential qualities for personal growth. The speaker shares their own journey of progress and growth, attributing it to persistence in pursuing their goals and aspirations.

Furthermore, the growing relevance of issues such as privacy and AI within the field of internet governance is acknowledged. The importance of these issues is substantiated by the observation that there is an increase in investment and attention directed towards them over time.

In conclusion, the analysis of the statements reveals the importance of mentorship for newcomers in the internet governance field, as well as the need for improved communication strategies to engage more people, especially young people. The substantial participation of young people at recent events underscores the importance of youth involvement. Inclusion, diversity, and representation are highlighted as crucial elements for a more equitable environment. The significance of speaking out, youth participation in the tech space, and support for learning and development are recognized. The growing relevance of issues like privacy and AI indicates the evolving landscape of internet governance.

Juliana Novaes

The Youth Atlas is a comprehensive documentation of the experiences and journeys of young individuals in the internet governance ecosystem, specifically those who have participated in IGF fellowship programs. The idea for this initiative stemmed from discussions about measuring the impact of these programs on young participants. The inaugural edition of the Youth Atlas was launched in 2019 at the IGF Berlin, marking an important milestone for this resource.

Despite progress in youth representation within the IGF, challenges persist within the internet governance sphere. These challenges, although less prominent now, continue to hinder the full engagement of young people. Difficulties in obtaining approval for IGF sessions and securing funding to attend events are some of the barriers they face.

Notably, youth initiatives in internet governance heavily rely on volunteer work and personal time dedicated by individuals. The inaugural edition of the Youth Atlas was completed in under three months by a team of volunteers, who have all been acknowledged and credited in the book. This highlights the importance of individual passion and commitment in promoting youth involvement.

Greater youth involvement is essential for fostering a healthier and more collaborative culture within internet governance. The Youth Atlas serves as a source of pride and inspiration for young individuals in the field, aiming to encourage more initiatives that empower and support their participation. By amplifying their voices and experiences, the Youth Atlas strives to create a platform for youth-centric initiatives that contribute to inclusive and progressive internet governance.

In conclusion, the Youth Atlas is a valuable record documenting the journeys of young individuals in the internet governance ecosystem, particularly those involved in IGF fellowship programs. While challenges persist, efforts are being made to address them, recognizing the significant role of youth initiatives in shaping the future of internet governance. By promoting youth involvement and providing inspiration and resources, the Youth Atlas aims to contribute to a more inclusive and collaborative internet governance landscape.

Veronica Piccolo

The meeting introduced the second edition of the Youth Atlas, which focuses on tracking the pathways and impact of young people in internet governance. It serves as a comprehensive tool for understanding and highlighting the role of young people in this field.

During the meeting, a key emphasis was placed on clear communication. Participants were encouraged to speak clearly and at a reasonable pace to ensure effective communication. The Q&A session also encouraged questions from both on-site and online participants, promoting an environment of open dialogue and information sharing.

In addition, maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment was highlighted. Participants were requested to uphold respect and inclusivity both in the physical meeting space and in online interactions. This focus on inclusivity is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), aiming to create an environment that fosters equal participation for all.

The Youth Atlas is divided into four sessions, each addressing a specific aspect of youth engagement in internet governance. The first session focuses on data and statistics, providing an overview of the development of youth engagement over the past two or three years. The second session entails interviews with individuals who have been engaging in internet governance for three or more years, offering insights from experienced participants. The third session is dedicated to newcomers, providing them with relevant information and resources to get started in the field. Finally, the fourth session focuses on youth programs, highlighting their significance and impact in the internet governance landscape.

Despite the challenges faced during the creation of the Youth Atlas, such as a tight timeframe of less than three months, the process demonstrated dedication and international cooperation. Volunteers from diverse countries contributed to the project, showcasing the importance of youth engagement in internet governance.

The Youth Atlas aims to inspire, empower, and promote personal growth among young people in the internet governance sector. It highlights the contributions and achievements of young people, validating their roles within the internet governance ecosystem. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), and Quality Education (SDG 4).

The meeting also acknowledged and appreciated youth participation and initiatives. Anja Gengo was specifically recognized for empowering youth and encouraging their participation in IGF initiatives. The positive influence that young people can have on senior stakeholders was also acknowledged, with Veronica Piccolo and Emilia working together to set up a youth IGF in Ethiopia.

Veronica expressed excitement and admiration for Pyrate Ruby Passell, who became the youngest person in the IGF youth track at the age of 14. Pyrate’s extensive involvement in the internet governance environment since joining a year ago was also commended. Veronica showed curiosity and interest in understanding Pyrate’s experience as a younger member in the IGF.

Veronica also expressed interest in Pyrate’s activities within the Teen Dynamic Coalition, highlighting their contribution as one of the highlights in the Youth Atlas. The book features both a printed version and a digital edition, with the digital edition including interactive content such as QR codes linking to video interviews and a Spotify playlist curated by Pyrate.

Overall, the meeting emphasized youth empowerment, career and skill development, and the importance of youth engagement within the European community. The Youth Atlas publication was highly recommended, with young participants invited to obtain a copy. The progress made in youth engagement and initiatives since the first edition of the Atlas in 2019 was acknowledged, reflecting global youth engagement in internet governance.

Anja Gengo

The Youth IGF initiatives have seen significant growth in youth engagement through the organization of webinars and summits in various parts of the world. These events have successfully attracted thousands of young people from all over the globe, demonstrating the increasing interest and involvement of youth in important global issues. By providing a platform for dialogue and capacity development, such as the Youth Summit held in Poland, these initiatives have created spaces for both senior and junior leaders to come together and exchange ideas. This intergenerational dialogue is crucial in fostering leadership and partnership for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The IGF Secretariat has been actively working towards simplifying the process and channels for youth engagement. They have organized capacity development workshops in regional IGFs to enhance the skills and knowledge of young participants. These efforts aim to provide easier access and avenues for youth to contribute to discussions on topics such as quality education and industry innovation and infrastructure, which are central to the SDGs.

The IGF meetings, held in Finland, Colombia, Australia, and Nigeria, have played a vital role in taking youth engagement to a global level. These meetings, organized by different youth IGFs, have provided opportunities for young people to participate and contribute on an international scale. This has expanded the reach and impact of youth engagement, moving beyond the conference level and facilitating meaningful involvement in global conversations.

Despite the challenges faced, the enthusiasm and energy demonstrated by young people in these initiatives give confidence for a bright digital future. Many young participants are digital natives, equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world. Their involvement in global initiatives contributes to the promotion of decent work and economic growth. It also highlights the importance of embracing digital advancements in shaping a promising future.

The 18th IGF meeting was considered a success from the youth perspective due to the commitment and dedication demonstrated by young participants. Their active involvement and contributions have made a significant impact on the meeting’s outcomes and discussions. This success further facilitates the recognition and value of youth engagement in shaping policies and partnerships for the SDGs.

Anja, an important figure in the Youth IGF initiatives, expressed appreciation for the engagement of young people and expressed commitment to supporting their continued connection and exchange. Anja also extended an open invitation for organizations to invite her to their IGFs, highlighting the enthusiasm for attending and learning from other initiatives and events.

In conclusion, the Youth IGF initiatives have experienced significant growth in youth engagement through various activities such as webinars, summits, and regional IGFs. These initiatives have provided platforms for dialogue, capacity development, and have successfully taken youth engagement from local to global levels. The dedication and commitment of young participants have played a crucial role in the success achieved so far. The enthusiasm and energy exhibited by young people indicate a positive outlook for a bright digital future. Anja’s appreciation for youth engagement and her willingness to engage with other initiatives further emphasizes the importance of youth involvement in global conversations.

Jenna Fung

During the analysis, several key points emerged from the speakers’ arguments. One prominent theme was the positive sentiment towards youth participation in ongoing matters. The speakers highlighted examples of individuals like Nadia and Jenna, who have made significant contributions to various platforms and initiatives. These examples served to demonstrate the value and impact of youth involvement in addressing important issues.

Another argument put forth was the necessity of giving youth a place in decision-making processes. The speakers argued that youth participation can help to reduce inequalities and contribute to decent work and economic growth. By involving young people in decision-making at all levels, it was believed that more inclusive and effective solutions could be achieved. Jenna’s experience in the Asia Pacific Youth Internet Governance Forum was cited as a compelling example of how youth participation in decision-making can lead to positive outcomes.

Furthermore, the importance of youth initiatives was emphasized. The speakers acknowledged the energy and passion demonstrated by newcomers in the field of youth initiatives. They also mentioned that although there are many acronyms related to youth initiatives, not everyone may be aware of platforms like the Global Youth Summit. This highlights the need for increased awareness and support for such initiatives to ensure their continued success and impact.

The analysis also revealed a strong emphasis on the need for ongoing efforts for youth development. A colleague’s quote emphasizing the importance of continuous efforts and future planning beyond a single session highlighted the belief that sustained commitment is necessary to bring about long-term positive change for young people. This sentiment underscored the idea that youth development requires continuous investment and attention.

Finally, the analysis emphasized the significance of youth involvement in policy-making. The speakers put forward the viewpoint that “nothing for youth without youth,” indicating the importance of ensuring that young people have a voice in decisions that affect them. Jenna’s perspective on the significance of young people’s voices in decision-making further reinforced the argument for greater inclusion of young people in policy-making processes.

Overall, the analysis revealed a positive sentiment towards youth participation and highlighted the benefits of involving young people in decision-making, supporting youth initiatives, and making ongoing efforts for youth development. These insights underscore the importance of recognizing and empowering the youth population as key contributors to achieving sustainable development goals.

Nadia Tjahja

According to the analysis, there is a growing consensus that youth should have a more significant role in Internet Governance Forums (IGFs). This is because young people have the potential to provide concise, clear, and visible ideas that can greatly contribute to the content and structure of these events. It is believed that involving the youth in IGFs can lead to fresh perspectives, innovative approaches, and effective solutions.

Furthermore, meaningful participation in IGFs requires more than just being present. It involves being well-informed, engaging in consultation, and assuming leadership roles. This concept of meaningful participation is seen as a process that contributes to the constant change in the IGF ecosystem. It is viewed as a way to strengthen the decision-making processes and ensure that all stakeholders, including the youth, have a voice in shaping the Internet governance landscape.

To support the youth in their involvement with IGFs, it is suggested that the IGF should create opportunities that foster their growth and leadership. This can be achieved by working in partnership with the youth to create specific structures and spaces that cater to their needs and interests. Additionally, young people should be given the chance to take on positions as session organizers or collaborate with the IGF Secretariat. These actions would not only enhance youth participation but also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to decent work and economic growth, along with reduced inequalities.

Overall, there is a positive sentiment towards youth involvement and meaningful participation in IGFs. The analysis highlights the potential benefits that can arise from including the youth and emphasizes the need to create an environment that encourages their active engagement and contribution. By embracing the ideas and voices of the youth, IGFs can truly become more inclusive, dynamic, and representative of the diverse perspectives and needs within the Internet governance space.

Pyrate Ruby Passell

Pyrate Ruby, a 14-year-old attendee, is thrilled and proud to be the youngest participant on the IGF youth track. This marks her first time attending the IGF, and she expresses her excitement and pride in being able to contribute at such a young age. She strongly supports the idea of encouraging younger participants in the IGF and similar conventions, highlighting the importance of engaging the youth in discussions about important global issues. Her stance aligns with the goals of SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Having been involved in the IGF environment for over a year, Pyrate finds the experience incredibly gratifying. She has actively participated in the IGF youth track and attended the youth summit, where she has been involved in meaningful work. The opportunity to engage with experts and other young individuals passionate about addressing global challenges has further motivated her.

However, Pyrate does find one aspect of participating in the IGF challenging – the time zone differences. As a result, she often has to stay up late, which she finds amusing but also highlights the dedication and commitment she has towards her involvement in the IGF.

Despite the challenges, Pyrate is delighted to be working with her team. She values the opportunities for collaboration and the shared sense of purpose that comes with working towards a common goal. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork contribute to her positive experience within the IGF environment.

In addition to her involvement in the IGF, Pyrate mentions a newly-formed organization called the Dynamic Teen Coalition. Although limited information is provided, it can be inferred that this organization is relevant to Pyrate’s interests and potentially connected to her work within the IGF environment.

In conclusion, Pyrate Ruby, at just 14 years old, is an enthusiastic and dedicated attendee of the IGF. She not only takes pride in being the youngest participant on the IGF youth track but also advocates for greater youth involvement in such conventions. Through her participation, she finds great fulfillment and enjoys the opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Furthermore, her positive experience is not limited to the IGF, as she mentions the newly formed Dynamic Teen Coalition, suggesting her involvement in various initiatives aimed at empowering teenage voices.


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