’s Collection on Internet Governance: 5 years later | IGF 2023 Open Forum #98

12 Oct 2023 00:30h - 01:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Jean Carlos Ferreira dos Santos, / (Speaker), technical community, GRULAC
  • Hartmut Glaser, / (Moderator), technical community, GRULAC

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Vinicius W. O. Santos

The open forum, co-organized by (The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee) and ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge on memory and documentation in the field of Internet Governance. presented its efforts in designing a specialized library on Internet Governance and publishing official documents related to the subject.

Discussions at the forum focused on the challenges of managing and retrieving information in the dynamic field of Internet Governance. Participants expressed a strong interest in creating a comprehensive collection to organize, preserve, and retrieve the wealth of information generated in this rapidly evolving domain.

The project initiated by and ICANN has grown significantly, incorporating various tools, practices, methodologies, and content types. This progress demonstrates the commitment and dedication of the organizations involved in ensuring accessibility and availability of valuable resources in Internet Governance.

Looking ahead, the session addressed the challenges and future prospects of the project. There are various obstacles to be addressed in the short and long term. The forum aimed to provide an overview of the project’s progress and foster discussions on overcoming these challenges.

Partnerships and collaboration emerged as fundamental pillars for successful work within Internet Governance, particularly in informational and archival projects. The absence of partnerships could impede the implementation and deployment of these initiatives, while collaborative efforts form the foundation of achievements in this field.

In conclusion, the open forum organized by and ICANN served as a valuable platform for exchanging experiences and knowledge on memory and documentation in Internet Governance. It highlighted the importance of specialized libraries, the publication of official documents, effective management and retrieval of information, and establishing partnerships and collaborations for success in this domain. The project has evolved significantly, but challenges remain. Future prospects were discussed for continued progress.


The role of libraries in providing access to knowledge and the internet is significant, with a major impact on internet history and facilitating access. They bridge the digital divide by ensuring access to information and resources. In the context of internet governance-related events, having content available in the Brazilian language is seen as crucial for effective engagement and reducing inequality. collections greatly contribute to qualifying Brazilian participation in internet governance-related processes, while systematic organization and documentation are commended. Additionally, there is a call for a larger project on internet data archive that would benefit researchers, policymakers, and civil society. The use of machine learning algorithms for data categorization and the importance of partnerships and collaboration in internet governance projects are also highlighted. The absence of a taxonomy initiative in internet governance sparks curiosity, and the library sector recognizes the importance of the internet in delivering services and promoting information dissemination. Libraries are seen as more than just buildings, playing a vital role in educating for digital and information literacy. The close connection between libraries and internet service providers is emphasized, and there is a suggestion to explore the use of large language models for taxonomy extraction. Overall, the analysis underscores the significance of libraries, language inclusivity, collaboration, and technological advancements in internet governance.

Jean Carlos Ferreira dos Santos

The project at hand is primarily concerned with the development of the and collections, encompassing various activities such as documentation, publishing, and the design of a physical library. To efficiently manage and organize the collections, the project relies on the usage of tools like DSpace for the creation of digital repositories, Koha for library system operations, and ViewFind as a discovery tool.

Additionally, the library serves as an educational resource for capacity-building initiatives, providing valuable information and resources to enhance knowledge and skills. However, the project faces certain challenges. One of these challenges is the construction of controlled vocabularies, a crucial aspect in the field of internet governance. Likewise, the implementation, development, and maintenance of open-source tools present significant complexities.

Nevertheless, the project also brings forth several potential benefits. Collaboration and dialogue within the IGF community, for instance, can lead to numerous fruitful collaborations and exchanges of experiences. The project is open to establishing networks with other organizations and aims to maintain constant dialogue with the IGF community.

Furthermore, the project recognizes the potential of machine learning algorithms in the categorization of documentation, using them in the OECD AI Policy Observatory. Additionally, NIC-BI produces a substantial amount of data, reflecting the project’s commitment to data production.

However, challenges concerning data description, preservation, and reusability are noticeable. Describing the data effectively, preserving it for future use, and ensuring it can be reused poses significant hurdles that the project aims to address.

To improve data usage, the project actively seeks tools and standards that can be employed to utilize data more efficiently. Additionally, by incorporating standards and practices from library studies, the project hopes to organize the vast amount of content produced in the field of internet governance.

Standardised identifiers are deemed crucial for better content recovery and preservation within the internet governance community. The usage of digital object identifiers is recommended to prevent the loss of content.

A noteworthy objective of the project is to establish a taxonomy for internet governance. This initiative requires the cooperation of various stakeholders, including information science professionals, the technical community, and others. Creating a taxonomy will enable better organization and understanding of the interdisciplinary aspects of internet governance.

The importance of specific terms and concepts is acknowledged as aids in understanding the boundaries and components of the field of internet governance. By having a shared understanding of these terms and concepts, stakeholders can effectively communicate and collaborate.

The library created by the project seeks to meet the information requirements of the internet governance field. It has been designed to provide a comprehensive range of resources, expanding beyond traditional books. Additionally, efforts are being made to enable the Brazilian community and others to contribute to internet governance through the library.

Lastly, the project emphasises its openness to collaborations and contributions. By actively involving the community, the project aspires to build a stronger and more inclusive internet governance framework. After the session, the project encourages open dialogues, welcoming any questions or further discussions.

In conclusion, the project focuses on the development of the and collections. It employs various tools and technologies to manage and disseminate information effectively, while also addressing challenges such as the construction of controlled vocabularies and the implementation of open-source tools. Collaboration, dialogue, and the utilization of machine learning algorithms are recognized as valuable assets. The project also emphasizes the importance of data description, preservation, and reusability. By incorporating library studies, standardized identifiers, and establishing a taxonomy, the project aims to enhance information organization and understanding within the internet governance field. Furthermore, the project seeks to build a comprehensive library, engaging the community and encouraging collaborations and contributions. Overall, it demonstrates a commitment to the continued development and improvement of internet governance practices.


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