Global South Solidarities for Global Digital Governance | IGF 2023 Networking Session #110

9 Oct 2023 00:30h - 01:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • ‘Gbenga Sésán, Paradigm Initiative, Civil Society, African Group
  • Rafael Zanatta, Data Privacy Brasil Research Association, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group
  • Jaqueline Pigatto, Data Privacy Brasil Research Association, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group
  • Astha Kapoor, Aapti Institute, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Helani Galpaya, LIRNEasia, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Usama Khilji, Bolo Bhi, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Astha Kapoor, Aapti Institute, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Jaqueline Pigatto, Data Privacy Brasil Research Association, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The securitisation of the internet by states poses a threat to its open nature. This is evident through the investment in surveillance technologies such as internet throttling and shutdowns. Additionally, the introduction of regulations on social media and internet companies undermines user rights. An instance of this is seen in the Chinese firewall and internet censorship during the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

However, it is argued that the internet should remain open and free from borders as its original purpose was to connect the world without limitations. Unfortunately, the experience of using the internet is becoming increasingly dissimilar from one country to another due to the implementation of digital borders. Furthermore, there is an alarming trend of states moving towards digital authoritarianism, further challenging the open nature of the internet.

In the Global South, opportunities for collaboration among civil society groups are limited due to current policies. Political issues between governments in South Asia prevent civil society groups from convening, hindering their ability to work together effectively. Despite this, there is potential for collaboration as legislation in countries like Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan mirrors each other, indicating scope for collaboration in the future.

To facilitate effective global collaboration, it is argued that a multi-stakeholder and representative approach to global digital discussions is essential. It is emphasised that digital discussions should involve a variety of stakeholders, including civil society. This inclusive approach ensures that diverse voices and perspectives are considered, ultimately leading to more comprehensive and effective outcomes.

Engagement with the private sector is seen as valuable in driving progress. In cases where there is shared interest between civil society and companies on legislation, their cooperation can lead to state backtracking. This highlights the importance of collaboration between different sectors in influencing policy-making and shaping the future of the internet.

Building regional solidarities and conversations is deemed necessary for promoting collaboration. Organisations from various Global South countries are coming together, indicating progress in this direction. This regional collaboration has the potential to strengthen advocacy and drive positive change on a larger scale.

Effective advocacy is seen as crucial, and it should be based on quality research. Existing research can serve as a solid foundation for advocacy efforts. By utilising past studies and knowledge, advocacy campaigns can be more informed and persuasive, leading to a higher chance of success.

Translating knowledge into concrete actions and strategies is seen as the next step in achieving desired outcomes. A joint advocacy strategy based on research has been suggested, emphasising the need for practical implementation and the transformation of knowledge into tangible results.

In conclusion, the securitisation of the internet by states poses a threat to its open nature. The internet should remain borderless, and efforts should be made to counter the trend towards digital authoritarianism. Collaboration among civil society groups in the Global South faces challenges, including immigration and accessibility issues. A multi-stakeholder and representative approach to global digital discussions is advocated for effective collaboration. Engagement with the private sector can be valuable in influencing policymaking. Building regional solidarities and effective advocacy based on quality research are crucial in driving positive change. Translating knowledge into concrete actions and strategies is the necessary next step for achieving desired outcomes.


The Global South Solidarities project is currently accepting applications for the position of Digital Librarian. This role involves curating and organizing the project’s work, as well as addressing any queries. The project places great importance on effective management and accessibility of its resources.

There is a growing global effort to bring organizations in the Global South together on various issues. This collaboration and partnership demonstrate a collective approach to promoting solidarity and tackling common challenges faced by countries in the Global South.

In November, a fund will be launched in Brazil to support the Global South Solidarities project. This initiative aims to reduce inequalities and promote sustainable development in line with SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. Fundraising efforts like this highlight the project’s commitment to not only raise awareness but also mobilize financial resources for its cause.

During a recent talk, the speaker received overwhelming gratitude and appreciation from the audience. This positive reception indicates the effectiveness of the project in conveying its message and inspiring action. It reflects the project’s ability to engage individuals and foster a sense of solidarity.

Overall, the Global South Solidarities project actively promotes collaboration, addresses inequalities, and provides a platform for shared dialogue among organizations in the Global South. By seeking a Digital Librarian, launching a fund in Brazil, and receiving positive feedback, the project is making significant progress towards its objectives.


In Bangladesh, students are facing a severe shortage of original textbooks, which is negatively impacting their access to a quality education. Ifran, a senior lecturer in law and human rights in Bangladesh, has highlighted the difficulties his students have in accessing original textbooks. This lack of access to textbooks hampers their learning experience and limits their acquisition of knowledge.

The problem of limited access to knowledge extends beyond textbooks. Journal articles and research papers are predominantly behind paywalls, making them inaccessible to individuals in countries like Bangladesh. This limits researchers, academics, and students who rely on these resources for their studies and critical analysis. To overcome this problem, pirated sites like Sci-Hub have become alternative sources for accessing research materials.

The implications of these challenges are significant. The lack of original textbooks restricts students’ ability to learn and engage with the subjects effectively, hindering academic progress and limiting potential for success. Furthermore, the limited access to research materials and scholarly articles stifles intellectual growth and inhibits the development of innovative solutions to societal problems.

It is evident that solutions are urgently needed to bridge the knowledge divide, particularly between the North and South, where disparities in access to information and education are more prevalent. Addressing this issue would enhance educational opportunities in countries like Bangladesh and promote global collaboration and the exchange of ideas, leading to greater innovation and progress.

In conclusion, the shortage of original textbooks and limited access to knowledge in Bangladesh have profound implications for students’ educational experiences and the overall intellectual growth of the country. The emergence of pirated sites as alternatives highlights the urgent need for solutions to alleviate this knowledge divide. By reducing barriers to accessing information and fostering global collaboration, we can work towards a more equitable and prosperous future.

Tove Matimbe

The analysis reveals that there are various international platforms available for collaboration and discussion in the field of internet governance. Notable examples include the African Internet Governance Forum and the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum. These platforms offer opportunities for experts and stakeholders to come together, share knowledge, and address pertinent issues related to internet governance.

Collaboration and joint efforts are identified as crucial elements in impacting policy change and promoting effective data governance. The report highlights the significance of collaborative initiatives in driving positive outcomes. For instance, Paradigm Initiative collaborated with Data Privacy Brazil at their forum, indicating a commitment to sustaining such partnerships. Joint statements and submissions are also recognised as effective measures, with previous collaboration on the Global Data Commons (GDC) process involving Kiktonet, Data Privacy Brazil, and Apti.

However, engaging the private sector in internet governance discussions can be challenging. The analysis notes that the private sector often exhibits reluctance to participate in these conversations. To address this issue, closed-door meetings and invitations to regional convenings have been proposed as effective strategies to encourage private sector engagement.

Moreover, discriminatory practices have been identified as barriers to the participation of individuals from the Global South in internet governance conversations. The visa process and financial costs associated with attending international forums and events disproportionately impact people from less affluent regions. An example is provided where a colleague from Data Privacy Brazil was unable to attend the Global Internet Governance Forum due to such issues. This highlights the need to address discriminatory practices and ensure equal participation and representation from individuals across the globe.

To foster better internet governance and counter rights violations, it is recommended to increase support and funding for digital rights organizations in the Global South. Establishing a strong, unified movement and fund can empower these organizations to confront violations occurring within their countries effectively. Investing in these organizations can also lead to advancements in digital rights and strengthen the push for improved internet governance.

In conclusion, the analysis sheds light on several key aspects of internet governance. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, especially with regards to policy change and data governance. Challenges in engaging the private sector and discriminatory practices impacting the participation of individuals from the Global South are identified. Finally, supporting and funding digital rights organizations in the Global South is seen as a vital step towards countering rights violations and promoting better internet governance.

Aastha Kapoor

The discussion explores the concept of Global South Solidarities in relation to digital governance. It highlights the significance of addressing common issues across different regions of the Global South, serving as a foundation for collaboration and solidarity.

Data Privacy Brazil has recently advertised a role for a digital librarian, emphasizing the need for knowledge curation and handling inquiries related to policy issues globally. This initiative underscores the importance of information accessibility and management in the digital realm.

In addition, Data Privacy Brazil is actively working towards establishing a research fund specifically for global south initiatives. With a budget of $8,000, the organization aims to identify the most effective allocation of these funds.

Aastha Kapoor, a supporter of Data Privacy Brazil, endorses the digital librarian role and research fund initiative, highlighting their importance in promoting effective digital governance.

However, the discussion also raises concerns about the misuse of the internet as a tool for exclusion and surveillance. Instances such as the internet shutdown in eastern India due to ongoing unrest and the confiscation of phones from Syrian refugees at European borders demonstrate the negative impact of these practices.

Digital inequality is another issue highlighted, with the experiences of Uber drivers worldwide reflecting similar forms of harm. This exacerbates existing inequalities and underscores the need to address the negative consequences of internet use.

Furthermore, the discussion emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts among global movements to create institutional and financial architectures that support the objectives of the Global South. This highlights the importance of partnerships and working together to achieve sustainable development goals.

A holistic approach is also advocated, enabling wider participation in discussions and ensuring inclusivity. Challenges related to timing, access, and immigration restrictions need to be addressed to foster productive discussions and collaborations. Overcoming these challenges is crucial for realizing the full potential of global South solidarities.

Flexibility and commitment to civil society are considered critical in ensuring successful collaboration between civil society and the private sector. Both entities have shown solidarity in opposing unsuitable legislation, further highlighting their significance in digital governance.

The role of the Digital Librarian in the Global South Solidarities initiative is of great prominence. The Digital Librarian is responsible for curating all work, ensuring organization, and addressing profound questions about the digital universe raised by members. This role serves as a crucial pillar in fostering collaborative efforts and effective knowledge dissemination.

Furthermore, plans for a mutual fund and network mapping for global solidarity are currently underway. The mutual fund will be launched and announced in Brazil in November, with discussions on capacity building and funding opportunities as next steps. Network mapping aims to identify similar initiatives and learn from efforts that bring various organizations in the Global South together on different issues.

Overall, the discussion highlights the vital role of Global South Solidarities in digital governance. Collaborative efforts, such as those pursued by Data Privacy Brazil, and the support of individuals like Aastha Kapoor, connect various initiatives and individuals in pursuit of common goals. However, challenges related to exclusion, surveillance, and digital inequality must be addressed to ensure the effectiveness and inclusivity of global South solidarities.


Fernanda, a director at Internet Lab, a think tank in São Paulo, Brazil, is excited about attending the upcoming Data Privacy Brazil conference. As a representative of the Global South, she aims to engage in meaningful exchanges and discussions with other participants to address the challenges they currently face.

Internet Lab, known for focusing on digital rights and policies, considers Fernanda’s presence at the conference significant. As a director, she possesses extensive knowledge and insights into the complexities of data privacy. Her participation will enable her to share these perspectives and exchange ideas with other experts in the field.

Being from the Global South, Fernanda brings a unique perspective to the table. The challenges faced by countries in this region regarding data privacy may differ from those in developed countries. Participation in the conference allows Fernanda to shed light on these specific challenges and contribute to developing solutions that are inclusive and reflective of the needs of the Global South.

The Data Privacy Brazil conference serves as a platform for professionals and researchers to come together and discuss the latest developments, concerns, and potential solutions in the field of data privacy. Fernanda’s attendance offers an opportunity for collaboration and learning from different experiences and approaches. By fostering connections and conversations, attendees, including Fernanda, strive to create a more comprehensive and impactful framework for data privacy.

Overall, Fernanda’s presence at the Data Privacy Brazil conference symbolizes the increasing importance and attention given to data privacy in Brazil and the Global South. Her commitment to confronting challenges and fostering collaboration reflects the dedication of Internet Lab and other organizations in the region to advocate for robust data protection policies.


In Brazil, a collaborative digital librarian initiative has been launched with the objective of curating, organizing, and disseminating knowledge related to digital rights. This initiative is a partnership between Data Privacy Brazil, Apti Institute, and Paradigm Initiatives. The digital librarian will play a crucial role in this endeavor by curating and sharing information on digital rights. The initiative has been positively received, with individuals expressing excitement and anticipation for its impact on strengthening engagement among Global South organizations.

However, despite the positive reception, there are challenges that hinder the achievement of consensus within the digital rights landscape. One of the key challenges is the presence of conflicts of interest between civil society and the private sector. This conflict becomes particularly evident in the context of platform regulation, where big tech companies have been lobbying and advocating their interests to parliamentarians. Brazil has been seeking platform regulation since January, aiming to address conflicts of interest between civil society and the private sector. The chaotic scenario resulting from these conflicts poses a significant obstacle to effective regulation.

Moreover, there are barriers faced by Global South organizations in engaging with larger international conferences. Financial support and visa issues are cited as major hindrances, as most conferences tend to be held in the Global North. This lack of participation from Global South organizations limits their ability to contribute to global discussions on digital rights. To address this issue, a report titled “Voices from Global South” will be launched, shedding light on the obstacles faced by these organizations and sparking discussions around potential solutions.

In conclusion, the digital librarian initiative in Brazil holds promise for advancing knowledge and engagement in the field of digital rights within the Global South. However, challenges such as conflicts of interest and barriers to participation in international conferences need to be addressed. It is believed that comprehensive platform regulation is essential and must consider the interests of all societal sectors, including civil society and the private sector, to effectively tackle these challenges.


Miki is currently employed by a startup that has a commendable objective of collecting primary information about social issues from an extensive range of over 1000 sources. The startup’s primary aim is to ensure that individuals have access to information that enables them to think independently and make informed decisions about various matters affecting society. By providing comprehensive information, the startup hopes to empower people by equipping them with the knowledge necessary to participate actively in democratic processes.

Miki strongly believes in the fundamental significance of access to information in fostering real democracy. Recognizing that a well-informed citizenry is at the core of a functioning democracy, Miki underscores the importance of ensuring that people have access to important and comprehensive information. This access fosters an environment where the public can make knowledgeable decisions, engage in meaningful discussions, and hold those in power accountable for their actions. Miki’s support of access to information as a crucial element of democracy highlights the vital role the startup plays in promoting transparency and citizen participation.

In addition to Miki’s commitment to promoting access to information, they also exhibit a keen interest in understanding the challenges associated with creating a consensus for establishing a platform between civil society and the private sector. While specific details of these challenges are not provided, Miki’s inclination towards exploring this topic suggests an awareness of the complexities involved in achieving cooperation between these two sectors. Such cooperation is essential to effectively address societal challenges and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals.

In conclusion, Miki’s involvement with the startup reflects their dedication to making primary information about social issues accessible to individuals around the world. Their belief in the transformative power of access to information for democracy underscores the critical role played by the startup in fostering transparency and citizen engagement. Moreover, Miki’s eagerness to understand the difficulties involved in establishing a consensus between civil society and the private sector reflects their commitment to exploring innovative solutions and fostering partnerships for achieving sustainable development. Overall, their involvement in these domains demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset and a strong drive to contribute positively to society.


The analysis focuses on several key topics related to global partnerships, civil society participation, and data privacy. One of the main points discussed is the importance of joint contributions in Global South Solidarities. The analysis highlights that Data Privacy Brazil made a joint contribution with civil society entities from India, including the Institute, Paradigm Initiative, and Internet Bolivia. This demonstrates the significance of collaboration and collective efforts in addressing global challenges.

Another prominent topic discussed is the need for greater participation and advocacy with government representatives. It is noted that issues such as surveillance, internet shutdowns, and censorship are primarily discussed in multilateral spaces like the UN, with limited opportunities for civil society participation. This argument underscores the importance of amplifying the voices of civil society actors in decision-making processes and advocating for their inclusion in relevant discussions.

The analysis also supports the idea of collective contribution to the Global Digital Compact of the UN. Data Privacy Brazil made a joint contribution with civil society entities from different countries to the Global Digital Compact. This showcases the support for collaborative efforts in achieving the goals outlined in the compact, emphasizing the importance of partnerships and shared responsibility.

Furthermore, the analysis advocates for increased capacity for civil society to participate in discussions at multilateral spaces like the UN. It suggests that issues such as surveillance, internet shutdowns, and censorship are predominantly discussed in multilateral spaces, which often have limited opportunities for civil society engagement. The analysis positively highlights the need for increased civil society participation and the importance of their perspectives in shaping policies and decisions related to peace, justice, and strong institutions.

The overall sentiment of the analysis is positive towards joint contributions and increasing civil society participation. It underscores the importance of collaboration, shared responsibility, and amplifying civil society voices to effectively address global challenges. Notably, the analysis sheds light on the critical issue of data privacy and the limited spaces available for civil society participation in discussions regarding surveillance, internet shutdowns, and censorship.

In conclusion, the analysis presents a comprehensive overview of the importance of joint contributions, increased civil society participation, and collective efforts in addressing global challenges. It highlights the significance of partnerships and shared responsibility in the Global South Solidarities and the Global Digital Compact of the UN. The analysis also emphasizes the need to expand the space for civil society participation and the importance of their perspectives in relevant multilateral discussions.


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