HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station): Internet Access for all from the Stratosphere | IGF 2023 Day 0 Event #205

8 Oct 2023 02:00h - 03:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Mortimer Hope (Mr), Associate Director and Africa Lead, Policy Impact Partners Ltd.
  • Yoshihisa Kishiyama (Dr), Senior Member, Space RAN Business, Space Compass Corporation
  • Geraldo Neto (Mr), Vice President, Telecommunications Management Group Inc. Chair of Sub-Working Group Agenda Item 1.4 of ITU-R WP 5D
  • Hiroyuki Tsuji (Dr), Director, Space Communication Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
  • Shiro Fukumoto, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Hiroyuki Tsuji

The emerging field of future network technology, which includes systems in both terrestrial and non-terrestrial environments, merges into a 3-dimensional network. This frontier of networking innovation comprises the integration of various high-altitude entities, such as drones, airplanes, High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS), and traditional satellites. The role of HAPS is especially prominent due to its crucial function as a connecting link between the terrestrial network and the non-terrestrial network.

This essential role of HAPS doesn’t remain merely theoretical – its significance was convincingly demonstrated roughly two decades ago. HAPS played a central role in a successful technological demonstration, substantiating the benefits of their functionality, as well as their direct communication link with existing mobile phone networks. This significant leap affirms HAPS’ indispensable contribution to the expansion and advancement of future networks.

An inherent limitation associated with future network technology is spectral space. The usage of radio frequency systems has underscored this constraint. However, optical links have emerged as an effective alternative, offering promising solutions to these spectrum challenges.

Leading the technological advances in this area is the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). They are at the cutting-edge of innovation, developing a small optical terminal capable of being mounted upon HAPS and small satellites. This development solidifies the potential of optical links in non-terrestrial settings, adding another link in the chain of future network technologies.

In alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 9 and 17, these technological leaps and advancements bolster the push towards building resilient infrastructure, fostering inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and encouraging innovation. The integration of traditional and innovative network technologies into a 3-dimensional network not only exemplifies technological advancement but also underscores the merit and value of partnerships in facilitating progress towards sustainable development.

Geraldo Neto

Regulation plays a crucial role in facilitating global technology deployment, making direct contributions towards Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. This process involves strategic approaches such as the four-yearly coordinated International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regulatory process. Additionally, Technology Media Group (TMG) assists by developing regulatory frameworks at both international and national levels, fostering systematic technology deployment worldwide.

Within the sphere of expanding connectivity and coverage, High-Altitude Platforms (HIPs) have surfaced as an innovative and promising solution. They offer connectivity especially in economically non-viable areas where terrestrial or satellite networks fail to provide feasible solutions. Further, HIPs maintain a user-friendly approach, leaving the user device unchanged. They also prove to be invaluable during emergency situations, such as disasters, providing consistent connectivity.

Regarding the role of High-Altitude Internet Bases (HIBs) at a national level, their implementation can be relatively straightforward due to the presence of an international framework designed to manage potential cross-border interferences effectively. This implementation may require only minimal regulatory adjustments, and offers tremendous potential for public-private partnerships. Importantly, HIBs should be viewed as an enhancement to the current telecommunications infrastructure rather than a replacement for current operators. By integrating HIB connectivity into standard mobile networks and contributing to terrestrial and satellite network capacity, HIBs could be commercially deployed.

Decisions taken by the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) are of paramount importance and must be considered when permitting operations to ensure spectrum availability for applications. Hence, the role of regulatory bodies in this aspect provides an essential move forward.

Government plays a fundamental part in advancing this technology. It forms the bridge connecting different entities effectively, making use of Universal Service Funds(USF) and facilitating the regulatory negotiations for forming partnerships with mobile operators and local connectivity companies. HIBs would be especially effective in regions that are commercially unviable for conventional mobile operators, showing a need for proactive public-private partnerships.

Lastly, harmonising public policies with the offerings of technology is essential. Understanding the potential benefits and challenges of technological applications in different scenarios can ensure their adequate usage. Although commercial viability may seem daunting for certain areas, a proper understanding and leveraging of technology can lead to major accomplishments. Consequently, the alignment of technological capabilities with public policies can catalyse the achievement of SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.


High Altitude Internet Broadcasting Systems (HIBS) is garnering positive acclaim as a promising solution to bridge the digital divide, particularly in rural or geographically challenging areas. HIBS are engineered to cover large expanses using a single base station positioned at high altitudes, making these systems ideal for regions lacking robust terrestrial network infrastructure. Furthermore, their reliance on solar energy promises sustainability, with the sun-powered system avoiding carbon emissions, thereby contributing to global sustainability efforts. This innovative technology holds the potential to help reduce the prevalent urban-rural and gender digital divides.

However, while novel technologies like HIBS offer a beacon of hope in bridging the digital divide, affordability persists as a significant constraint for many. This issue is particularly pronounced in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa where, despite 61% of the population dwelling within mobile broadband coverage areas, usage is limited due to the prohibitive costs of services. Geographical factors and population distribution also contribute to the underutilisation of mobile internet in countries like Mozambique and Namibia. Additionally, internet usage across the African continent is notably lower than the global average – a mere 40% compared to the worldwide average of 66%.

Nonetheless, optimism surrounds HIBS’ potential to tackle affordability concerns. Its innovative nature could herald an affordable solution to not only widen coverage but also assure accessibility. Leveraging solar energy while offering broad coverage, this advanced technology could potentially help dissolve cost barriers faced by many individuals.

Progress can also be seen in the field of space technology, with notable strategic partnerships being established. Japanese heavyweights NTT and SkyPerfect JSAT have formed a joint venture named Space Compass, with a focus on the Space Data Centre and the Space Run Radio Access Network. Space Compass is also reportedly collaborating with Airbus Zephyr, a hub station utilising solar electric power.

In addition, the deployment of the High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) system is gaining momentum. This system promises to deliver internet service directly to existing smartphones and boasts significant data transmission rates. HAPS features the capacity to expand coverage to remote zones such as the sea and sky, and provide exceptional high-resolution remote sensing capabilities, affording more accurate data compared to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. Ambitious deployment goals have been set for HAPS, with a target date of fiscal year 2025 in Japan.

Crucially, governmental support is vital for the effective deployment and operation of High Altitude Platforms (HIPS). Necessary regulations required from the World Radio Communication Conference need to be implemented, and suitable authorisations must be granted by each country’s relevant authorities to enable HIPs to operate proficiently. These authorisations extend beyond the realm of telecommunications, also necessitating the involvement of Civil Aviation Authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Finally, governments and institutional bodies can play a proactive role in helping to deploy networks by employing both demand-side and supply-side measures. The Universal Service Fund could prove instrumental in aiding network construction, and subsidies can enable users to obtain devices and access internet services. This approach is particularly critical in areas like Africa where the cost of devices is relatively high. Proactive government intervention can thus contribute to reducing inequalities.

Mortimer Hope

High Altitude Platform Station Internet Access (HAPS or HIBS) emerges as a pioneering solution to combat the digital divide within Africa, a region grappling with significant internet access problems primarily due to affordability constraints. Thus, the analysis largely portrays a positive sentiment towards the utilisation of this innovative technology.

Internet access remains an acute concern in Africa. In 2021, whilst mobile broadband coverage reached 78% of the Sub-Saharan African population, just 22% utilised the internet. Affordability appears as a major stumbling block; a robust 61% of the populace have access, yet financial deterrents render most of them unable to exploit this service. The digital divide was further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the shift towards remote working and digital classrooms became non-negotiable. Undeniably, this digital void urgently requires comprehensive solutions.

HIBS offers a promising potential solution. It has been demonstrated to cover vast swathes of land even with a single unit, with countries like Mozambique and Namibia presenting candidate case studies. Coupled with the positive economic impacts of increased mobile penetration, HIBS advocates a hopeful ray for digital inclusivity.

Looking forward, the World Radio Communication Conference presents a favourable juncture to discuss and allocate additional frequency bands favourable for HIBS. Frequencies under consideration include popular bands such as the 700, 800, and 900 megahertz bands which are particularly suited for rural regions, thus enabling possible extensive and effective internet access in remote areas.

However, for such innovative initiatives to successfully take-off, the essential role of government support cannot be overstated. This includes developing robust regulatory frameworks and procuring authorisations from a range of sectors, encompassing telecoms, civil aviation and law enforcement agencies. Additionally, addressing supply-side measures and enhancing network deployment can be facilitated using the Universal Service Fund.

Furthermore, the high device prices in Africa necessitate subsidising users for buying devices and utilising internet services, to address the affordability issue. These strategic subsidies can significantly boost adoption rates, thereby progressively nullifying digital inequality.

In conclusion, most analyses share a consensus on the potential of HIBS in significantly contributing towards diverse Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These notably include quality education, industry, innovation and infrastructure, affordable and clean energy, reduced inequalities, and climate action. With improved digital accessibility having the potential to empower communities and induce significant positive change, the prospect of HIBS delivering widespread impact looks promising.

Yoshihisa Kishiyama

Space Compass, the result of a pioneering joint venture between top-tier tech firm NTT and satellite operator SkyPerfect JSAT, chiefly focuses on the Space Data Centre and the Space Run Radio Access Network. This innovative enterprise, established merely last year, is already gaining recognition in the field, with its operations covering areas such as optical data array and computing.

A key part of Space Compass’s strategy centres around the employment of High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) during its initial phase of deployment. This approach provides numerous advantages – its most significant being the provision of direct, reliable, and robust connectivity to smartphones without the dependency on terrestrial infrastructure. Such capabilities make HAPS invaluable in regions not served by traditional terrestrial networks, and their inherent resilience to ground-based disasters further expands their potential application in disaster-stricken areas.

A primary objective for the team at Space Compass is their ambitious goal to commercialise HAPS by 2025. To achieve this, the company has strategically decided to initially focus on granting direct access to smartphone devices and leading advancements in remote sensing. They are bolstered in these efforts by their collaboration with Airbus Zephyr, which augments the potential for future innovation in the field.

In the sphere of communication systems, Space Compass’s selected design is especially unique. Adopting International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) frequency bands for the scheme allows for rapid and precise communication. For the initial phase of deployment, two GHz FDD bands are currently available and may be top candidates. However, the possible use of higher frequency bands – specifically the millimetre wave – in future deployments constitutes a fascinating prospect for the link between HAPS and the Gateway station.

To summarise, Space Compass, an innovative collaboration between NTT and SkyPerfect JSAT, has developed a forward-thinking business model centred around HAPS. Their groundbreaking approach guarantees enhanced connectivity and coverage, outlines a path for future commercialisation efforts, and presages further technological advancements. With significant partnerships such as the connection with Airbus Zephyr already established, and the potential to employ high-frequency communication channels, this venture epitomises the very essence of state-of-the-art innovation and infrastructural development.




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