Let’s design the next Global Dialogue on Ai & Metaverses | IGF 2023 Town Hall #25

10 Oct 2023 03:00h - 04:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Antoine Vergne, Missions Publiques, civil society organisation, WEOG
  • Desiree Miloshevic Evans, ISOC Serbia, civil society organisation, Eastern Europe
  • Raashi Saxena, Scientific Committee Member of the WTI project, and Co-chair, Internet Rights Principles Coalition (IRPC) Strategy Consultant & Trainer – Accessibility Lab, Asia Pacific
  • Noha Ashraf, ISOC Egypt, Pan-African Youth Ambassadors, Egypt
  • Juliana Harsianti, Global Voices Indonesia, Asia Pacific
  • Roberto Zambrana, ISOC Bolivia, GRULAC
  • Maria Tazi, Missions Publiques, civil society organisation, WEOG
  • Raashi Saxena, Onsite Moderator
  • Antoine Vergne, Online Moderator

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Raashi Saxena

After analysing the data, several key points emerge. Firstly, there are concerns surrounding misinformation in Gen-AI tools. Outdated or faulty information has the potential to harm reputations, and the emergence of doctored videos is a significant issue that can lead to gender-based violence harms. This highlights the need for careful consideration and regulation of Gen-AI tools to mitigate negative consequences.

The importance of addressing misinformation in dialogues is emphasised, as it is essential to navigate the threats and advances in AI technology. Including concerns about misinformation in dialogues fosters understanding and collaboration in finding solutions to tackle this issue.

The Indian government, in collaboration with Intel, has taken proactive steps to educate school students about AI through the initiative ‘AI for All’. This curriculum, implemented in central schools, aims to equip students with knowledge and understanding of AI concepts. Additionally, the government has partnered with startup incubators to promote conversations and podcasts about simpler AI concepts, broadening the accessibility of AI education.

Raashi Saxena, a notable figure in the field, is willing to share their AI curriculum and engage in offline discussions, demonstrating a commitment to collaborative exploration of AI.

Diverse participation in an Artificial Intelligence dialogue in India is celebrated, as it includes individuals from various age groups, including a Buddhist monk and housewives. The selection of participants from places with social turmoil and socio-political issues adds depth and perspective to the discussions, enriching the insights gained.

Information provision is highlighted as a fundamental aspect of empowerment. Concrete and accurate data enables people to make informed decisions. Facilitating access to reliable information fosters active participation and engagement.

AI discussions are seen as educational opportunities, expanding participants’ knowledge and understanding. The diverse contributors notably gain valuable insights.

The potential of AI in content moderation is acknowledged for its precision and ability to sift through large volumes of data. AI is considered a valuable tool in addressing harmful content, particularly following the increase in online presence due to the COVID pandemic and concerns about the treatment of human content moderators.

Developers, as key stakeholders in technology, should be actively included in conversations about its role in society. Their perspectives and expertise are crucial in finding solutions and addressing challenges.

Contextualising information according to local needs and languages fosters engagement and response. In India, in-person dialogues in small village settings, coupled with translation into local languages, facilitate more inclusive and fruitful dialogues.

The analysis also highlights that hate speech, misinformation, and propaganda are long-standing issues that technology has made more economical and efficient to spread. Ongoing efforts are needed to address these issues and regulate technology to mitigate their negative impact.

The inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as children and people with disabilities, is emphasised in discussions. It is important to adopt inclusive approaches that consider the needs and perspectives of all individuals, promoting a more equitable dialogue.

The significance of considering different languages in discussions is recognised, as it makes the dialogue more accessible to diverse communities and enables a broader range of voices to be heard.

Finally, the importance of adhering to dedicated time limits for discussions is emphasised to respect participants’ time and ensure efficient conversations.

In conclusion, the analysis of the data provides insights into AI, misinformation, education, and inclusivity. A balanced approach is needed to address challenges posed by technology, information provision and education are crucial, and inclusive dialogues should consider diverse perspectives. AI’s role in content moderation and the engagement of developers in conversations about technology’s impact are highlighted. Contextualisation of dialogue according to local needs and languages is essential, as are efforts to address long-standing issues. The inclusion of vulnerable groups and consideration of different languages promote a more inclusive dialogue. Adhering to time limits is also important.

Roberto Zambrana

In the analysis, it is highlighted that Roberto Zambrana has a neutral stance towards AI and expresses curiosity about what AI itself thinks. This suggests a willingness to engage in a dialogue with AI and consider its perspectives.

Furthermore, Zambrana advocates for a hybrid approach in reaching agreements on general terms and adapting certain topics, regardless of the country. This approach emphasises the importance of flexibility and adaptability in addressing various issues related to AI. This aligns with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, which promotes collaboration and cooperation among different stakeholders to achieve sustainable development.

Additionally, the analysis emphasises the significance of education in understanding the concerns and frontline problems associated with AI. Zambrana recognises that involving both citizens and developers in the process can lead to better outcomes. This highlights the need for awareness, knowledge, and dialogue to ensure the responsible and beneficial use of AI.

Moreover, the analysis highlights Zambrana’s support for global dialogues as a means of overcoming barriers and achieving a balanced understanding of AI and metaverses. Such dialogues can foster collaboration and support between countries, helping them overcome challenges and realise the potential benefits of AI and metaverses. This is in line with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, which seeks to promote technological advancements, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, which emphasizes cooperation and collaboration between different stakeholders.

Overall, Zambrana’s neutral stance towards AI, advocacy for a hybrid approach, emphasis on education, and involvement of the technical community, and support for global dialogues underscore his commitment to fostering responsible and inclusive AI development. These insights serve as a reminder of the importance of considering diverse perspectives and engaging in collaborative efforts to harness the potential of AI for sustainable development.


In the analysis of the statements made by various speakers, several key points emerge. The first point of concern is the inequalities in access to and understanding of AI and ICT, which should be addressed. Certain populations face issues of inaccessibility and lack of comprehension of AI and ICT, and this disparity needs to be rectified. It is argued that there should be an effort to close the gap and ensure that everyone can benefit from these technologies on an equal level.

On a positive note, it is acknowledged that AI can be used to bring everyone along in global advancement. The potential of AI to drive economic growth and innovation is recognized, and the speakers highlight the importance of using AI to include everyone in the world’s growth. They question what can be done using AI to ensure that the benefits of global advancement are accessible to all.

Additionally, there is a need to balance the advancement of AI and Metaverse design with the prevention of potential problems. It is emphasized that while progress in AI and Metaverse is important, it should not be done at the cost of overlooking potential issues and risks. The speakers argue for a balance between moving forward and preventing problems, highlighting that hesitation to progress can hinder overall development.

The development of metaverse with helpful AI for teaching social-emotional skill lessons to international students is considered important. The speakers underline the need to design and implement a curriculum that incorporates the latest technologies, such as metaverse and AI, to provide effective education to international students. The current teaching systems are often based on standard meeting systems, and the integration of metaverse and AI can greatly enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes.

Global dialogue on AI with different stakeholders is seen as crucial. The speakers mention the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences about the internet, digital technology, and AI from various perspectives. This global dialogue can foster collaboration, learning, and the development of best practices in the field.

The positive impact of digital technology is emphasized. It is highlighted that digital technology helps people in different ways and has the potential to drive industry, innovation, and infrastructure. The speakers acknowledge the role of digital technology in advancing various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Inclusion of different experiences and perspectives in AI policy and best practices is advocated for. The speakers believe that incorporating various viewpoints and voices in the development of AI policies can lead to more inclusive and effective outcomes. It is argued that a diverse range of experiences contributes to the formulation of AI inclusion policies and the establishment of best practices.

The work of organizations like Mission Public, which engage with vulnerable sections of the population, is appreciated. The speakers commend their efforts to reach out to individuals who are not usually involved in processes such as the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). This outreach to unions and workers is seen as a positive step towards reducing inequalities and ensuring that all voices are heard.

A notable observation from the analysis is the importance of a qualitative approach to understanding the thinking behind deliberations. One speaker suggests that understanding the motivations and thoughts behind each deliberation can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. It is argued that a more granular understanding of deliberations can be achieved by studying the thought process behind them, thereby fostering more effective decision-making.

Child protection and online safety emerge as critical topics in the context of AI. The speakers emphasize that AI can be leveraged to protect children and ensure online safety. However, they caution that AI can also cause harm, such as the creation of child sexual abuse material digitally. It is stressed that when discussing AI on a global and local level, child protection and online safety should be at the forefront of discussions.

A differentiated understanding of AI applications is deemed crucial. The speakers mention various applications of AI, including content moderation, combating fake news, and detecting copyright infringements. It is argued that having a nuanced understanding of these applications is essential for the effective and responsible use of AI.

The issue of AI bias potentially affecting the validity of information is raised. Concerns about bias in image recognition technologies are highlighted, illustrating how AI can perpetuate biases, particularly in gender representation. It is suggested that biases in AI models need to be acknowledged and addressed to ensure fairness and equality.

The need to strike a balance between regulation and the usage of technology is emphasized. One speaker calls for critical analysis and understanding of technology consumption, rather than relying solely on regulation or fear of using technology. The goal is to ensure responsible use of AI and technology while acknowledging the potential risks and benefits they bring.

Public participation in the implementation of artificial intelligence is seen as necessary. It is argued that involving the public and giving them a voice is crucial for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. A speaker highlights the importance of hearing from specialists and considers it a common responsibility to include experts from various fields in decision-making processes.

Proper governance of artificial intelligence is highlighted as essential. The speakers advocate for ensuring that AI is ethically and responsibly governed to prevent issues such as misinformation and fake news. It is emphasized that AI governance is crucial for maintaining peace, justice, and the functioning of strong institutions.

The importance of a uniformed approach in terms of digitalization and AI is highlighted. This includes the need for consistent standards and practices across different regions and countries. It is argued that a uniformed approach to digitalization and AI can help reduce inequalities and promote fair access to technology.

Overall, the speakers highlight the need to address inequalities, strike a balance between advancement and prevention, engage in global dialogue, ensure inclusivity, protect children, promote critical thinking, involve stakeholders, and govern AI and ICT properly. These points emphasize the importance of responsible and ethical development and use of AI technologies to achieve sustainable development goals and create a more equitable and inclusive society.

Antoine Vergne

The analysis explores various perspectives on artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for society. One notable initiative is the AI for All programme, a collaboration between the Indian government and Intel, which aims to educate school students about AI. This programme is seen as a positive step towards ensuring that young people are equipped with the necessary knowledge to engage with AI technologies.

Opinions on the opportunities and threats posed by AI are divided. Around 50% of the groups believe that AI presents both opportunities and threats, while approximately 30% of the groups see it primarily as an opportunity. This reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of AI and how it can impact different aspects of society.

There is a consensus, however, on the importance of aligning AI with human rights. Most groups agreed that prioritising human rights in the development and deployment of AI systems is essential. This reveals a shared understanding that while AI can bring immense benefits, it must be guided by ethical considerations and respect for fundamental human rights.

Another area where AI is seen as having significant potential is in research and development. The dialogues highlighted the belief that AI can generate numerous opportunities in this field. This aligns with the broader goal of SDG 9, which focuses on industry, innovation and infrastructure.

The notion of global governance of AI also emerges as a prominent theme. A significant number of participants expressed support for the idea that the governance of AI should occur at a global level. This recognition reflects the global impact of AI technologies and the need for coordinated efforts to address the challenges and benefits they bring.

Sharing experiences and knowledge about the internet, digital technology and AI from different stakeholders, countries and backgrounds is highlighted as being vital. This emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping the development and utilisation of these technologies.

The European citizens’ panels, launched by the European Parliament, European Commission and the Council, were viewed as a crucial part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. These panels provided an opportunity for randomly selected citizens to discuss their views and wishes for the future of Europe. This inclusive approach highlights the value of citizen engagement and participation in shaping policy decisions.

Antoine Vergne stresses the need for ordinary citizens’ input in global discussions about internet governance. He highlights the importance of a more open and bottom-up approach to policymaking, allowing citizens to have an impact on policy decisions. This call for citizen involvement in governance reflects the desire for inclusivity and democratic decision-making processes.

The potential for future dialogues on AI and metaverses is also explored. The need to determine appropriate levels of governance and the importance of topic framing are discussed. Antoine Vergne supports the idea of both local and global topic framing for dialogues, recognising the value of context-specific discussions in addition to common global topics.

The analysis also highlights the significance of involving AI developers in global dialogues. By including developers in conversations about AI, not just in their professional capacity but also as citizens, a more comprehensive understanding can be achieved. This emphasizes the need to view developers and AI technology creators as both part of the solution and the challenge.

Global dialogues are seen as an opportunity to promote learning and mutual assistance among countries with different AI capacities. By sharing knowledge and experiences, countries can collectively address the challenges and maximise the benefits of AI technologies.

Inviting ambassadors from each participating country to engage in global-level reflections is considered an ideal approach. This facilitates the sharing of insights and lessons learned from national efforts and encourages international cooperation in addressing common AI-related issues.

Analysing qualitative data from citizen dialogues can present both challenges and benefits. While the process of aggregating and analysing the data may be complex, it offers valuable insights for policymakers and researchers. Artificial intelligence can play a role in making sense of the large amounts of data generated through citizen dialogues, enabling more informed decision-making.

Overall, the analysis reveals various perspectives on AI and its impact on society. It underscores the importance of education, alignment with human rights, ethical considerations, and global governance in harnessing the potential of AI. It also highlights the need for inclusivity, diverse perspectives and citizen engagement in shaping the future of AI technologies.


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