Shaping AI to ensure Respect for Human Rights and Democracy | IGF 2023 Day 0 Event #51

8 Oct 2023 05:00h - 06:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Mr Bjørn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  • Ms Ivana BARTOLETTI, Global Chief Privacy Officer at Wipro, Pamplin Business School at Virginia Tech, the Women Leading in AI Network
  • Mr Daniel Castaño Parra, Professor at the Universidad Externado de Colombia and former legal advisor of Minister of Justice and Minister of Transport of Columbia
  • Professor Arisa EMA, Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo and Visiting Researcher at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project in Japan
  • Ms Merve HICKOK, Senior Research Director of the Center for AI and Digital Policy and the Founder of
  • Ms Francesca ROSSI, IBM Fellow and AI Ethics Global Leader
  • Professor Liming ZHU, Full professor at the University of New South Wales and Research Director at Australia’s National Science Agency (CSIRO)
  • Thomas SCHNEIDER, Head of Delegation of Switzerland and Chair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence of the Council of Europe

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Merve Hickok

The comprehensive analysis conveys a positive sentiment towards the regulation and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI), emphasising their coexistence for ensuring better, safer, and more accessible technological advancements. Notably, genuine innovation is perceived favourably as it bolsters human rights, promotes public engagement, and encourages transparency. This viewpoint is grounded in the belief that AI regulatory policies should harmonise the nurturing of innovation and the implementation of essential protective measures.

The analysis also underscores that standards based on the rule of law must apply universally to both public and private sectors. This conviction is influenced by the United Nations’ Guiding Principles for Business, which reinforce businesses’ obligation to respect human rights and abide by the rule of law. This represents a paradigm shift towards heightened accountability in the development and deployment of AI technologies across different societal sectors.

However, there is significant apprehension surrounding the perceived industrial domination in the AI policymaking process. Such dominance is viewed negatively as it could erode democratic values, potentially fostering bias replication, labour displacement, concentration of wealth, and disparity in power. Critics argue this scenario could compromise the public’s interests.

Moreover, the analysis highlights strong advocacy for the integration of democratic values and public participation into the formulation of national AI policies. This stance is complemented by a call for the establishment of robust mechanisms for independent oversight of AI systems, aiming to safeguard citizens’ rights. The necessity to ensure AI technologies align with and uphold democratic principles and norms is thus underscored.

Nevertheless, the analysis reveals resolute opposition to the use of facial recognition for mass surveillance and deployment of autonomous weaponry. These technologies are seen as undermining human rights and eroding democratic values—an interpretation echoed in UN negotiations.

In conclusion, despite AI offering tremendous potential for societal advancements and business growth, it’s critical for its advancement and application to adhere to regulatory frameworks preserving human rights, promoting fairness, ensuring transparency, and upholding democratic values. Cultivating an equilibrium and a forward-thinking climate for formulating AI policies involving public participation can assist in mitigating and managing the potential risks. This approach ensures that AI innovation evolves ethically and responsibly.

Björn Berge

Artificial Intelligence (AI) carries the potential to revolutionise various sectors worldwide, due to its capacities for improved efficiency, advanced decision-making, and enhanced services. It can significantly enhance productivity by automating routine and repetitive tasks usually undertaken by humans. Additionally, AI systems can harness big data to make more precise decisions, eliminating human errors and thereby resulting in superior service delivery.

Nevertheless, the growth of AI necessitates a robust regulatory framework. This framework should enshrine human rights as one of its core principles and should advocate a multi-stakeholder approach. It is vital for AI systems to be developed and used in a manner that ensures human rights protection, respects the rule of law, and upholds democratic values.

Aligning with this, the Council of Europe is currently working on a treaty that safeguards these facets whilst harnessing the benefits of AI. This treaty will lay down principles to govern AI systems, with a primary focus on human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values. Notably, the crafting process of this treaty doesn’t exclusively involve governments, but also includes contributions from a wide array of sectors. Civil society participants, academic experts, and industry representatives all play a crucial role in developing an inclusive and protective framework for AI.

The Council of Europe’s treaty extends far beyond Europe and has a global scope. Countries from various continents are actively engaged in the negotiation process. Alongside European Union members, countries from North, Central, and South America, as well as Asia, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Israel, Japan, Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, and Uruguay, are involved in moulding this international regulatory framework. This global outreach underscores the importance and universal applicability of AI regulation, emphasising international cooperation for the responsible implementation and supervision of AI systems.

Francesca Rossi

Francesca Rossi underscores that AI is not simply a realm of pure science or technology; instead, it should be considered a social technical field of study, bearing significant societal impacts. This viewpoint emphasises that the evolution and application of AI are profoundly intertwined with societal dynamics and consequences.

Furthermore, Francesca advocates robustly for targeted regulation in the AI field. She firmly asserts that any necessary regulation should focus on the varied uses and applications of the technology, which carry different levels of risk, rather than merely on the technology itself. This argument stems from the understanding that the same technology can be utilised in countless ways, each with its own implied benefits and potential risks, therefore calling for tailored oversight mechanisms.

Francesca’s support for regulatory bodies such as the Council of Europe, the European Commission, and the UN is evident from her active contribution to their AI-related works. She perceives these bodies as playing a pivotal role in steering the direction of AI in a positive vein, ensuring its development benefits a diverse range of stakeholders.

Drawing from her experience at IBM, she reflects a corporate belief in the crucial importance of human rights within the context of AI technology use. Despite absent regulations in specific areas, IBM has proactively taken steps to respect and safeguard human rights. This underlines the duty that companies need to uphold, ensuring their AI applications comply with human rights guidelines.

Building on IBM’s commitment to responsible AI technology implementation, Francesca discusses the company’s centralised governance for their AI ethics framework. Applied company-wide, this approach implies that it’s pivotal for companies to maintain a holistic approach and framework for AI ethics across all their divisions and operations.

Francesca also emphasises the crucial role of research in both augmenting the capabilities of AI technology and in addressing its current limitations. This supports the notion that on-going research and innovation need to remain at the forefront of AI technology development to fully exploit its potential and manage inherent limitations.

Lastly, Francesca highlights the value of establishing partnerships to confidently navigate the crowded AI field. She fervently advocates for inclusive, multi-stakeholder, and worldwide collaborations. The need for such partnerships arises from the shared requirement for protocols and guidelines, to ensure the harmonious handling of AI matters across borders and industries.

In summary, Francesca accentuates the importance of viewing AI within a social context. She brings attention to matters related to regulation, the function of international institutions, and corporate responsibility. Additionally, she illuminates the significance of research and partnerships in overcoming challenges and amplifying the capabilities of AI technologies.

Daniel Castaño Parra

AI’s deeply integrated role in our societal fabric underscores the profound importance of its regulation, exhibiting promising transformative potential while simultaneously posing challenges. As this transformative technology continues to evolve and permeate various aspects of societal fabric globally, the pressing need for robust, comprehensive regulations to guide its usage and mitigate potential risks becomes increasingly evident.

Focusing attention on Latin America, the task of AI regulation emerges as both promising and challenging. Infrastructure discrepancies across the region, variances in technology usage and access, and a complex web of data privacy norms present considerable obstacles. The diversity of the regional AI landscape necessitates a nuanced approach to regulation, considering the unique characteristics and needs of different countries and populations.

In response to these challenges, specific solutions have been proposed. A primary recommendation is the establishment of a dedicated entity responsible for harmonising AI regulations across the region. This specialist body could provide clarity and consistency in the interpretation and application of AI laws. Additionally, advocating for the creation of technology-sharing platforms could help bridge the gap in technology access across varying countries and communities. A third suggestion involves pooling regional resources for constructing a robust digital infrastructure, bolstering AI capacity and capabilities in the region.

The significance of stakeholder involvement in shaping the AI regulatory dialogue is recognised. A diverse array of voices, incorporating those from varying sectors, backgrounds and perspectives, should actively participate in moulding the AI dialogue. This inclusive, participatory approach could help to ensure that the ensuing regulations are equitable, balanced, and responsive to a range of needs and concerns.

Further, the argument highlights the potential of AI in addressing region-specific challenges in Latin America. The vital role AI can play in delivering healthcare to remote areas, such as Amazonian villages, is stressed, while also being instrumental in predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters. Thus, it strengthens its potential contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals concerning health, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action.

In conclusion, while AI regulation presents significant hurdles, particularly in regions like Latin America, it also unveils vast opportunities. Harnessing the promises of AI and grappling with its associated challenges will demand targeted strategies, proactive regulation, wide-ranging stakeholder involvement, and an unwavering commitment to innovation and societal enhancement.

Arisa Ema

Arisa Ema, who holds distinguished positions in the AI Strategic Council and Japanese government, is an active participant in Japan’s initiatives on AI governance. She ardently advocates for responsible AI and interoperability of AI frameworks. Her commitment aligns with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, showcasing her belief in the potential for technological advancement to drive industry innovation and foster worldwide partnerships for development.

Moreover, Ema underlines the crucial need for empowering users within the domain of AI, striving for power equilibrium. The current power imbalance between AI users and developers is seen as a substantial challenge. Addressing this links directly with achieving SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. According to Ema, a balanced power dynamic can only be achieved when the responsibilities of developers, deployers, and users are equally recognised in AI governance.

Ema also appreciates the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as an indispensable platform for facilitating dialogue among different AI stakeholders. She fiercely supports multi-stakeholder discussions, citing them as vital to AI governance. Her endorsement robustly corresponds with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, as these discussions aim to bolster cooperation for sustainable development.

Ema introduces a fresh perspective on Artificial Intelligence, arguing that AI should be perceived as a system, embracing human beings, and necessitating human-machine interaction rather than a mere algorithm or model. This nuanced viewpoint can significantly impact the pursuit of SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, as it recommends the integration of human-machine interaction and AI.

Furthermore, Ema promotes interdisciplinary discussions on human-AI interaction as a critical requirement to fully understand the societal impact of AI. She poses dialogue to bridge cultural and interdisciplinary gaps as quintessential, given the multi-faceted complexities of AI. These discussions will help in identifying biases entrenched in human-machine systems and provide credible strategies for their elimination.

In conclusion, Arisa Ema’s holistic approach to AI governance encapsulates several pivotal areas; user empowerment, balanced power dynamics, multi-stakeholder discussions, and interdisciplinary dialogues on human-AI interaction. Her comprehensive outlook illuminates macro issues of AI while underscoring the integral role these elements play in sculpting AI governance and functionalities.

Liming Zhu

Australia has placed a significant emphasis on operationalising responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI), spearheaded by initiatives from Data61, the country’s leading digital research network. Notably, Data61 has been developing an AI ethics framework since 2019, serving as a groundwork for national AI governance. Furthermore, Data61 has recently established think tanks to assist the Australian industry in responsibly adopting AI, a move that has sparked a positive sentiment within the field.

In tandem, debates around data governance have underscored the necessity of finding a balance between data utility, privacy, and fairness. While these components are integral to robust data governance, they may involve trade-offs. Advances are thus required to enable decision-makers to make pragmatic choices. The issue of preserving privacy could potentially undermine fairness, introducing complex decisions that necessitate comprehensive strategies.

As part of the quest for responsible AI, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are becoming increasingly prevalent. Efforts are underway to incorporate responsible AI directives with ESG considerations, thereby ensuring that investors can influence the development of more ethical and socially responsible AI systems. This perspective signals a broader understanding of AI’s implications that extend beyond its technical dimensions.

Accountability within supply chain networks is also being highlighted as pivotal in enhancing AI governance. Specifically, advances on AI bills of materials aim to standardise the types of AI used within systems whilst sharing accountability amongst various stakeholders in the supply chain. This marks a recognition of the collective responsibility of stakeholders in AI governance.

In light of the rise of AI in the realm of game theory, exemplified by AlphaGo’s victory in the game of Go, there’s a reassurance that rivalry between AI and humans is not necessarily worrying. Contrary to eliminating human involvement, these advances have instigated renewed interest in such games, leading to a historical high in the number of grandmasters in both Go and Chess.

Highlighting the shared responsibility in addressing potential bias and data unevenness within AI development is vital. The assertion is that decision-making concerning these issues should not be solely the responsibility of developers or AI providers, suggesting that a collective approach may be more beneficial.

In summary, it’s crucial to incorporate democratic decision-making processes into AI operations. This could involve making visible the trade-offs in AI, which would allow for a more informed and inclusive decision-making process. Overall, these discussions shed light on the multifaceted and challenging aspects of responsible AI development and deployment, providing clear evidence of the need for a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to ensure ethical AI governance.


This discourse unfolds numerous vital topics centring on democratic decision-making, human rights, and the survival of the human species from a futuristic perspective, primarily focusing on the speed and agility of decision-making and potential implications on the democratic process. A thoughtful proposal for superseding the conventional democratic process, when deemed necessary for the species’ survival was advanced. This may even necessitate redefining aspects of human rights to better manage unforeseen future challenges.

The discussion also touched on circumstances where democracy could pose certain hurdles, suggesting a more democratic model could be beneficial for overcoming such issues. This proposed approach underlines the idea of a holistic, global consultation for such decision-making scenarios, emphasising the inherent value of democratic ethos in contending with complex problems.

A notable argument for enhanced collaboration was presented, stressing on adopting a concerted, joint problem-solving strategy rather than attempting to solve all problems at once. This suggestion promotes setting clear priorities and addressing each issue effectively, thereby creating a more synergetic solution to thematic global issues.

Within the technology paradigm, concerns were raised about who governs the algorithmic decision-making of major US-based tech companies. The argument underscores the non-transparent nature of these algorithms. Concerns related to potential bias in the algorithms were voiced, considering the deep division on various issues within the United States. There were calls for transparent, unbiased algorithm development to reflect neutrality in policy-making and respect user privacy.

In essence, the conversation revolved around balancing quick, efficient decision-making with the democratic process, the re-evaluation of human rights in the face of future challenges, the importance of joint problem-solving in addressing global issues and maintaining transparency and fairness in technological innovations. The discourse sheds light on the intricate interplay of politics, technology, and human rights in shaping the global landscape and fosters a nuanced understanding of these issues in connection with sustainable development goals.

Ivana Bartoletti

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a potent force brimming with potential for immense innovation and progress. However, it also presents a host of risks, one key issue being the perpetuation of existing biases and inequalities. These problems are particularly evident in areas such as credit provisions and job advertisements aimed at women, illustrating the tangible impact of our current and prospective use of AI. There’s a worrying possibility that predictive technologies could further magnify these biases, leading to self-fulfilling prophesies.

Importantly, addressing bias in AI isn’t merely a technical issue—it’s also a social one and hence necessitates robust social responses. Bias in AI can surface at any juncture of the AI lifecycle, as it blends code, parameters, data and individuals, none of which are innately neutral. This complex combination can inadvertently result in algorithmic discrimination, which might clash with traditional forms of discrimination, underlining the need for a multidimensional approach to tackle this challenge.

To effectively manage these issues, a comprehensive strategy that includes legislative updates, mandatory discrimination risk assessments and an increased emphasis on accountability and transparency is required. By imposing legal obligations on the users of AI systems, we can enforce accountability and regulatory standards that could prevent unintentional bias in AI technologies. Implementing measures for positive action, along with these obligations, could provide a robust framework to combat algorithmic discrimination.

In addition, the introduction of certification mechanisms and use of statistical data can deliver insightful assessments of discriminatory effects, contributing significantly to the strife against bias in AI. Such efforts have the potential to not only minimise the socially harmful impacts of AI, but also reinforce the tremendous potential for progress and innovation AI offers.

In summary, it’s clear that the expansion of AI brings significant risks of bias and inequality. However, by adopting a broad approach that encapsulates both technical and social responses while emphasising accountability and transparency, we can navigate the intricacies of AI technologies and harness their potential for progress and innovation.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressively becoming an influential tool with the ability to transform crucial facets of society, including healthcare diagnostics, financial markets, and supply chain management. Its thorough integration into our societal fabric has been commended for bringing effective solutions to regional issues, such as providing healthcare resources to remote Amazonian villages in Latin America and predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters.

Echoing this sentiment, Thomas, who leads the negotiations for a binding AI treaty at the Council of Europe, asserted that AI systems can serve as invaluable tools if utilised to benefit all individuals without causing harm. This view is reflected by Baltic countries who are also working on their own convention on AI. The treaty is designed to ensure that AI respects and upholds human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, forming a shared value across all nations.

Despite the substantial benefits of AI, the technology is not without its challenges. A significant concern is the bias in AI systems, with instances of algorithmic discrimination replicating existing societal inequalities. For instance, women being unfairly targeted with job adverts offering lower pay and families mistakenly identified as potential fraudsters in the benefits system. In response to this, an urgent call has been made to update non-discrimination laws to account for algorithmic discrimination. These concerns have been encapsulated in a detailed study by the Council of Europe, stressing the urgent need to tackle such bias in AI systems.

In response to these challenges, countries worldwide are developing ethical frameworks to facilitate responsible use of AI. For instance, Australia debuted its AI ethics framework in 2019. This comprehensive framework amalgamates traditional quality attributes with unique AI features and emphasises on operationalising responsible AI.

The necessity for regulation and accountability in AI, especially in areas like supply chain management, was also discussed. The concept of “AI bills of materials” was proposed as a means to trace AI within systems. Another approach to promoting responsible AI is viewing it through an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) lens, emphasising the importance of considering factors such as AI’s environmental footprint and societal impact. Companies like IBM are advocating for a company-wide system overseeing AI ethics and a centralised board capable of making potentially unpopular decisions.

Despite the notable differences between countries regarding traditions, cultures, and laws governing AI management, focusing on international cooperation remains a priority. Such collaborative endeavours aim to bridge the technological gap through the creation of technology sharing platforms and encouraging a multi-stakeholder approach in treaty development. This cooperation spirit is embodied by the Council of Europe coordinating with diverse organisations like UNESCO, OECD, and OSCE.

In conclusion, while technological advances in AI have led to increased efficiency and progress, the need for robust regulation, international treaties, and data governance is more significant than ever. It is crucial to ensure that the use and benefits of AI align with its potential impact on human rights, preservation of democracy, and promotion of positive innovation.


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