University Diploma South School on Internet Governance | IGF 2023 Launch / Award Event #9

12 Oct 2023 00:30h - 01:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Adrián Carballo, Director – South School on Internet Governance
  • Oscar Messano, CCAT LAT – Centro de CapacitaciĂłn en Alta TecnologĂ­a para AmĂ©rica Latina y el Caribe -Civil Society
  • Alfredo Iglesias, Dean of Ingeneering Faculty – University of Mendoza – Argentina – Academy
  • Cláudio Lucena, Profesor Universidad Estadual da ParaĂ­ba – Brasil – Academy
  • Sandy Palma, Honduras Cibersegura – Civil Society – Academy
  • Mark Datysgeld, GNSO Council Member – Brasil – Academy
  • Olga Cavalli, Director of the South School on Internet Governance

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Mark Datysgeld

The South School on Internet Governance is highly respected for its unique and inclusive approach to training. It caters to a larger cohort while providing ample support, which sets it apart from other programs that either cater to highly specific audiences or leave students to self-learning. This approach makes the South School invaluable in internet governance training. The positive sentiment surrounding the South School stems from its ability to strike a balance in catering to a broader audience while still offering the necessary support.

On the other hand, traditional models of training in internet governance face scalability problems when it comes to mass training needs. These models typically consist of closed courses with high participation requirements or self-taught courses with no support. Both of these models are unable to handle large numbers of students. For example, when faced with the challenge of training 200 journalists and 300 lawyers, the current traditional models fall short.

The South School, however, has shown its effectiveness in training large numbers of individuals. It is capable of handling mass training needs, making it a valuable solution. The success of the South School’s experiment of holding the training in the Brazilian countryside further demonstrates its ability to overcome challenges. Despite facing infrastructural obstacles, the event was attended by many foreigners, and local students were able to participate remotely. This successful and transformative experiment validates the South School’s approach to internet governance training.

Additionally, the South School plays a crucial role in qualifying individuals for other programs such as ICANN’s Fellowship or NextGen. By providing the necessary knowledge and skills, the South School empowers individuals to apply for these prestigious programs. It acts as a stepping stone, enabling individuals to take on more challenges and further their involvement in internet governance.

In summary, the South School on Internet Governance stands out for its unique and inclusive approach to training. It effectively caters to a larger audience while providing the necessary support, setting it apart from traditional models. Its success in handling mass training needs and transformative experiment in the Brazilian countryside highlight its capabilities. The South School also acts as a gateway to other programs, qualifying individuals for opportunities in the field of internet governance.

Cláudio Lucena

The South School of Internet Governance plays a pivotal role in promoting and advancing knowledge about internet governance. One of its key successes lies in its ability to engage students, universities, and civil society in understanding the importance of internet governance. By disseminating the concept to diverse stakeholders, the school contributes to a broader understanding of the digital ecosystem and its impact on various sectors of society.

Furthermore, the school has made notable efforts to expand its reach beyond the main capitals, a move that has positively affected local communities. By bringing the school to different regions, it is able to reach a wider audience and give individuals from various backgrounds the opportunity to participate and learn. The commitment and hard work required to make this expansion possible exemplify the school’s dedication to ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

The school’s focus on research and debate in Europe and DC has provided valuable space for dialogue and exploration. However, it is also important to engage with the Latin American environment, as this region presents unique challenges and opportunities in the field of internet governance. By actively seeking to bridge this gap, the school demonstrates its commitment to addressing global internet governance issues comprehensively.

In the larger context, internet governance is understood to be a crucial aspect of our modern digital lives. The digital ecosystem is ever-evolving, and having effective internet governance policies and practices is essential in ensuring a sustainable, secure, and inclusive digital environment. The South School of Internet Governance, along with other similar institutions, plays a significant role in fostering this understanding and promoting the importance of internet governance.

In conclusion, the South School of Internet Governance stands as an influential institution that engages stakeholders, expands access to knowledge, and promotes a deeper understanding of internet governance. Through its efforts to reach diverse communities, facilitate research and debate, and promote the concept of internet governance as a vital part of our digital lives, the school continues to make significant contributions to the field.


Osvaldo expresses his sincere gratitude for the partnership established with the university in the second semester of 2021. He wholeheartedly finds the experience to be extremely attractive, emphasizing the positive impact it has had on his work and professional development. The partnership has provided Osvaldo with valuable resources, support, and opportunities for growth in the field of education.

Furthermore, Osvaldo firmly believes that this fruitful initiative should continue and expand in the future. He specifically highlights the importance of the diploma format in contributing to the training and development of human resources. This format has proven to be effective in imparting crucial skills and knowledge to individuals in the education sector, equipping them with the necessary tools to make a meaningful impact.

Moreover, Osvaldo affirms the university’s unwavering commitment to maintain a collaborative approach. This commitment inspires confidence in the sustainability and further progress of the partnership. The university’s dedication to working together hand in hand ensures that both parties will continue to benefit from each other’s expertise, ideas, and resources.

In conclusion, Osvaldo’s sentiment towards the partnership with the university is overwhelmingly positive. The initiatives undertaken by the university have created a profound impact on Osvaldo’s work and professional journey, giving him a deep sense of appreciation. This partnership has opened doors to new ideas, possibilities, and growth, establishing a strong foundation for continued collaboration and mutual success. The positive sentiment expressed by Osvaldo reflects the immense value and potential of such partnerships in achieving the goal of quality education.


Olga Cavalli discusses her team’s work and partnerships in the field of internet governance and professional development. Her team consists of individuals responsible for various aspects such as video management, webmastering, and mentorship. They have been continuously contributing since 2014 and have received positive feedback for their efforts. Their work, particularly in collaboration with a university in Mendoza, has been highly regarded.

During the discussion, Maria, an audience member, congratulates the initiative, recognizing its importance in preparing diverse voices for quality participation. This highlights the significance of the initiative, particularly in reducing inequalities. Maria then inquires about the future expansion plans of the initiative, expressing curiosity about the integration of other voices from the Global South.

In response to Maria’s question, it is revealed that the School of Internet Governance initiative is developing new formats and content aimed at a deeper understanding of specific topics. They have also partnered with a university in Buenos Aires to offer Fortinet certifications to students who meet the evaluation criteria. This showcases their commitment to quality education and the development of individuals from the Global South or the developing world.

Moreover, the audience suggests incorporating contemporary themes like digital governance or AI governance into the curriculum. This suggestion, made by the coordinator of the Bangladesh School of Internet Governance, indicates the audience’s appreciation for the initiative and their desire to stay updated with emerging trends in the field.

In conclusion, Olga Cavalli and her team have made significant contributions in the area of internet governance and professional development. Their partnerships, positive feedback, and efforts to expand and include diverse voices from the Global South demonstrate their commitment to quality education and reduced inequalities. The audience’s suggestions further highlight the importance of staying up to date with contemporary themes in the ever-evolving field of internet governance.

Raitme Citterio

In a recent discussion, Raitme Citterio eloquently emphasized the importance and numerous benefits of participating in an internet school. Citterio highlighted how being part of the internet community and engaging with various related aspects allowed him to gain a comprehensive understanding of his Caribbean colleagues’ vision, thus broadening his educational perspective.

Citterio’s argument puts forth the notion that internet schools provide invaluable opportunities for students to interact with a global community and broaden their knowledge base. By actively participating in online education, individuals can experience firsthand the advantages of being part of a larger network of learners. This connectivity fosters a sense of camaraderie among students from diverse backgrounds, ultimately enriching the educational experience.

The speaker’s appreciation and gratitude shine through in his stance, as he expresses profound thanks for the chance to participate in such an internet school. This sentiment not only reflects Citterio’s personal experience but also echoes the gratitude felt by many others who have had the opportunity to engage with online educational platforms.

Overall, the speakers in this discussion have a positive sentiment towards participation in internet schools, acknowledging the crucial role they play in achieving SDG 4 – Quality Education. The emphasis on the benefits derived from being part of the internet community further highlights the significance of these schools in fostering inclusive, accessible, and quality education for all. The sharing of ideas, perspectives, and visions among colleagues across the globe contributes to a holistic educational approach that prepares students for a globalized world.

This analysis sheds light on the profound impact of participating in an internet school, emphasizing its role in nurturing critical thinking, fostering cultural understanding, and promoting collaboration among students. Furthermore, it underscores the potential of these educational platforms to empower individuals and societies by equipping them with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital age.

Mariela Ovaldo

Upon analysing the statements, several key points emerged. Firstly, one speaker expressed their pleasure in working with the team, emphasising that it has been a positive and challenging experience since last year. However, this claim lacks specific evidence to support it.

Another speaker expressed optimistic expectations for Diplo this year, especially in regard to the students. It was mentioned that they anticipate a group of students who will collaborate with Diplo and produce high-quality work. Although no supporting evidence was given, this speaker’s positive sentiment suggests a belief in the capabilities of the students.

Lastly, gratitude was expressed towards Olga and the team, acknowledging the opportunity to participate and contribute. However, no further details were provided regarding the specific collaboration or work they have done together.

Overall, the sentiment of all the speakers was positive, with each expressing satisfaction or optimism in their respective contexts. However, the analysis lacks specific evidence or examples to further support these assertions. Consequently, questions may arise regarding the depth and validity of the speakers’ experiences.

In conclusion, the speakers’ statements highlight various positive aspects, including the pleasure of working with a team, high expectations for student collaboration and work, and gratitude towards the team. Nevertheless, the analysis would benefit from additional evidence or examples to strengthen and enhance the veracity of these claims.

Olga Cavalli

The South School of Internet Governance, established in 2009, aims to enhance Latin America’s participation in internet governance processes. It offers three stages of training, including online courses, one-week intensives, and research opportunities. Notably, the school has been recognised by the WSIS prizes for its capacity building efforts. It has expanded its student base globally and now includes students from countries like Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Haiti, Iran, Jamaica, Mali, and Zambia. The recent collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires allows students to receive university diplomas. The school offers engineering degrees with a focus on internet-related topics like cybersecurity and the impact of the internet on the economy. Collaboration and teamwork are valued, and individuals like Carolina, Don Osvaldo, and Raidme are appreciated for their contributions. Sandy, a cybersecurity specialist, is commended for her professional growth. Challenges, such as limited budgets for travel, have been faced, but the team remains resilient. Cláudio Lucena recognises the importance of understanding internet governance in the digital ecosystem. Mark and Claudio Lucena’s commitment to the school is admired. Raidme, a former fellow, continues to be a valuable team member. Efforts are being made to include voices from the Global South in the school’s activities. Overall, the South School of Internet Governance is dedicated to providing high-quality education and building capacity in internet governance.

Sandy Palma

The school counselor’s experience in Buenos Aires was extremely positive and transformative, leaving a lasting impact on her professional development. By participating in the program, she not only enhanced her professional profile but also acquired a vast knowledge network in the field of cybersecurity from around the world. This experience allowed her to maintain regular professional contacts with colleagues working in cybersecurity globally.

In addition to her experience in Buenos Aires, the counselor made significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity by creating and contributing to Honduras Cybersecura, a free-support association focused on raising awareness of cybersecurity issues and preventing cybercrime among schools, parents, and both public and private sectors. Her involvement in this association was inspired by her school experience and the belief that unshared knowledge is lost knowledge.

The impact of the school program on the counselor’s professional growth in cybersecurity cannot be overstated. She credits her participation in the program as the foundation of her professional growth in cybersecurity. The program equipped her with valuable skills and knowledge, enabling her to receive numerous awards and be recognized as the Top Women Cybersecurity Latin American by ONCE for two consecutive years.

Furthermore, the counselor emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and continued participation in the school program. She hopes that the program will continue for many more years, as it has opened up opportunities for her, particularly as a woman in a country where such opportunities were limited. This commitment to lifelong learning is a testament to her dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in cybersecurity and continuing her professional growth.

Overall, the counselor’s experience in Buenos Aires and her involvement in the cybersecurity field have had a profound and positive impact on her professional profile, growth, and contributions. Her story serves as an inspiration, highlighting the significance of seizing opportunities, creating networks, and embracing lifelong learning for success in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity.

Carolina Gonzalez

The Universidad de Mendoza offers a range of engineering degrees, including disciplines such as telecommunications, computer science, electronics, and bioengineering. The university prioritizes topics related to internet governance in their curriculum, giving importance to subjects like cybercrime, security, privacy, and the economic impact of the internet. This ensures that students are well-prepared to navigate the evolving landscape of internet governance.

The university actively participates in activities and events related to internet governance, demonstrating their commitment to staying involved and up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. Furthermore, the university values student participation and considers it an honour. They are advocates for student engagement and encourage students to take advantage of opportunities such as the South School of Internet Governance.

The Universidad de Mendoza’s involvement in the South School of Internet Governance is considered both relevant and beneficial. By incorporating internet governance into their courses, the university not only prepares students for the challenges and opportunities in this field, but also contributes to the advancement of knowledge and collaboration in internet governance in Latin America. Carolina Gonzalez expresses her gratitude towards the team of the Internet Governance School, emphasizing the honour she feels in being part of such a esteemed institution.

In conclusion, the Universidad de Mendoza stands out for its focus on internet governance in Latin America and its commitment to providing quality education in engineering disciplines. The university’s involvement in the South School of Internet Governance further solidifies its reputation as an institution that values student participation and embraces the latest developments in internet governance.


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